if there someone rich or a community effort, maybe Spring community can buy (not sure if wanted) Total Annihilation IP? P.S.: Yes i got my internet back sooner that i expected.
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A. It would cost far too much. B. That money could be better spent on actually developing a game since the IP for TA contains very little of value (Games like PA and Supcom show you can churn out a game with this kind of theme without infringing, because the theme is so loose). C. Atari does not care about the TA IP anyway or it would have done something about Spring ages ago.
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I suppose the advantage is both never having to worry about lawsuits ever (related to BA, XTA, NOTA, etc.). Not sure if that would be a concern from whatever hypothetical company does pick up the TA IP.
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We can't raise enough money to help Licho keep the lights on and you want to spend six figures on IP?
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Spring is too small to be bothered with. I bet they couldnt sue out engine itself, while old mods yes. Also ZK doesnt contain much of old stuff even BA is working on replacing models, but in BA everything is OT'ish.
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I bet its just cause there no money to be win that way (devs have no money, open source, free, etc...) and them do not plan to release a TA sequel.
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They could send a standard cease-and-desist form of the sort that these companies pump out hundreds of, and it would send us all scurrying right into our burrows without ever needing to be legally contested. The fact they have not (and they know spring exists) shows that they do not care in the slightest about the TA IP, if they are even aware that they own it. Of course it would still cost at least in the 6 digits to get the IP because that is how publishing companies operate these days, just huge warehouses of other peoples creative effort that they squat on hoping to make money off of one day.
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Well we could at least try buying. If we are lucky maybe we get some pissed off employ that just wants to get the deals done. He'll be like: "Yeah. We will repay our debt as good as we can. I got 50 bucks from those hippie developers for that old TA IP so as you can see we are really trying to pay you back as much debt as we can." I can offer 50$ dollars for the TA IP. :P
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Or this could backfire badly. You want to buy it, they offer too high price, you dont buy, they sue spring, because it does use their content.
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Anyone thought of doing a kickstarter? There is more than enough of a fan base.
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my faith in humanity is in the negative numbers... so im betting on it backfiring badly just cause humans are shit
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Kickstarter to buy the TA IP? You want to do your research first. Ask Atari how much they'd sell it for so you can put a number on it. Truth is they wouldn't even sell it separately, it would be a part of their bankruptcy procedures and they'd just sell off all their IP in bulk to cover their debts. Splitting up IP almost never happens, it just tends to snowball into larger and larger companies which is how Atari got it in the first place. Anyway use kickstarter to make new original content. Like Zero-K. Not pay heaps of money to a bankrupt publishing company (that is like the opposite of what kickstarter is about) for IP which actually has very little value (Since the story is so generic the only thing it really has is some names and horrendously out of date models).
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As far as I can tell, the only thing they could nail ZK for is the Hammer (for the name), and that is a pretty generic name, it just so happens to be used on the same unit role which could be a point of connection. I suppose the only other thing is that the base UI (without any chili widgets) is the same as OTA, so that might need to be ripped out rather than just papered over.
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OTA Hammer has assault range and HP. Biggest similarities are commanders, Rocko, Zeus, Ravager etc..
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Why haven't the cloakies been renamed from OTA crap? There was a thread with great ideas.
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Design-by-committee with loads of great suggestions but more cross-vetoing than results. In particular I think we were stuck on generic unit names, like warrior and pyro, and whether or not it was better to rename them. I also think there were different opinions on how important factory 'themes' are.
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Iirc the supreme verdict from core devs was that 'current names are fine'. Not much point thinking up new names, if that's the case.
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aircons nose will bring doom.
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You you couldn't possibly call a unit in an RTS a 'Hammer'. That would be violating IP.  Or call a robot 'Zeus'.  These names actually mean things originally, you know?
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lol i wana se someone suing evryone for the IP of hammer and the god zeus coming down and filing a lawsuit against disney for slander XD
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