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Commander Modules / Morphing

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13 years ago
Hey guys, two questions on commanders.

* How do you select your weapon modules? For example shotgun vs riot cannon, they do pretty much the same? Or sunburst vs dgun.. ?

* Why is base upgrade from lvl 2 to 3 more expensive than from 3 to 4? Gameplay wise, isnt that a bit strange?

+0 / -0

13 years ago
2 -> 3 gives you another weapon slot and weapons are quite powerful. Weapons themselves cannot be expensive enough to account for their power as that would make level 1 comms too expensive.

For choices you could try them out or look at what others use.

You can get a look at some of the weapons by starting a local game then typing "/cheat" and "/give test_" then press tab to see the autocomplete list of test comms. For even more control you can download the sources and specific your own test comms.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So you pay for the slot, not for the weapon? I didn't even have a lvl 3 weapon up until yesterday, but apparently I still paid for the slot when upgrading. Seems unfair. If you make a lightweight commander without lvl 3 weapon it should be cheaper to morph imho..

Can't we make all the weapons more expensive and the base morph lower? Or will that mess up gameplay in some other way?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah slots should not be paid for! Only the extra hp/bonuses of commander as it improves wioth leveling.

Weapons/modules should account for full cost not slots.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Read more than the first sentence!!!

"Weapons themselves cannot be expensive enough to account for their power as that would make level 1 comms too expensive"
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yeah I read that. Still think it's not ok for the level 3 upgrade though.. :)

I agree with Licho, you should only pay for what you actually get. If making weapons more expensive messes up lvl 1 com cost, I'm sure you can fix that in a better way than this. Lower the lvl 1 base com cost for instance.. ?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Yoy, Google is right once! Do the math yourself, any modules value is its usefulness multiplied with all other stats of a unit.

An example:
Give a 10 dps 100 hp 100 metal unit a 50 dps gun with 100 metal cost.
=> 15dps 100hp 200metal
Give a 100 dps 1000 hp 1000 metal unit a 50 dps gun with 100 metal cost.
=> 105dps 1000hp 1100metal

A units power/cost is dps*hp/cost:
1st unit: 10*100/100 =10
2nd unit: 100*1000/1000 =100

After adding new weapons:
1st unit: 60*100/200 =30 (+20)
2nd unit: 150*1000/1100 ~=136 (+36)

I know, that's lotsa math.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Hehe, that's not too much math for me.

But I don't see the point you are trying to make with it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Well, stronger units benefiting more from a certain morph means the morph will have to be more expensive at higher morph levels. Right now that's done with base costs for morphing.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
> You can get a look at some of the weapons by starting a local game then typing "/cheat" and "/give test_" then press tab to see the autocomplete list of test comms. For even more control you can download the sources and specific your own test comms.

Oh crap, that's awesome. I was craving something like this - too often I feel like I'm flying blind when picking my comm upgrades.

Seriously, my dream-feature for this would be to get a GUI-driven "danger-room" environment where you can test-drive various units and upgrades and comm-configurations against chickens that you request.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We couldn't have a completely ingame testing system as all commander choices and morph levels are created at the start of the game from springie and test data.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Or you could:

You can decode the commandertypes modoption of a script for a springie game to see the syntax.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> I know, that's lotsa math.

How would you calculate that:?
( you choose Laser + dmg booster as default and it costs 200 )
COM Lvl 1: 110 DPS / 1600 HP / 1600 cost
( morph gives you 2 high density platings ( 2* 1600 HP ), get 1* 1000 HP for the 2nd level and it costs additionally 300 + 2* 475 )
COM Lvl 2: 110 DPS / 5800 HP / 2850
( morph gives you 1* 110 dps weapon, 2 high density platings ( 2* 1600 HP ), get 1* 1000 HP for the 3rd level and it costs additionally 900 + 2* 475 + 100 )
COM Lvl 2: 220 DPS / 9000 HP / 4800

Would that be right?
> A units power/cost is dps*hp/cost:
Lvl 1: 110*1600/1600 = 110
Lvl 2: 110*5800/2850 ~ 220
Lvl 3: 220*9000/4800 ~ 420

How do you calculate the speed and repair rates?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
So is someone with commit powers triggered to come up with an alternative for that overly expensive lvl-3 base morph? Or will it remain?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
lvl 3 should be expensive because it's the biggest upgrade

all the good modules are only usable around this level; like artillery upgrade and others.. and the 2nd weapon in itself is probably more valuable than 3 modules
+0 / -0
13 years ago
but ou can manage; for Exaple

Recon Commander

Morph 1:
Metal: 350
Slot1 (Weapon): Shotgun
Slot2 (Module): Energy Cell

Morph 2:
Metal: 700
Slot3 (Module): CarRepairer's Nanolathe
Slot4 (Module): Energy Cell

Morph 3:
Metal: 1300
Slot5 (Weapon): Shotgun
Slot6 (Module): Damage Booster
Slot7 (Module): Advanced Targeting System

Morph 4:
Metal: 1850
Slot8 (Module): Autoflechette
Slot9 (Module): Disruptor Ammo
Slot10 (Module): High Caliber Barrel

OK but it ll make your Com not so powerfull on lvl3
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Is here any point to use energy cell as module? Well I once thought of creating fusion com for lolz, but dont have unlocked everything yet.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
its just an example^^
+0 / -0
13 years ago
LulzLizard: I realize the stuff you can get at lvl 3 is the most important. But why don't you pay for the stuff you actually get, rather than the supposed ability to use the stuff?

This way it is really unfair to players who haven't unlocked enough to actually use the lvl 3 slots. They end up paying a disproportional amount of metal just for the extra hitpoints and speed/range/whatever bonus.

Andoriel: Sure you can manage to stuff really expensive upgrades in lvl-4, and cheap ones in the lvl 3, such that the morph to lvl 3 costs less total metal. But that is besides the point of why the base morph cost for lvl 3 is the highest.

wolas: Energy module gives you a jumpstart at lvl 1 I guess. It's good for amateurs like me, having 3 solars built-in at game start. Gets your eco going easier, although later into the game it is pretty much a waste.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Energy makes sense if you want your L1 comm to push from the 1st second. Plop your fac and start walking.
+0 / -0
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