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building comms

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i want to be able to build any of my lvl 0 comms from strider hub

I thought a commander factory would enable commanders to be 'real units' and have balanced modules. But it is probably psychologically not allowed.

google gave me the idea it would be most intresting

for this to be fesable
t0 com base cost would need to drop to ~400 (at t0 its a glorified welder)
and the m and e production of "clone commanders" would need to be set to 0
+0 / -0
12 years ago
quick, someone think of something why this terrible idea is not technically possible. hmm hmmmm hmm.
Each striderhub would need different buildoptions per player, but all units of one type always share the same buildoptions.
phew, that was close.
+0 / -0
might i point out that this is already at least partialy solved by us actualy being able to summon our own unique comm, and morf them?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
summoning and building is different though.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
jK once told me a certain way of editing build options wasn't possible, but I'm actually tempted to try it anyway.

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog wants buildable comms too, albeit for his own sinister agenda.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Zero-k:the clone wars
+0 / -0
This wouldn't work because comms have significant intrinsic metal incomes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"summoning and building is different though": to go around this, would it be possible to build a static "beacon" placeholder unit that summons the comm upon death? so the comm is still "summoned" but you can have as many as you can afford

as for the metal income, the game seems to track the number of comms in the field perhaps this could be used to make only one comm give metal (but this way you still have the metal income of the comm even if the original is killed since the new eldest comm starts producing) or just keep the metal income of summoned comms just prevent it from reaching the player (drain it to gaia perhaps?)

+0 / -0
"for this to be fesable
t0 com base cost would need to drop to ~400 (at t0 its a glorified welder)
and the m and e production of "clone commanders" would need to be set to 0"

some people just dont read
making a new unit based on the com code, but with m income set to 0 and making that unit summoned instead of normal start com is fairly easy,
hell if i knew where the code was i could probably change com m income myself...

its the summoning part that i have no idea about
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The problem with a "way to get your comm back" is that resurrection means a comm can always be cloned. Unless you make comm wrecks unrezzable.

Ultimately, adding too many comms to the game risks turning ZK into something other than ZK - a game with a full army of modular, pre-designed units would be neat, but that's not ZK.
+0 / -0
but you still need to make the strider hub, build the com, and spend 3 minutes morfing it to t5 at the cost of ~5000m

turning ZK into something other than ZK - a game with a full army of modular, pre-designed units would be neat, but that's not ZK.

thats called progress (ZK itself branched off CA, CA branched of OTA, OTA was based on...(warcraft?))
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"Ultimately, adding too many comms to the game risks turning ZK into something other than ZK - a game with a full army of modular, pre-designed units would be neat, but that's not ZK."

sooo.... trololo and dota maps are ZK approved but this would not be?
I R Confused...
+0 / -0
also if someone brought back modular unit design into the RTS game

i would actualy be willing to pay for that, noone has pulled off modular unit design in an rts in ages (terain based (star ruler did it for space))

actualy noone has improved on the basic rts in ages at all.
with the exeption of PA but that hasent even been released yet and is just a gimmicked spring clone that i dont actualy expect to succeed that much (unless they build a UI that is legendary... too much data for vanilla UI systems to handle)
+0 / -0
Would it be possible to have the strider hub build a lighthouse like structure that is a one-off teleport or beacon for a comander drop? Just have that beacon have each com in a build menue and have the widget from com selection tie into that unit. Widget should also be able to manage comander generated resource. (would be cool to have the generation split among avalible coms as to keep sheild regen and other E comsuming moduels from sucking to hard.)

The beacon or lighthouse structure should be costly and annouce com drops/teleports ("Tacticle Insertion In Progress")
+0 / -0

I believe you mistyped "testicle".
(grammatik macht frei)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
L0 com as the builder of the strider hub would be neat, and I dont see it being game breaking. It would make coms less unique and fun though.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
L0 com as the builder of the strider hub would be neat, and I dont see it being game breaking. It would make coms less unique and fun though.

less unique yes, but how would it make them less fun? On the contrary I am of the oppinion that being able to have additional comms would allow for a whole new array of strategies to appear

+0 / -0

12 years ago
less fun because it would make keeping your com alive less of a big deal. currently, whacking off someones com is great because you know they are miffed. and keeping your own alive and doing lots of damage with it is always rewarding.

if it could be mass produced like any other unit, both of the above would cease to apply.
+0 / -0
your original com would make metal, clones wouldnt, thats a good enuf reason

also once morfed t3+ com would be like a strider, a unit that you really will want to keep alive as long as posible

whacking someones strider is the same idea as whacking somones comm
(god that sounds really perverted, innuendo ftw!!)
+0 / -0