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What if support comm could build units

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13 years ago
What if support comm could build units
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13 years ago
then the 60+bp rezzing monster would be even worse...
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13 years ago
Yoy build a dozen fleas in enemy base in four seconds. Multiply that with 100 seconds. Result: Zomg!
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13 years ago
You're supposed to pick a factory at game start. That's why we have factory plop.

If support comm could build say, athena units minus striders, I would pick support comm all the time. Then drop a factory and enjoy the expanded roles the support comm's units gives me.
eg. You get flea/bandits for raiding and recluse for all terrain. It pairs very well with either vehicle plant which lack a cheap spammable raider and give artillery as well as good riot tanks. I could think of alot of uses I could put bandits to in a wolverine-slasher-merl rolling artillery line.
Sharpshooters and scythes are just icing on the cake.
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13 years ago
If support com could build units, you could being on the ground to build many many units very fast on some sort of hill which would be lol. Support com is good as it is, adding such thing would make very unfair for other coms. And yeah build base reclaim base would be first thing that ppl would do.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Build a skuttle next to an enemy com - tolololololo !!!!

Not such specialized units?

* Build a whatever next to an arti com.
* Instant build the perfect counters - right in the battlefield.
* Instant build AA / Shields if your air player scout a licho.

Only scouts/raiders/arti?

Defender spam against LLTs and flea spam the rest.
One flea+defender kill the defenders of your enemies.
Instant build hammers against defenders.

Only short range / slow units?

Why do you forget the skills of a lazarus device?
Get units or defense - whatever you want.

Don't pay metal and have units around your com.

Don't make such threads :D

Have a nice game ....
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13 years ago
I suggest to make units in production easier to destroy.
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13 years ago
seismic activity - lulz
cosmic rays - lulz
wind - lulz

I suggest 50% armour == 200% damage
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13 years ago
Actually, adding this as a morph 2 module would be good. You can't start with it but can easily get it if you want it.

Say it comes in unit sets all from one factory. Restricting it to the basic raider/riot/skirmish/AA would be balanced.
M cost is 300 (100 less than factory) since you don't get all the units and you don't get the build power. Morphing comm for expanded unit selection is like building another fac, only this one is mobile.

Example Module:

Cloaky Bot Pattern
Type: Module
Level: 6
Cost: 350 points
For Chassis: Support, Strike
Metal Cost: 300m
Max Purchases: 1
Grants commander ability to produce Glaive, Warrior, Rocko, Zeus, Jethro.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Sry, raider/riot/skirm/assault/AA
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13 years ago
I think we need module which morphs com to bantha at half cost and bantha remain with com abilities with build heal etc.
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13 years ago
AUrankjseah - morph 3 and I'm sold.
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13 years ago
Morph 2 or 3 doesn't really make a difference to me.
Having it in morph 2 would make me actually use morph 2 deliberately rather than "oh, I'm going to excess m, might as well morph".
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13 years ago
Reason I'd want it in morph 3 is morph 2 means "plop fac, reclaim and morph because I am fac".
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah, there's no real problem with that right?

Commander building units means commander not building towers or expanding. You also don't get the full range of units as from a factory.

It's a tradeoff.
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13 years ago
what's about a hangar ship witch produce gunships instead of our old gunship lab?
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13 years ago
This isnt going to happen.
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13 years ago
I like the idea of commander building some units... like specops comm..
I think it might happen
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13 years ago
^Yes to spec ops comm. I would like that just for variety.

I also want the module to cost nearly as much as a factory while being slightly inferior to actually having a factory (since comm stuff is less efficient) and it must not be a level 1 comm module (too OP).
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What's about an Athena-Module for the com?
Personal Cloak required :D
Add some nerfed versions of {Bantha,Dante,Demitrant,Juggernaut}

We really need some heavy gauss units except the super-heavy units.

What's about Juggernaut vs light-Demitrant - would be a good counter?


I think we also need more Air units - puppy-drones, infiltrator-drones, ...

That would be good com stuff.

Enable specialised Drones for the com drones module if you have the lab module too.

This would be like a missle-silo or a stockpiled weapon.
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