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PA and Zero-K

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12 years ago
in some months PA(planetary annihilation) will be finished, a game with 3d-maps and solar systems. i would like to see zero-k ported to this engine as a modification, because the spring engine is good, but dont provide 3d-maps(planets etc.). i also like the idea of expensive asteroid mining and such gameenders as asteroid bombs. i think we should make the zero-k content ready for PA so we can play zero-k as a 3rd-generation-RTS.it dont think it will be difficult, because all 3d-models and animations are existing, and we only have to integrate solar system related units, like unit cannons(moon carriers), asteroid thrusters and space transports. pls tell me whether you like this idea, and whether you want to help porting it to PA when PA is finished.
+0 / -1
12 years ago
Personaly i dont, PA has too large a scale, and dose not seem like a feasible game (in terms of playability). Its a great gimic but i dont think it will be playable unless there are some serious inprovments to the standard ui that rts games use.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
this improvements WILL BE there. in the trailer, you see some of the ui. i think it will be a good game. of course, its the begin of a new rts generation. there WILL be some problems, but it will be improved and be playable.
+0 / -1
I don't think this is ever going to happen. It would mean a rewrite from scratch (scripts etc) and probably take ages (IF the PA engine is able to everything the spring engine can do)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
the trailer didnt seem to have any ui in there, it was just cinematic crap...

if you need to controll 48 bases on 6 planets and 37 asteroids at the same time

you will need god level of automation or ui
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What problems? What scale? theres 3d maps. thats about it. 3d maps and ways to fly between them, and they can collide. The scale doesnt change very much besides isolation between planetoids.

Very little change needed to the ui, a way to select planets, and a way to zoom between planetside and solarsystem side. This concept is already implemented in these TA derived games, so the only real change is the ability to wrap the map around the planet, and thats an intuitive thing already.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
crack has a good point, playing rts on spherical maps is a headache...

imagins starting evry game rights smack dab in the middle of the map with all your enemies surounding you
+0 / -0
12 years ago
lol why on earth would you have 6 planets and 37 asteroids? have you ever even built 37 porc bases in a single game?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This game you describe would not be Zero-K. It would also defeat the point of Zero-K, putting our open-source content into a proprietary engine.

I don't know about the moddability of PA but I doubt this is possible anyway.

The content is free and you are welcome to use it, so I suggest you start working on that. It's a very large effort and I wish you luck.
+0 / -0
lol why on earth would you have 6 planets and 37 asteroids? have you ever even built 37 porc bases in a single game?

cause if you dont your enemy will hav 11 planets and 74 asteroids...

its like saying why would you build more then 3 mex on ccr?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
1. PA IS moddable, this was one of the first said things about it.

2. the UI changes are possible, it will be much harder to balance unit cannons, thrusters, asteroid mining etc.

3. i cant start with it yet because i dont own a beta/alpha version of PA, and i dont know how i can make a mod for it without having played it/having viewed its files

4. i cant make any 3d-models, im bad at modelling. so you must give me the models, and i will try to balance it before PA is finished

5. PA is a 3rd gen rts, which means it WILL BE hard to play in the firts days/months. but then it will be great!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
3rd generation RTS? What does that mean?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And what about being 'Third gen' excuses it being hard to play? (And it's not going to be hard to play, Expletive is just extrapolating out how hard Zero-K is to play into a far larger scale than PA will ever take place- PA will probably be easier to play than Zero-K, because you don't have to manually dodge rockets).

All you're really going to be able to use from Zero-K is art assets and design ideas. If you think our art assets are even worth porting, I suggest you start there. Go to the development site, look at the source, get a version of upspring and extract the files out. If you don't give up by the time you have converted 1/20th of the units to PA's native format (before animation) then kudos to you.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It would be a ton of work, even if you were only porting over models and animation for PA gameplay in a ZK skin. (For starters, you would probably need to rewrite every animation from scratch, and many models are in the spring-specific s3o format)

And the benefit is rather marginal, if existent, for everyone. ZK loses the benefit of an open-source engine. Players lose just about all the things in ZK they like, unless all the hundreds of thousands of scripting was ported or rewritten. PA players just see a version of PA with a mishmashed community-sourced style of artwork.

Interesting idea, but it is never going to happen.
+0 / -0
It would make more sense to port zero-k to the blender game engine than the PA engine. Even then the whole game would have to be ported from Lua to Python, and maps would not be compatible.
Although the advantage would be that BGE is a more modern engine than spring and could support PA style gameplay.
+0 / -0
3rd generation RTS? What does that mean?



I wish good luck to you if you really going to try it, Devs will probably help you if you have some doubt about something, but i do not think them will code anything for you, even feature request take a LONG TIME to get implemented (if them are implemented at all), so a request for them to port the game seen unrealistic.

Anyway, when the game finally get released and have mod tools, some Dev may fall in love with the engine and may help you, you have too wait to see, but still too soon to talk about it IMO.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
omg i agree with GBrankFireEagle its a great game engine

would make more sense to port to BGE then to the PA engine

BGE seems better for that purpose
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Are there any RTS games made with blender yet? Besides the odd tech demo here and there?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you are going to spend the effort to port ZK, the best engine to port to would be Cryengine or UDK... As for blender, it seems to not be very powerful and difficult to do complex tasks. I haven't messed with BGE much though, so I may be wrong.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
@[S]TheDarkKiller you are free to do so for most of the models but I don't see the point. I have a better idea.

If you really want 'ZK' with planets it would seem simpler to use the PA art which is already animated etc... and rebalance it to 'ZK like gameplay' however you define that. This would take a lot of modding in terms of the mechanics and UI if you want to add everything from ZK such as jumpjets, overdrive, priority, terraforming, capture, teleporting...

I doubt this would be possible for many weak reasons. What we have done takes a lot of flexibility and callins within the engine many which have been added alongside ZK development. From what I hear commercial games which can be used as engines (ie, not commercial game engines) tend to have poor or haphazard moddability. There have been game project posted on the Spring forums which are considering moving to Spring after coming across laughable limitations of their engine. So even though PA should be high up on the moddability scale I doubt you could implement everything.
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