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Restart PW

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12 years ago
Sorry for repeat but I had a bad title for the other one so delete the other if possible. I heared of the 1 vs 1 but I would like to step up to form a group for newer people where its new people friendly and show them how to play and such I know planet wars my self I am a 6 month player but only play PW but since its down I really want it back. Also I know a handful of people trying to bring it back! Please respond! Please if you really like PW respond we need the admins to bring it back we need to show them how much we miss PW!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
PW is still technically open, so the reason that nobody plays is strictly that nobody plays - not because admins or faction leaders fail, but because of inherent design flaws.

For majority of the public, PW is just unbalanced teamgames, and for the competitive PW players, PW is mostly uncoordinated noobfest that draws the worst from both worlds: unbalanced as a meta-4x game and just as riddled with mixed-skill as regular teams 20x20zkdsd clusterfuck.

Restart has been proposed earlier, but there is no point of restarting it without adressing the issues that caused the current round to stagnate in the first place - even despite Dynasty's best efforts to instigate the raging of war on an unprecedented scale.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think Dynasty won PW.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No, this is a stalemate just like last round.

The room for noobs is 'newbies welcome', PW is competitive by it's nature and bad for noobs.
+0 / -0
Shoo Sak! Dynasty always wins! There is not a single time unit of existance at which Dynasty has not won. That's also the reason PW is dead, gavinparr. There is no war! There has never been a war which was not won right away since Dynasty's existance.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Restart needs a new map and clans moved to new factions. Nobody has done that yet.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Make it so clans are independent of Planetwars, then reset all clan's alignment. Let them pick a new faction every round if they want to participate.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Licho I would like to help but I am not that experienced with Scripting but I can use photo shop for some faction images if you ever need help but I think you already have some one for that.
+0 / -0
And Sak thats what I was thinking too. Thats why I wanted to make PW more noob friendly. I have seen new people join for PW and leave since nothing is happening,I saw people back then join a PW match and lose and quit because they think it was too none noob friendly, also just to say the noob matches are not noob friendly I was a noob my self and I was geting Insulted every few seconds for not doing somthing correctly. What I want to do is bring up the population of Zero-k not bring it down. We need Zero-K more noob friendly and a noob friendly faction will help ALOT trust me people love persistant world games. There are not many too so I hope you understand this statement. The real reason of the noobs quiting all of them don't see geting insulted. And leting it go some it will really affect them. I dont care il learn but not most people are not like me if you guys really want Zero-K to grow you should take down the topics I just wrote in this paragraph.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I stopped reading halfway through your post because of missing punctuation. You ever heard of the concept of a "sentence"?
+0 / -0
we need Zero-K more noob friendly

Support skill-level apartheid now. Every other game does that.

Smite those who want tolerantism, and who claim that community is small: it will stay small without a properly enforced segregation policy.

Best of all, just play small games instead of those clusterfuck matches.

And yeah, learn the amazing cyborg ninja special power of the enter button.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oh, Anarchid, I think you got me wrong in the next topic. :) I'm fully for skill-level apartheid but we should allow and promote inter-skill meetings on non-battleroom chats. The feeling of a friendly community increases the chance of a player staying. Currently there's the opposite feeling because noobs get only negative comments in-game. But if you segregate completely (in-game and in-lobby-chat) there would be no feeling at all which is arguably even worse.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You are not in the links ;) But that topic is pro-multiskill, and such sentiments are relevant here. This is why i linked it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And Sak thats what I was thinking too thats why I wanted to make PW more noob friendly I have seen new people join for PW and leave since nothing is happening and I saw people back then join a PW match and lose and quit because they think it was too none noob friendly and also just to say the noob matches are not noob friendly I was a noob my self and I was geting Insulted every few seconds for not doing somthing correctly what I want to do is bring up the population of Zero-k not bring it down we need Zero-K more noob friendly and a noob friendly faction will help ALOT trust me people love persistant world games there are not many too so I hope you understand this statement but the real reason of the noobs quiting all of them don't see geting insulted and leting it go some it will really affect them but I dont care il learn but not most people are like me if you guys really want Zero-K to grow you should take down the topics I just wrote in this paragraph.

I stopped reading halfway through your post because of missing punctuation. You ever heard of the concept of a "sentence"?

he does make a dot at the end. whats your problem?
+0 / -0
You apparently didn't read his post either, or you would've noticed that it's a wild assembly of ideas and impressions, at best connected with "and" and at worst simply thrown together into a pile.
Even if english was not his native language he should be able to group his thoughts into consistent groups of words known as "sentences" and express that grouping by placing full stops at the end of each sentence. It's seriously exhausting having to divide his text into senseful parts before being able to properly read it...

In other words: He won't be able to bring back PW if he can't even structure his thoughts about it.
+0 / -0
(I think) mojjj is kidding, Mauran.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
i think @kingraptor might be right.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think DErankAdminmojjj is a stalker.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I am sorry that I didn't use proper punctuation, but I didn't know this was english class sorry.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What they teach you in English classes is intented to be applied to everyday life. Neglecting punctuation makes your ideas hard to follow.
+0 / -0
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