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Uncle Sam Mod gives you 20m/s, mexes disabled :)

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Uncle Sam's factory gives you +20m/s additionally to your com income (+4m/s)
* It also gives +5e/s for the case you lost your com and have only a con left
* It increases the m storage to 1000 and the e storage to 5000 - because you have no OD
* The USF is invincible and not targeted by default (like PW stuff)

Great for FFA if you don't want eco spam!

It also has grid range (1250), sight range (1000, razzor range) and sonar (750) but no weapons on it's own and will spawn near your commander (fixed starts) or in your ally-teams start box (start boxes).

Download test version here: http://www.filedropper.com/zksamv1136_1 --was 11212

Depends on Zero-K:
You can change this dependency easily in modinfo.lua

* Slowly increase income as time passes.
* Make sure that it is affected by metal mult and the only affected.
* Some weapons (Chainsaw, Screamer, Bertha) don't link to grid - why?

### UPDATE -> ###

It is nearly finished, I only have to fix/adjust some constants.

### Some game/balance changes (only for unclesam, not for main-zk!): ###

Reclaim of a finished building will give you 70% metal (instead 50%) back, but costs 70% energy (m/e of build cost; still subtracts damage %)
* This is to address the generally low metal availability.

Mexes are now used as seismic power plants (only on metal spots)
* They cost 200m, have 900 hp and produce 10 energy (1.5 times as much as solars)
* This makes m spots still usefull, but not necessary - still first alpha-balance!

Solars - buff the strengths, nerf the weakness:
* 75m->150m, 2e/s->3e/s, 500hp->1100hp, 4*armor->5*armor, 50 Storage (16.7s of own income, new)
* Because solars are the worst energy source per cost and with seismic power plants somehow redundant, they got something to stabilize your economy - I am open for better ideas!

Energy Pylon - useless for Overdrive, so it got:
* 200m->500m, 1000hp (weak/cost!), 500->1000 pylon range, 10'000e storage == ~47'500 shield charge
* This is subject to change if it is too OP/UP - remember that you still have to build enough shields to convert your energy!

Metal Storage - more solid:
* 100m->150m, 700hp->2000hp, 500->750m storage, e-storage removed
* 1.5 times cost seems much more reasonable if you get a storage which can survive some bomb drop for it.

ALL DEFENSES - except Lotus/Defender and closeable ones will require energy grid
* For Stinger and Flaks, etc only a few solars or 1 seismic power plant.

Torpedo Launcher - Sinks, don't float, but requires energy grid to stop aggressive porc-push.
* Scaled down to half dps(50), half hp(1000), half cost(130m).
* Because sea is hard enough to defend and you can always make shields.

Welder - the tankish con:
* costs 450m, 4250hp, 12.5 build power, can repair itself, 50->100dps.
* you will not expand fast, but also won't lose your tank-cons to 3-4 bandits.

* Will sink under waterline, but not to ground because Aspis do it too.

Added kamikaze-sub, shotgun-hover, medium-gauss-hover, funnelweb-spider, assault-ship, heavy-defense-turret to build list.

Zenit - The longest range super weapon.
* All other super weapons have 2000 dps, but Zenit had only 1400.
* So I gave it 160->550 AOE and 9'000->15'000 range but only 500dmg per second to break high tall things under shields.
* 15k range isn't too op on it's own if you look at nukes - but still subject to experiment and change :P

* Pylon link for static AA and some special cases still undone.
* The most afford I will currently spend on adjusting the PURE_RANDOMNESS, CENTER_AVOIDANCE and FAIRNESS constants for the asteroid spawn function and improving the function itself.

NOTE: Astroids have 40m instead of 10m, so it will give 40m/s or 14min,36s payback - but everybody else will attack you with dets before it pays back XD.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0
11 years ago

But... FFA is all about eco spam!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
seems interesting...
+0 / -0

11 years ago


eco spam?

so you made a game without expansion, where you can just sit in your impenetrable porcpbaes without enemy being able to outexpand you, and without having to protect any fragile eco structures?

good job.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
With no incentive to expand or take territory, and a fixed metal income meaning that you can never brute-force an enemies defences and every unit lost puts you behind, the game can only be an incredibly horrible porcfest.

Feel free to try it though because I'd like to see if my prediction bears out.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
no, I made a game where smart ppls win, not lucky ppls.

Imagine Ulti vs 2 annis in a row
And then attack with dante and rez ulti, reclaim the porc base.
+0 / -0
Imagine same with cloaked flea perimeter and a tiny terraform moat. Theorycraft ftw.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
smart people porc up and build starlight or detri, so still horrible porcfest.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i like porc fest
+0 / -0
11 years ago
AUrankAdminSaktoth This causes people to focus entirely on the battle with comparatively little emphasis put on the economy. Plus, those who rely on porc are at even greater effect from the rule of 'Statics vs. Stationaries', where building defense typically just means you tie your metal down to a single spot rather than keeping it mobile. How are you going to defeat your enemy with only turrets?

This will put more emphasis on reclaim, resurrection and fighting smart - you won't be able to afford just throwing units into the fight with abandon, or be dilettante with your responses just because you have a greater income. Since everyone is equal, the only thing that matters is pure skill.

At least, that's how it seems to me. Time will tell if I'm proven wrong. In any case, I'm definitely looking forward to giving this a shot; thanks, AFK_Kitty!
+0 / -0
Statics vs. Stationaries

Do you mean artillery? Here's an Annihilator for you. And a Behemoth just to add insult to injury, so that the porcbase can oneshot-snipe the only mobile land unit that reliably outranges Anni.

means you tie your metal down to a single spot rather than keeping it mobile

Why do you need mobiles, if there is nothing worth killing? Remember, all his economy - production, energy, storage, everything - is an invulnerable and unattackable factory.

There are no spread-out defense lines. His entire force will be safely in one place. You cannot concentrate and penetrate with a pack of ravagers, for example, because his stuff is already just as concentrated.

How are you going to defeat your enemy with only turrets?

Bertha. Nuke. Starlight.

fighting smart

Which is: kill attackers with porc at zero losses; reclaim wrecks.

I'm definitely looking forward to giving this a shot

If this gets played, i'd like replays.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
maybe statics could become a bigger footprint, so that it is usefull to make units instead

But if you keep your force mobile (like with Athena), you can cloak everything...
We only need a mobile energy generator ...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What about caretaker and rector spam?Will they give metal and energy?If i built fusions will it increase a bit the m income?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Conswarm economy still remains open, yes.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It will play similar to FastestMapForever where eco is also about +20m/s and theoretically constant because you can't OD.
In practice it will all be about spamming nanos and cons and porc until you have enough to rush superunits and superweapons.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Will love to plan vs player with porc base and no unit = me make emp missile silo and win :)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
moronic noob fodder for the people who like no-metal speedmetal
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It will play similar to FastestMapForever where eco is also about +20m/s and theoretically constant because you can't OD.
or people top playing 16 player matches so there are actually empty spaces where you can expand to, to grow eco.
In practice that will never happen because 0k is all lolsized matches on 1v1 maps Multiplayer B155469 23 on Intersection_v3 etc so any strategy or balance has left the room long ago anyway :/
+0 / -0
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