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[Suggestion] - New Aircraft Unit for vs Ground

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12 years ago
There has been issues with ground units always getting a strong upperhand against air, making aircrafts very unreliable form of frontline defense/offense.

Using the Reef's mechanics, have a 'Drop Ship' land and deploy a few small ground units (one at a time every few seconds) similar to glaives that can operate up to about 300 range from the aircraft. While landed, the Plane cloaks.

If the aircraft takes off, the units disappear.

This accomplishes the Plane Factories inability to be a defensive line.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
To be honest I think that one thing that airplanes are really good at is destroying ground, except if the ground units happen to be near a counter versus air units (in this case AA). Just like most other unit's. Altough the idea sounds nice it doesn't really sound very fitting because aircraft are fundamentally different form a "defensive line" but still they are an amazing "defensive" line that can wreack havoc to anything that is out of AA coverage.

Also, what you described can be achieved pretty much by valkyries.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Valkyries take 4-5 times longer to kill a unit cause of the flyby's. While they're almost immune to most forms of ground damage. 5 Raider Vehicles will defeat an airbase. That is the playing field I feel needs to be helped.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Besides I am your Queen, I command you, Drone!
+0 / -0
Remembering recent CrakKCRacKKrAkK's thread it makes sense for a faction to eventually develop an AAAA (anti anti-aircraft aircraft). :D

Ok, sorry.
+0 / -0
good idea.
but the aircraft can also be a mobile, flying factory which produces ground units as well as air units. to deploy ground units it must land, and air units can start from fac mid-air.

AAAA is also a good idea, but how should it work?!?

PS: 3 of 4 people who post in this thread are clan leaders - an political discussion XD
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well, that's what Loh suggested. It lands and deploys mobile units which can dispatch any AA but easily fall to any non-AA unit. Razor's kiss will still be a problem since it won't unzip.

> PS
We don't play PW yet. Too nubs. :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago

its actually barricade so its not drone...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I want a exploding scuttle plane:D
+0 / -0
Let's just make flying reef version that costs like 9000metal. And has a low capacity shielding device for lulz.
And yes give it ability to shoot down incoming nukes. Same as reef.
Ah and make it super slow, so it's possible to shoot down with anything unless it's supported.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
flying reef

shielding device

Yeah, and give it yellow color and eggplant shape. And then rename it to Protoss Carrier. :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Touché. Though I was thinking about supcom, not sc.
+0 / -0
Perhaps a Flying Unit that arrives on a location, and morphs into a unit for ground assault. But highly subjectable to Low level AA when in he flying stage.

Cannot be morphed back into an air unit.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Valkyrie. And you keep the flying part.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Vakyrie can carry only one unit. And there are no APCs. You can't airdrop a squad of raiders.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Airdrop makes speed of raider equal to speed of riot, so just airdrop whatever you want.

A common tactic is airdropping heavies right on enemy's heart.
+0 / -0
I was thinking an artillery gunship with shootable ground-bound projectiles would be neat. Basically imagine a slow non-strafing gunship that drops zero-cost amphibious crawling bombs... the bombs aren't player controlled, they just march to the target. Give it 1200 range. So it's an artillery unit that can fire from anywhere, but can be nullified with a single LLT or MT or Slasher.

The only problem is that the crawlers would follow the fickle spider pathing instead of going along a straight-line. Some kind of weird movectrl'd all-terrain hover thing might work better.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
why dont build real gunshit artillery?

cost: 1200
HP: 2000
Speed: 1.8

Plasma Cannon
Damage: 800
Reload: 8
DPS: 100
Range: 1850
+0 / -0
12 years ago
actualy gunshit arty seems resonable...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Real gunship arty would be too frustrating to counter with ground units. It can happily hammer your base from a safe distance, vulnerable to nothing but other air units. So make a gunship arty where the projectile is shootable.
+0 / -0
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