Games boring without his trolling, and he causes more trouble when banned, cause he creates smurfs that mess elo balance
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We shall find those smurfy rats and go from house to house, from road to road, from river to river with rave music.
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 brrolegI find it less amusing to get defeated being on the team as him, rather than get defeated with newbies. Statistically he tries to lose entire team on purpose more than most of newbies, who play naturally bad.
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i do belive once i made a post saying something along the lines of: 'if you keep baning trolls, all you will get is pissed off trolls on smurf acouts' quote: I find it less amusing to get defeated being on the team as him, rather than get defeated with newbies. Statistically he tries to lose entire team on purpose more than most of newbies, who play naturally bad. |
err his elo is set to 1250, thats nubtanium retard level. you could actively try to kill your teamates at that level and still have a 50%< chance to win... hell i won a 8v8 game with 1300 elo smurf acount by spaming solars all game (300 of them)
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He is very easy to get upset, I remember when he ragequit 97.77% of games, if: a) His com dies. b) His singulairy dies. c) His silencer dies. d) His factory dies. The list goes on.
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This last time he was banned because he roached the comm of someone who reclaimed his commander wreck. Yeah. He teamkilled because someone took 'his' reclaim. He is just a child, really. Most trolls are, they get very indignant and angry when frustrated by the world around them, and lash out blindly. They're not even malicious, really, just children with too much power who don't know how to relate to the world around them. It's a little bit sad that people can be punished so many times (And mark my words, not being able to rush singus, make nukes or morph trollcomms is a punishment) and still learn nothing.
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Oh yeah. "His reclaim"... Why not play ffa instead then? He sticks to teams, but he hates everyone... lol.
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"This last time he was banned because he roached the comm of someone who reclaimed his commander wreck. Yeah. He teamkilled because someone took 'his' reclaim." Well, I think one has to also look at the other side. He asked not to reclaim his commander. And the other party did reclaim his commander on purpose just to annoy, also kickvoted him then. Only after the kick he rejoined and roached the commander of the person who kicked him. Also I think he likes FFA games and plays when there is one (and wins them quite often).
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sfireman: bringing BA to ZK
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In Max Payne 3 cheaters are not banned but instead they can only play with other cheaters: zK needs that too, but for griefers!
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quote: Maybe zK needs that too, but for griefers! |
Considering how easy is to grief here, everyone would eventually get there, so we would need a griefer pol inside the griefer pool, and so on Grieferception.
+0 / -0
yea! make own lolgame host limited to trolls! the game would be then like
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quote: Considering how easy is to grief here, everyone would eventually get there, so we would need a griefer pol inside the griefer pool, and so on Grieferception. |
This is simply not true. The overwhelming majority of reports and bans are held by only a handful of players. I've somehow managed to play for 2 years now with a single report, which, btw, is from sfireman reporting me for banning him. Please understand that just because you can't resist trolling it doesn't mean that everyone else can't, too.
+0 / -0
   Saktoth: He is just a child, really. (...) They're not even malicious, really, just children with too much power who don't know how to relate to the world around them |
There is a reason for age-restrictions. Too bad that some people's mind-age is not coherent to their physical age, so that it don't suit to all. Maybe we need some upbringing battle rooms here, where players can only command an AI which plays for them? :)
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He asked for the commander to not be reclaimed: It died on the front-line, ressurect is difficult, expensive and you can easily lose the wreck in that time. He IMMEDIATELY threatened to roach the players commander, set roaches to guard the comm, and was votekicked for the threat. When he rejoined, he blew the roaches up. Yes that's bannable... There are 3-4 players who have 10+ bans each, they're repeat offenders, most are in the TROLOLO clan. Trolls like to say 'This is the internet, people will abuse the system.' well any system can be abused by someone determined enough, we can limit that but what they don't realise is that they're in the minority by abusing it, this is not 'the internet', this is them.
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laughs at the fact taht 1/3 of the top 10 and 1/5 of the top 20 is made up of trolls* * members of troll clan or trololo, or people who get banned for stupid shit by the mods** mostly the mods with suprisingly low elo, like elo<1500... you have to ask why people let these noobs be mods?
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Because they don't behave like frustrated children.
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