My oppinion is that 15% is to fast when you have 8 moduls in 1 com. But 10% was a bit to slow what do you think about 12%? The problem is, that only air is alble to catch and kill them. Normal units are to slow for this high speed coms. And raider are not efektiv if the com run into his porc. So the problem: OP D-Gun Coms shoot and hide in porc, not seen by air because of personal cloak.
+0 / -0
nonsense magman NOT OP dgun coms gets spy'ed or stiletoed from ~4 games I played ;)
+0 / -0
D gun coms are not used so often so, no point in doing that
+0 / -0
D-gun was just an example. I mean to fast coms in gereral. Air or cloaked units are the only possible solution to stop such a speed com. That is the reason why I suggested 12% instead of 15%.
+0 / -0
ffs, this change has been in play for less than 24 hours. Let's see how it will play out. Let ppl get used to 3.6 speed commanders before drawing any hasty conclusions.
+0 / -0
Lol yeah I agree, it abit retarded. hit and run D coms
+0 / -0
If anything it is Dgun that needs nerf, not servos.
+0 / -0
oh lol rafal, dgun is already on 12 seconds reload, while ultimatum got no reload at all. just that ultimatum has a speed of 1,5 and 2k hp, while com can be twice as fast with more hp. and nerfing dgun reload even more doesnt even change anything about whats now broken about dgun coms, because theyre a hit-and-run unit anyway and dont care if they have to wait some 5 seconds longer between shots. broken is that they can run so fast.
+0 / -0
actually recon coms being even faster so far die without making cost. Maybe removing dgun from strike commander or removing cloak from strike commander would benefit much more. Also dont forget this is "new thing" and people like to experiment.
+0 / -0
Dgun should be more expensive, currently DGun module costs only 250m which is laughably cheap for such powerful weapon.
+0 / -0
oh god, i knew this would happen instead of crying "NERF" "NERF" "NERF" like all the typical noobs who are responsible for fucking up the balance why don't you actually learn how to counter it, I tried it in a game with Jasper earlier and he just spammed fleas and had an infiltrator ready when i walked into a flea
+0 / -0
  ChanServAgree, them are easy to counter, just need to know how do it right (if you find it you can bomb it too, them have little HP). And was you do not want to lose it you focus all your attention to it, having to focus only in one unit, ignoring all the rest is a big disadvantage too.
+0 / -0
theres a wonderfull unit called a gnat it emps comms fast and it decloaks cloaked units and its almost perfect hardcounter to dgun com so... next time you see a dgun com, make 10 gnats and emp the fuck out of it
+0 / -0
So, how many raiders would it take to bring down a cloaky quick dgun strike comm? I'd wager raiders would make cost even if the comm's primary was a riot gun.
+0 / -0
only 5 gnats to kill t5 com w/ riot? replay or it didn't happen.
+0 / -0
We will make a replay dont worry
+0 / -0
do what eve does with modules gradually diminishing results
+0 / -0
IMO fully stack servo not need to be faster than the fastest ground unit on the planet: Dart. We should balance servo using other unit as reference IMO.
+0 / -0
Hey just question anyone seen really OP recon commander? its much faster than strike commander and should be much better, but yet everyone is complaining about strike commanders. Even before buff recon commander had same speed as strike com, but still such commander wasnt really useful (tried many times).
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