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13 years ago
Please eliminate the desire of porcing it is completely retarted make all the defence items near useless plz. Thanks
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Lets set all the defences' DRP to 1 XD
+0 / -0
13 years ago
nerf flash plz
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It's easy to beat a dedicated porcer, that is if they don't have a much larger economy. By dedicated I mean no unit support.

If you dislike porcing play on larger maps, the small cramped teamgames are good for porcing as if you do the calculation there are often enough players per team that they can make 1 HLT each and cover the map. The map terrain is also important.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
best antiporc is emp missile + raiders (have been nuked like that many times DOH) And always forgot to use same thing...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Best way is to skuttle LLTs and to mass Fleas to kill Stardust. Annihilator is countered with Dante.

Wishing good luck. May you do well and show them who's the noob!
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> Fleas to kill Stardust
Don't be silly, Dirtbag is best against stardust. It's gun is so close to the ground that you can just prevent it from firing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Not if you terraform a hill and place it there.

But we should place the weapon at a higher point, make it longer, and give it a better ability to fire direct below it's position.

Better aiming would also be nice against gunships.

Isn't it a cheaper short range version of flak?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
The only porc that bothers me is mt farms. Sure, they aren't too hard to kill, but they are so cheap that they usually make cost in their first volley, and they have plenty of range to boot.

And I see plenty of top players farming teh mt farms in 1v1 even.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> Don't be silly, Dirtbag is best against stardust.
Don't be silly, jump- and spider fac don't have Dirtbags. Maybe where you live.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Don't be stupid - use arty
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Skasi was joking, that is the opposite of what you should do...

+0 / -0
13 years ago
What's about a digger unit?

dig = morph to a unit without collision sphere, but with area damage vulnerability.
dig out = morph back.

limit attackers to units with a lot of AOE or piercing damage ( Gauß, Anti heavy like Annihilator, ... )
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> What's about a digger unit?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We tried that, it was really really dumb.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Digging mines would be funny.

Someone said that bomb drones didn't need to morph into anti-heavy / area-mines.
But if they aren't only cloaked but cloaked+digged ...

Also bomb drones deal damage in a target direction, more damage if they are faster.
If you only have cloaked but static bomb drones it isn't as efficient as it can be.

Adding mines next to Razors kiss can make costs against raider spam.
Adding mines to land bridges instead of much porc means that some units die, but then the pass is free for other units.

It can be a cheap solution to protect your base against a single strong attack, while defenders / LLTs deal damage over time.


If you don't want the idea of mines because they are point defenses:
Add Laser-Walls.

Like in Earth2150/Earth2160.

Laser-Walls can get raided, but are less units/micro.
They can enable itself if enemy units are next to it - own units try to get out of the line between them.

The linking script is already implemented for the shield linking.

It can also mean less porc, because enemy units have to wait till the wall get's killed and can't attack the defensive structures till then.

But Walls cost only 50 to 100 metal to surround a unit in BA / TA ...
Laser Walls should cost about 200 to 300 metal to be useful.
Together with a Stinger and 2 LLTs it can make cost by holding enemies away from your structures till they dead.


Another funny thing would be a very-light-Aegis.

It's shield is only as large as the 1.5 times of Thug's shield.

But it would be large enough to protect up to 6 small things - like 3 defenders + 3 LLTs.

If it only cost 100 metal it can make cost very easy and reduce strong porcing too.

2 of it should be able to protect a stinger if they are build right and left next to it ( up to 2 units of LLT/Defender at the other side of itself too )


How to disable shield bubbles ? ;)

Aegis only:
Remove bubbles and link buildings to Aegis.

( damage
, damageType
- if( structure.linksToAegis.length > 0 && damageType != AOE ){
- - structure.linksToAegis.sortByCharge()// Once Per Frame, prefer more charge = earlier position.
- - floeat partialDamage = damage / structure.linksToAegis.length
- - damage = 0.0
- - foreach( structure.linksToAegis as aegis ){
- - - aegis.charge -= partialDamge
- - - if( aegis.charge < 0 ){
- - - - damage -= aegis.charge
- - - - aegis.charge = 0
- - - }
- - }
- }
- // damage contains the damage left ( not avoided )
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Add glow to the structures to indicate that they are protected by shields...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Counter porc with arty.. i think thats the reason why this units are existing.
Build a tremor and your enemy will be dead in 1 min.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Shieldbot artillery is also very powerful against shields - it is three times as cost efficient at dealing damage to shields, can flee faster than Tremors and are available much earlier due to lower cost.

One of them should deal the same damage per second that five shields recharge. Every recharging shields costs 9 energy per second, so a single Racketeer can drain up to 45 e per second if the enemy does not react. A fusion produces 35e/s.

Anyway, [1uP]Th3N00I3 didn't reply once so I guess he's convinced porcing aint something you aim for.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Maybe many people don't realise that units are stupid. In this case don't wait for them to fire. If you see a shield force fire at it's edge with units that can do so safely.

Same with cloakers really. Cloakers don't prevent you shooting, they just prevent you seeing. If you pay any attention you should know where the cloakers on the front line cover and can fire stuff there as well.
+0 / -0
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