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Stupid newton stratgey

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not sure if this goes elsewhere but anyways

required items
plenty of metal/energy
a constructor of any type

Step .5 optional
build alot of caretakers to assist later construction
Step 1
create a ramp of yellow or green steepness with medium height
Step 2
build multiple newtons offset from the center of the ramp base do not put them behind eachother
Step 3
order newtons to fire at the very edge of the ramp
Step 4
set jumper factory to loop then give unit orders to move to very base of ramp to middle then to the meeting point of newton beams do this to approxamatley what i told you or the units may bug out when they reach the ramps base
Step 4.5 optional
If you plan on using jumping units you may want to order the units to jump after final move order around where they land
Step 5
select a unit type you want to be fired out of it suggested units are skuttle,puppy,pyro,archangel(if using 5.5 suggestion),sumo...not so sure,and jack

feel free to comment or improve just dont be a jackass with your comment
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1) The trick is old news.
2) Doesn't take into consideration recent sumo/archangel/scuttle nerf - those can't jump in midair any longer.
3) Doesn't elaborate on how to properly aim your unit launcher.
4) Doesn't mention roach-rain bombardment scenario.
5) Says nothing about launching captured enemy commanders to blow up their own base (aka. Tickman Style)
+1 / -0
12 years ago
Not everyone has been here for >9000 years. People can share their tricks. This will just give this one more exposure and makes it more likely for new players to pick up on it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Your argument is partially valid on grounds of "some people are new".

However, i find it morally questionable to teach just those players such things :P
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Agreed that this is the least interesting and most gimmicky part of ZK :S
+0 / -0
morality? WHAT MORALITY!?!

btw a few tips:

evry 2 newtons you add increases range by 1000elmo

ramp tip should be at max attack range of your newtons to maximize accuracy, the shorter the ramp the higher the random.

build newtons in a shallow parabolic patern

the ramp should be right on the border between yellow and red for max range and accuracy

you can aim by changing the number of newtons and their aim in relation to path of unit

manualy targeting unit with the newtons allows you to increase range by a maximum factor of 20

with pyros can be used to set up a jump waypoint and land pyros at back of enemy base

if you need low accuracy but high range, use 3 sets of newtons attacking middle middle/tip and tip of the ramp, will boost the roach to verry high speed with minimal accuracy

with enough buildpower, a big ramp, and newtons you can make a lolcanon look like a childs playtoy with this

*tested with roaches and pyros, larger units need more newtons
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Here's an alternative for launching gunships into orbit:

1) Put four newtons on the corners of a square area, with enough room in between to move what you want to launch. You can also get 8 newtons with the other 4 in the middle of the sides if you want to do heavy duty launching (E.g. Krow, D-gun works nice from orbit)

2) Move gunship/unit to middle of the four newtons, if you're launching a landbased unit you will have to terraform a small hill for the unit to stand on.

3) Fire all your newtons on the unit.

4) Your gunship is now in orbit and will slowly decent. Sadly gunships have spherical range so they will only be able to shoot when they get close to ground :( but you can shoot your units over your enemy's AA to the back of his base. Works great with Valkyrie because of it's light weight, load in a skuttle and CTRL+D the Valkyrie when it's above target, 100% accurate Skuttle. It works best with Athena's though, since build range is cylindrical and you're above AA.

PROTIP: Fire Crabe/Hermit into orbit to abuse weapon trajectory for epic range.
+0 / -0
Sadly gunships have spherical range

What? Since when? Last time i checked --
* BD was useless as orbital strike craft because of highly inaccurate weapon.
* Brawler had ballistic range, but was mostly useless as orbital strike craft because of accuracy and its not-very-high point-on dps being diluted even further.
* Banshees have a beam laser, which does have spherical range, so they are useless as orbital strike craft.
* Rapiers have a semi-aa missile that still has cylindrical range, but missile flight time can make them useless; in any case, AA missiles have better range AND better flight time AND cylindrical range, so they are also useless as orbital strike craft.
* Krow dgun was semi-useful, but diluted over wide range it still was less useful then usual krow carpet bombing.

A special case of space launch vehicle that used to work some versions ago - not sure about now - is loading a valkyrie or vindicator with a djinn at 99% teleport while in deployed stance. Once djinn is loaded, teleport is frozen, so you have only to selfd (or lose to enemy fire) the transport to reactivate it.

Once it reactivates, the unit in queue (remember, 99%) will be near-instantly and safely teleported directly below the detonation point.

(unless you happen to be shot by screamer, which will gladly gib both transport and djinn without paying any attention)

Also, there is a variation of the ramp strategy where you don't build a ramp at all, and use it to project blastwings at bullet speed. This way most AA fails to catch them before they bump into something pretty and smash it to pieces.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
My testing was not very extensive. The Djinn idea sounds awesome.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
USrankMrKwackers. "First Login: 21 days ago"

I am surprised it took three weeks. I'd like to know what exactly you think is stupid about this.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Does groundattacking with newtons and walking into beam really launch the units reliably?
I always have to attack the unit which is more cumbersome and only allows for very slow rof.
+0 / -0
direct attack gives more range, ground attack give more acuracy and consistency.

direct attack launches a unit 5x as far

with enough newtons you can roachbombard an area the size of llt-nuke aoe size reliably at bb range

if set up really well that area ca be recuced to pin point precision where evry roach hits directly on target
+0 / -0
12 years ago
*waits for a replay where someone uses a newtonfarm to roach-bomb a newton'ed pyro*
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Why did Skuttlelaunching get nerfed by the way?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if set up really well that area ca be recuced to pin point precision where evry roach hits directly on target
I am happy when I hit something enemy. Or the map. Is that why allies refuse to step their commander on my launchramps? :(
also replay pls.
+0 / -0
:P i dont have real game replay of this, making it is a bit costly and takes alot of fiddling

i did it in single player with 100/100 resource mult XD

also another thing, the closer the newtons are to base of ramp the beter this works

a variaton of this it to make a ramp then place newtons right at the base and tera ramp some more to allow units to get in, this way the newtons use full power on the unit and can launch it even farther
+0 / -0
the reason its stupid is its quite time consuming
when you dont build mass caretakers because if you want it to launch them anywhere you need a ton of newtons
also i notice you became asses in the comments
+0 / -0
12 years ago
were not being asses, this is the general mentality of the internet

50% chaos, sqrt(75-3+22/(1/2)^3)% insanity, 22.3456667% evil , 12% ???, 2% good, 10% extinct, 48%brain damaged, and 100% troll...

that adds up to 260.093682448% pure internets :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
did you have to melt my brain XD
+0 / -0

proof of concept, betsy the roach cannon, 2 stage accelerator, range ~5000elmos, accuracy 750 elmo radius

cost 1000m for ramp 1600m per accelerator stage
+0 / -0
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