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Silencer range

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So now we have some new big team maps. I think it is a good time to limit the range of the Silener.

For example on the map Dust_Bowl_v1 you will need about 6 anti nukes (= 18k metal) to get some good coverage when you are only having control of half the map. You can do it with less anti nukes, but then you get a lot of gaps where nuke still can fire on.

The range for silencer I have in mind is a range of 7500. This is the range of Disco Rave Party or about whole length of 14 X 14 map. Or about 5/8 of the map Dust_Bowl_v1. So if you place the silencer at the far back of your side (low risk) you can shoot 5/8 of the map.
So low risk low reward and high risk (silencer more on front), bigger reward. You need to control some land to reach its full potential. Which makes the silencer more end game, porc killer or game finisher than just mindless rush.

* I think silencer is OP in general, also on smaller maps, but want to address big maps only in this thread.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
umm... nooks are already weak and pointless, you want to makethem even more weak and pointless...
+0 / -0
My vote in simple to let anti hit any nuke that pass over the protected territory, so you simple need a "line" on anti nuke and not spam all map with them.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
@[TROLOLO]ddabaeqepp less pointy you say?

Also, I think this is a bad idea because as Ddaba said Nuke is already very weak.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
At the end of a game you have more than enough metal on those big maps to build lots of protectors. Smaller maps could be a problem but there you need less protectors as well. And with good scout you can see a nukerush at start. Than you should be in a winning team because your team don't waste all this matal for a nuke. And you can build protectors for this nuke, to make it a useless waste of metal.
But if the general meaning is to lower the range of silencer than you should boost the aoe dmg a lot and make protectors more expensive.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
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12 years ago
You don't need to cover all the ground, swappan, only where a nuke missile would make cost. Only build antis where big bases are, if a nuke kills a couple mexes and LLTs it doesn't make cost.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
lol? Skasi you need at least 4 anti-nukes. So silencer made already cost. And then about 3240 metal IS a couple of llt's and mexes and some small other units. spec some games, and select random amounts of units whole game and look their total metal price. You will be suprised how many small groups you select are over 3k metal.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Not to mention that even killing 2k worth of defenses with a nuke will mean your team can push forward into undefended territory. It completely breaks the defence line!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It is true that the nukes power is mostly in forcing anti's, and thus this power scales if there is more territory to be covered. I haven't seen these new big maps played with nukes but I can imagine a map large enough that building nukes is a no-brainer.

Dust bowl is big (24x16), but there are maps of comparable size: Tempest (20x20), Tropical (18x20), RiverMouth(20x20), MoonQaurtet (20x20), Rage (20x20).

Reducing the range would also effect the balance on FFA maps, which are routinely much larger (24x24 such as Mosh Pit, Throne). I feel nukes are balanced on FFA maps.

If this is indeed a problem, I think it is a problem created by the inability to cloak anti-nukes. This is a GOOD change, but it is a buff to nukes: If you have a complete scout of an area, you know for sure whether you are firing into an anti or not. Previously, a lot of nukes would whiff on Anti's. They're also easier to snipe.

So, IF this is genuinely a problem, I'd suggest brining the cost of antis down a bit to compensate for their inability to cloak.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
nuke already dose not make cost... you want it to make even less cost XD

nuke costs about the same as a bantha, but bantha always makes 2x cost(3-4x in my hands)

i havent seen an effective since fireman gave up on nuke trolling... so i really dont see nuke as a real danger, usualy cause noone buiilds them, and even if they do i can kill them due to 10k metal advantage for at least 5 minutes
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Sure swappan, nubs do that. Are you a nub? Aaahahhaa, shame on you!

Saktoth, don't forget that nuke silos can not be cloaked anymore either, thus bombing them has gotten easier and them making cost harder.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Only protect things worth protecting. Failing that get a nuke yourself.
+0 / -0
Need to say that Nuke + Athena (just to spy or with fleas too if anti unprotected) + EMP Missile (Shockley) or Infiltrator (cloak EMP Spider) is one of the easy way to win big games now.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yea it is, also on smaller maps.

here http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/140110 . Even Skasi-pro or dabdabdab-pro or one of his high elo mates cant stop it. And we were actually loosing ground fast. But if Skasi-pros fail to build or even protect anti enough I think it is fine. Cant expect the simple things from people like protecting antis or killing silencer.

Or this one: http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/140639 . One of the most exciting games I played. I first had a hard time deciding going nuke or not, going not or better not, then I build one and had a very entertaining match, enemy too. Or watch one of sfiremans games.

AUrankAdminSaktoth yes it is a no-brainer on big maps. That people dont do it says more about the people then about the nuke. Or that nuking is not exciting to most people.
Even on FFA maps it is good to have an incentive to get some territory. Rather then just porc and nuke. Will only make those games better.
And I agree that anti should be cheaper.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog. It makes no sense to say build one yourself. Why were things like Golly or sumo nerfed? Even if OP, just build them yourself. So I suggest reverting all changes to sumo and golly and skuttle and Krow and rapier and ...
Or just instead of buiding antis on a big map, just build nukes and make one big nukefest.
+0 / -0
lol NLrankswappan
evryone knows in big games i mostly fuck around, and drop due to lag 15 minutes in...

how to make " " absolutley un-cheesable
1. make shield lab
2. make outlaw x2
3. turn on outlaws
4. place outlaw next to " "
5. teraform up
6. place defenders at 4 corners of " "

this even stops skuttle cannons :D
+0 / -0

12 years ago
sure place another 1000+ metal in protection, makes nuke even more cost effecive.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
and why we cant have mobile anti?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
we have. for sea
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In fact we have 2 of them. Leviathan and Reef.
+0 / -0
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