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stiletto is OP

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12 years ago
It simply has too much roles it is best at emping big targets it is best at emping many small targets <- clearly something wrong. Its like 20 spy's from high above. I think it should have reduced its emp damage by half ( i m serious) so it would still be good at emping armies but not heavies too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
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12 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/145647 watch this and say air is not OP ground units are good AA too. And repeat 3 times in the morning 3 times after lunch 3 times in the evening until you believe it.

PS attacking vandals directly with napalm bombers is ultimate humilation to ground AA. ( at less than 5 mins )
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
It emps heavy units. Even many heavies at once.
It emps swarms of light units.
It emps units covered by AA.
It can be quickly used anywhere.
Ground units that are attacking in enemy territory can't do shit against it unless they have like 5x its cost in AA.
Nerf pls.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
+1, it causes stalemates in teamgames because penetrative raids are instantly nullified
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12 years ago
also, what about early avenger spam in teamgames? it completely disables any kind of raiding rush
+0 / -0
avenger spam works because of double coms, not because of something else.Stilleto is op?Tell me how will you stop 2000 m k ravagers if they attack?.What other unit can counter massive ravager spam?
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12 years ago
Roach, tick, dirtbag, many others.
+0 / -0
I mean when they RUn, and when they cant be chased, that's what i meant.It's not 20 spy above wolas, it needs like 15 stilletos to stun full hp detriment, or 10 stilletos to stun for 10 seconds half hp detriment.About bantha...it needs like 4-5 stilletos to stun it, if they reach in time.Also they die fast to hacksaw, i don;t se any point in telling they are op again, because if you want to counter planes from ground it won't be fair.Because planes are made to attack and retreat fast, and this is why you hate stilleto.Also it only need 1 air player in your team and the game is a win for both sides.

2 stilletos stun 1 goliath, and 1 stilleto stuns reaper.Sumo needs 2, and Grizzly, what's weird it is stunned from only 1 stilleto.This kind of planes are efficient if they are used for big units with metal value more then >600 m.If you use them against small units you lose time and other precious targets.Also if you want to stun a shieldball with 3-4 aspis and a felon it won't work, i tried it many times when they were with full recharged shields, and even with 2 stilleto one after the other.Gues what they both died, to felons.If you want to mess up with the stilletos, you only need a newton on repulsion, and you will se what it does to it.
Also stilletos are hard to micro when you want something stunned, i don;t know if the bug is over now, but i still use the A attack on ground or unit every time, and when the stilleto starts to shoot the lightning i most of the times direct it to have full stun potential.So stilleto is not about OP,it''s about how you use it that makes it "op"".I saw newcommers or 40-30 level players that use stilleto without directing it's attack, or aranging it in a way that it will have ful stun potential, evade aa,and don;t stun your ally's units.It is really hard to micro it when it comes to stunning close counter battles in the map.
+0 / -0
Forever sense you make no sense :)

Stiletto has huge AOE and also have high damage and on top of that is super fast its like OPLY OP and stiletto role overlaps with SPY. Spy should be good at emping big targets stiletto at many but low HP. Now stiletto does both -> emps dantes, reapers, glaives, fleas EFFECTIVELY which totally doesnt make any sense at all.
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12 years ago
yes, it is too generalist.
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Come on...what's the cost of 1 spy? 200, stilleto 600.Stilleto stuns with AOE, that''s why it has such big cost.How many times you stunned 3 reapers with 1 stilleto?The same with the spies, 3 spies easily stunns 3 reapers.Alsow it depents how noob the player that you stun is, because if he clusters he is for sure a dead man.Come on...it takes 2 stilleto to stun dante, and remember it is not clocked.It takes 2 spyes to stun dante, and it has clock,thus making it unpredictable.At least you can expect from stilletos and ask air support or make mobile aa(attaking stilletos and leaving them with low hp wont stop you from attacking and killing som1 fast,because the problem in planes are low hp ones that repairs in the factory taking a lot of time.It only matters to make some dmg to that stilleto, or kill it in best cases).
I know you want to bring all round OP about stilleto, but please consider it''s disadvantages to.
Also making 1200 metal stilletos to stun 3200 Dante doesnt work well if you lose the stiletos over and over again
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Also if you want to stun a shieldball with 3-4 aspis and a felon it won't work

only if you sent them alone, put a couple of wamps as a spearhead (standard procedure for bombing non-defenseless targets) and…but I guess you know that already

if you want to counter planes from ground it won't be fair

By this logic how is countering ground from planes fair?

1 stilleto stuns reaper

but not just 1 reaper, but ALL the reapers in a group,

stilettos are hard to micro

harder than attempting to micro mobile AA into ignoring the vamps and aiming at the stilettos while keeping adequate range coverage in order to take them out before they stun a large portion of the assault force while managing said assault force and keeping the AA safe?( so far I have no see this successfully done )

Note that hacksaw and Newton are both statics and not viable for use in defending a penetrative assault

It takes 2 spyes to stun dante, and it has clock,thus making it unpredictable

spy has significant E cost while moving, can be countered with a few raiders or an outlaw, does not counter any units supporting the dante and if dante has any support spies are dead, also the speed of the stiletto makes it equally unpredictable un the frontline, if not more so.

making 1200 metal stilletos to stun 3200 Dante doesnt work well if you lose the stiletos over and over again

unless stunning the dante causes it to be killed it which case they make cost quite well (and if you wait for dante to be outside of allied static AA coverage the odds are not bad)
+0 / -0
It takes about 1-2 stilettos to stun a dante, depending on the HP. How is that not making cost?
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12 years ago
emp damage is probably too high. Should become an anti swarm emp not anti heavy.
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12 years ago
it FFs like mad. so it takes alot of skill to master, plus you need to coordanate with ground units and aviod AA to make it effective. so it proly isnt op
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12 years ago
I actually love it's mechanics. You have to go in, when they are clear of AA, EMP them and have a land force waiting there ready to go to sweep in and take advantage. Almost no unit in the game has such synergy, often between players.

The fact it can stun an overextended large unit (we need more of this), the fact you can direct the path of its lightning by giving it orders, and the fact that can enfilade a whole line of enemies is all great.

But it really demolishes shields, as such, I've considered lowering the total DPS output but upping the AoE, to keep the damage on any set of targets the same (since they'll be hit by more AoE's) but lowering the total DPS output of the projectiles (That hit shields). Then nerfing shields a bit.
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You don't need epic coordination or teamwork or whatever you speculate.
You just emp enemy units while they fight your teammate and it is gg for the enemy.

Many games I have been slowly pushing and getting advantage over enemy and growing my army, and then I go to make the final strike suddenly LOLOLEMPPLANE and my whole army sits there emped for 14 seconds and most of it get killed before the emp finishes and I lose despite building my advantage during the whole game. Just several days ago I lost 5000m of tanks which got emped by 2 stilettos right at front of enemy porc I was about to easily stomp. And yeah I had AA but obviously it was not at front of the tanks, where it maybe could have any chance to work in time, but I am not even sure about that.
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its not too generalist, it costs 1200 metal to stun any one of the heavy units (at 2000+ metal). compared to that, it takes 440? metal to stun one of the exact same heavies with spies. do you see the difference here?

emp bomber as an area weapon does work against heavies because its

a) airs only option to deal with heavies in short time, unless you have a ton of shadows
b) because its a huge overnuke to use them on heavies in the first place, because 90% of the ae ist lost on them. for 600 metal you could exspect a dedicated anti-heavy emp weapon to stun a unit with some 10-12k hp realibly with a single attack, like a spy for 220 metal stuns up to 8k.

emp bomber is uneffective vs heavies. its already IS an antiswarm weapon because its not a very effective counter to heavies, considering both cost and risk involved. it costs more than other counters, its easier to counter than other counters, and its also mostly a suicide weapon. its hard to use right, its risky for your teammates. also its needed as a counter for shieldballs.

also is dont see why we need this thread. there is a perfectly fine other thread that discusses the potential opness of stiletto, and if i remember it right it was frequently visited by LTrank[pikts]wolas.

but the worst thing is that you people in your mindless rage, and i mean it, you bring all the facts mixed up. so does a stiletto really stun "all the reapers in a group"? no, it most likely doesnt, it stuns like 2 for 10 secs, 2 for 2 secs and 2 wont get stunned at all. does it really emp units covered by aa? that depends how the situation and what aa. anglers for example shine at shooting down bombers before they drop their bomb, but ofc YOU NEED A FUCKING FEW. YOU CANNOT COUNTER MY STILETTO WITH A WANDAL. but you can btw absolutely destroy it with like 10, or more, because wandal has high missile velocity.

you air haters are real babies, and you should learn how to play air yourselves before bringing up ridiculous stuff like that. 90% of the people posting here never play air, and suck when they try, and would come to complain how bad air is and how weak and how they want it buffed.
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