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Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!

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12 years ago
Not sure if someone where read manga, but did just found this one:

"In August of 20XX, a portal to a parallel world, known as the "Gate", suddenly appeared in Ginza, Tokyo. Monsters and troops poured out of the portal, turning the shopping district into a bloody inferno.

The Japan Ground-Self Defence Force immediately took action and pushed the fantasy creatures back to the "Gate". To facilitate negotiations and prepare for future fights, the JGSDF dispatched the Third Reconnaissance Team to the "Special Region" at the other side of the Gate."

Did like the focus of what would could happen in the begin if actual modern world did met a medieval fantasy one.

Do you guys know of another manga with same focus?
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no, when i read that manga i thought it was pretymuch the most unique manga i ever read.

it still is unfortunately...

but i can sugest a few others that are of the same quality, but probably not the same genere...

http://mangafox.me/search/author/YOSHITOMI+Akihito/ (evrything by this guy)
http://mangafox.me/manga/franken_fran/ (and evrything else this guy wrote)
http://mangafox.me/manga/yume_tsukai/ (and evrything else this guy wrote)

there are lots more, but these are the ones i can think of from the top of my head

also heavy object is a good, but only the actual books
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12 years ago
So only @[EXPLETIVE_REDACTED] and I read manga in this forum?
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I just read all 19 chapters of "Gate - [etc]" on your recommendation, so no, you're not the only one.

EDIT: my impression is "Interesting premise and concept, ok execution, scan resolution could be better". Overall meh to passable.
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12 years ago
scan resolution could be better

Agree, to get it better you could try to zoom in, or get it from /ak/ scanlations mediafire:

And this not really a scan, the raw if free distributed at internet like a web-comic:

Like Onepunch-Man do it too:
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its a gurl!
thats the first thing i noticed XD

:D epic main character, i hope this manga follows this trend.
this is like the third time ive seen a manga where the protaganist is a FUCKING AWSOME BADASS THAT CAN NOT BE BEAT!!

some more good manga
http://mangafox.me/manga/pandora_a_death_jr_manga/ (silly manga)

just a side not i realla dont care much for art, but i do love manga with a good plot...

btw: this http://mangafox.me/manga/shinigami_trilogy/
my favorite manga of all time (its the first manga to make me rofl)
actualy koi neko by this guy is good too...(but maybe thats because Urist McDdab has been adopted by cleo(female cat))

nooo I have been decived that wasnt a little boy with cat ears, in a sailor uniform and tights!!!
oh well, I STILL WANT ONE!

(yes ddab has found chocolate cake in tescos)
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
lol im on the 15th chapter and i have noticed something suspicious...
none of the caracters have any suspicious bulges in the crotch area(except the crab dude), i suspect all the characters in this manga must be flat chested girls! AWSOME!
(or realy realy small(not as awsome, but meh))

+0 / -0
Hellsing LTrank[pikts]wolas?

If you want another good terror manga try:

Well manga is made by Japaneses, so them copy themselves to the manga.
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i read all of helsing, and most other common manga

http://mangafox.me/manga/wakusei_no_samidare/ (biscuit hammer!)
http://mangafox.me/manga/majin_tantei_nougami_neuro/ (neuro)

some really good manga that are just as good as hellsing

a verry good vampire manga (the only one other then helsing that i liked)

http://mangafox.me/manga/sisterism/ (silly yuri manga)

there is a distinct lack of yaoi manga in my colection, because although they ocasinaly make me laugh, none of them are really worth recomending (they almost uniformaly have a poor storyline(way to focused on being erotic...))
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12 years ago
Good vampire manga too:
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:D http://mangafox.me/manga/mahou_shoujo_of_the_end/
this one! as usual the protagonist is a noob that is on the floor crying by the third page... and hes a guy, but never mind. the magical girls in this manga will endeavour their hardest to SMASH HIS FACE IN (using high esplosive umbrella maces) so its all good
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12 years ago
this manga is wonderfull too, but verry strange
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The Voynich Hotel

Think you will like [EXPLETIVE_REDACTED] (or anyone, its good).
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11 years ago
:O i was just reading that like 5 minutes ago myself
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11 years ago
@[DOOP]fortaleza Gate. Read everything in 4 hours. Didn't sleep much 'cause of that.

Thank you for a nice manga recommendation, will keep reading this.
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11 years ago
Gate is making me lol. It's nice of them to have pages like this so I know not to take the manga seriously and can adjust my expectations accordingly.

Any good cyberpunk/milSF/space opera manga to recommend?
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@kr you know i really cant think of any good ones, that kinda troubles me

the closest ot a space opera is maybe Tetsuwan Birdy, but i cant think of any more, that actively involve spacetravel as a theme

an intresting short i read
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Cyberpunk i only know some old, but good ones:

Akira: (EPIC, first Anime/Manga i did see)

Eden: It's an Endless World!: (good too)

Blame!: (good, not sure if art your style, a little slow)

Battle Angel Alita: (lots of fights)
Part 1:
Part 2:

Biomega: (same author was Blame!, feels a little rushed)

Lots say "Ghost in the Shell" and "Appleseed" are good too.

Space Opera, the close one i remember is this:

Sidonia no Kishi: (same author was Blame)
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Did like this one.
People are transported to a fantasy world full of gigantic mushrooms.
Truly a "Crapsaccharine World".

Brain surgeon Minakata Jin has slipped back through time to Edo (Samurai?) period. Equipped with modern medical knowledge, he faces various fatal diseases and injuries, his surgical knife carves out a new history.
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