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new pathing effects on unit clups and resulting friendly fire

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12 years ago
since some days/weeks some new pathing i implemented, right?

i experienced in last 20-30 games more often, that goups of units tend to clump to reach a certain destination/target and shoot each other in the back, e.g. zeus. this is really annoying and sometimes game-breaking...

is this related or am i just to lazy to micro them well enough to prevent this?

is there a way to prevent this behaviour?
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12 years ago
since some days/weeks some new pathing i implemented, right?

What? Where did you read that?

i experienced in last 20-30 games more often, that goups of units tend to clump to reach a certain destination/target and shoot each other in the back, e.g. zeus.

Yknow, i started playing zk a year back, and they did this the entire year. Spreading zeus became one of minor points of good micro for me during this time.

is there a way to prevent this behaviour?

There are multiple:
- troll somebody into making zeus footprint or actual sphere larger
- always use line commands when microing zeus
- troll engine devs to fix pathing
- troll engine devs to make qtpfs pathing not lag
+0 / -0

12 years ago
maybe (i did use zeus clumps recently more often || i did notice it (really) )

about pathing, there was something here in the forum, with videos of units like floating between buildings / around obstacles. and there was a discussion about that. maybe i am mistaken but i have the impresion something changed...
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12 years ago
That was a new pathing system that was not mandatory for games to use, and iirc it introduced some unacceptable bugs for ZK so instead ZK still uses the old path system for the sake of acceptable bugs.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
right. so i just suddenly recognized the obviously always presently status ;)

thx for the replys!

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12 years ago
As I understand it the "Zomg Zeus shoots Zeus" bug is 'cause Spring differs between collision volumes and some other volume that is used to check for free line-of-fire. So it's best to troll engine devs merging the two.

I'd change the "other" volume myself, but it needs Upspring and that's a confusing pain to use. :-/
+0 / -0
and iirc it introduced some unacceptable bugs for ZK so instead ZK still uses the old path system for the sake of acceptable bugs.

Namely, QTPFS still has the crippling issue with performance on large maps and slight delay between click and order execution. You can't really do split-second tick micro with it.

It also inherits all problems standard pathfinder has with path-[i]following[/i], which is units occasionally humping something that isn't really intended for that purpose.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Isint QTPFS still under heavy development?
+0 / -0
That is conceivable. It also still has the flaws, though that doesn't stop me from using it to dehydrate some maps.
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12 years ago
Seems to me like cloakybot fac is the most notable sufferer from this, with all the warriors, snipers, and zeus happily pwning each other.
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I use Dynamic Avoidance widget and it auto-micro my Zeus.

When my Zeus reloads it told them to go sideways or backward, then another Zeus come in and fire and then it repeat same thing.

At end, all Zeuses have scattered infront of target and has clear line of sight.

Unit also flee away from enemy if they have no order, is not-hold-position, and when you did not see them (only disobey order when you are not around).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
That widget made my cons a real mess. And i mean, a REAL mess. I'd end up spamming a build/repair order and the con would keep walking like 1000 elmo away cos there had been a random enemy unit. Did you do anything to fix that?
+0 / -0
Maybe we should try that for Juggler? Pull units closer to crush them!
+0 / -0
That widget made my cons a real mess. And i mean, a REAL mess. I'd end up spamming a build/repair order and the con would keep walking like 1000 elmo away cos there had been a random enemy unit. Did you do anything to fix that?

Space+click on unit-state icon on Construction/Command Menu (this will open epicMenu), press Dynamic Avoidance button (this goes to submenu), then untick Constructor (but leave Ground Unit ticked), then close epicMenu.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I rememeber that dynamic avoidance widget when it was auto enabled I was like really wtf. Order roach or tick attack or move near enemy unit and it goes back to you! Poor roach doesnt want to die yet!

Thats like you make perfect robot girl order to do her all nasty things and she refuses because she has feelings now...
+0 / -0
I tried to illustrate the Roach..
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Skasi, ash that Roach is so cute I'll promise to never use Roaches again.
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12 years ago
Units that end up with their weapon inside another units collision volume will fire inside the other units colvol and hit it instantly. More spacing between units, weapon emit point closer to the middle of the unit or fixing so that units don't fire when they have their weapon inside another units colvol could work.
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