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12 years ago
Can anyone post a complete list of all awards and how to get them please?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Maybe this helps a bit.

For a list of what those awards mean, see here.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
So the ladder is broken because of awards for playing chicken and dota?

+0 / -0
12 years ago
but what does "sweeper" and "rage" mean?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
From looking at the code I guess sweeper is an award for chicken players who destroyed most nests.

Rage master is probably work in progress or something that won't make it into the game and long forgotten. I assume that would've been an award that counts insults or something like that. :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
there seems to be code for a headhunter award that you would get for many killed coms, and from the looks of it the code is functional and the award is actually awarded at the end of game. whats wrong there? we could use such an award :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ehm just other question shouldn't be awards only for non-bot games? I mean dealing 3 000 000 damage in chicken game isn't so difficult or killing 7 commanders (head hunter award) in CAI game too.
+0 / -0

Top Score - RUrankChvaN - 116 Commanders eliminated - Multiplayer Multiplayer B128816 3 on Ternion.

Try 116, and DOTA instead of CAI.

And what do you mean "chicken awards only for non-bot games"? All chickengames are botgames.

I have a better idea - let's consider all chicken awards derogatory. You know, a chicken award? Yeah, chicken award. That guy has a chicken award.

Edit: re-read your sentence, and realised it means 'chicken awards should not exist'.

This is also a valid solution.
+0 / -0
mhh "awards only for non-bot games?" <- means players only get awards for team games, 1 vs 1 etc. so all games where no bot is included...

lol 116 commanders killed :D

* edit
Awards for bot games shouldn't exist or shouldn't get mixed with awards from only human games.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Idea: separate awards and achievements.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
there seems to be code for a headhunter award that you would get for many killed coms, and from the looks of it the code is functional and the award is actually awarded at the end of game. whats wrong there? we could use such an award :)

What's your problem exactly? This award works the way it should...
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What's your problem exactly? This award works the way it should...

The problem is people being awarded for doing lolbotgames.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
ah i see we actually have that award now, cool :) didnt play for a while.
+0 / -0
The problem is people being awarded for doing lolbotgames.

DErankKlon's post didn't point that out in any way. And his statement implied contradiction to my experience, which is why i asked.

And btw, you get complete annihilation or mineral prospector etc. for bot games, too. In theory you could get 1 of each award every ~10 minutes. But nobody ever cares.
+0 / -0