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bullying in "newbies welcome"

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12 years ago
Mainly foreversense keeps kicking me from battles and blaming me whenever team loses. Can anyone help me?
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12 years ago
foreversense is not an admin, so it's actually the public opinion that kicks you ou t for countering glaives with scuttle, ignoring advice and raging at those who point out your deficiency.

Answer to your question: yes! you can, by getting rid of your head-dickish ways.
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Alternatively, if you can find a team of people who don't feel like typing !vote 1 when a kick vote starts, you can play with them.

If you think it is foreversense who has a grudge with you and stirs up public opinion against you, you can also not play with him. In the same way I spectate and not play when certain other players are. (I shall refrain from naming names)

EDIT: if you haven't tried spectating, you should! It's actually pretty great fun to watch the battle and talk with other specs about who did what wrong...
and going lolz at an uncapped mex right outside someone's base at the 15th minute. Instead of tearing your hair out or bursting a blood vessel. =D
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Ohh..yeah first thread about me...sfireman will applause me by taking his steps.I am having GRUDGES over CrakKCRacKKrAkK
...Just please....don;t think like that

It is the first time when i tried 10-20 times to advice some1 and all i get is swears.Manly the kicks were because of swears and because you most of the time troll when you are in my team.You also told us in the start of a game that you will troll.So you were quite frank and i appreciated that by vote kicking you.

Remember i don;t have nothing personal with you.When i Kicked you that game i killed 3 coms with the gunship units that i had from your factory(ploped by Trystero).If you were in that game and trolling, the winning part of the game was verry distant.
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
Yeah CrakKCRacKKrAkK
Put on the Replay for DESPLAY

I want GoogleFrog to see them

You will get ban if he will see them
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If you won't do it i think il forgive you this time and il pass...

We have a saying in my country: Bird dies because of it;s tongue
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12 years ago
if i may comment on this too. i can understand if newbies dont feel well about the way people sometimes talk down to them, or kick them from battles. it is sometimes really a little harsh, especially some people like sfireman who will use a lot of swearwords and rage much. some of this is to be taken with a sense of humor, you will in time notice which people have a tendency to get angry over just about anything and learn to ignore it.

on the other hand, and anarchid has pointed it out already, you can avoid much of the trouble by putting the harsh language aside and get to the core of what is beeing said. most people are actually newbie friendly in the way that they want to teach newbies how to play. sometimes the advice may be put forward in a way that you think is not the appropriate way to talk to people, but generally it is still well-meant. as much as the behaviour of the "pro" people may be considered as arrogant, you are still given free, "professional" advice.

now the majority of more experienced players thinks that newbies should listen to that advice, because beeing newbies they naturally make mistakes, so essentially you can either accept that and take the advice and get along, or you can refute it and exspect people to be angry at you, employing more aggressive means in communicating what they want you to do.
+0 / -0
or you can refute it and exspect people to be angry at you, employing more aggressive means in communicating what they want you to do.

Another, and by far best way of never having to hear orders from arrogant allies, while demonstrating that your way of thinking is actually better than the other guy's:

Play 1x1 instead.

Though if your methods happen to fail there, you won't be able to blame anyone.
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CrakKCRacKKrAkK, i dont know what happend before but please dont try to get "revenge" by ingame trolling. (you know what game)
It does not really help your point.

lol at the "pros" who take 10v10 games in "newbies welcome" room way too serious.
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12 years ago
Use report abuse and dont forget to post links to replays.

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alot of people dont understand what it is like having high elo in a big team game.

its a very different game to having normal elo, because the whole team is structured in a way that victory is very much dependent on your ability to be an absolute monster - if you dont live up to your 'elo worth' the team generally loses.

alot of this can be alleviated by otherwise incompetent allies contributing to the battle, which can often be just by doing somthing very simple. when they fail to do it and it falls to you like everything else, it becomes very frustrating. I find alot of teamgames feel like me brawling with two or three players who are trying to gank me while my team are still trying to learn the controls and just let me die. Not arrogance, just how the balancing system makes the game play for anyone with elo 2000+ and teams containing a high contrast of player elo.

Pros eventually become cynical and disgusted with the teams they always get saddled with, and this comes out in different ways for different people. fireman rages and sulks, many switch to only playing 1v1, others try to ensure clanstack so they at least have some allies who aren't attrocious. It saps your patience with new players however you take it.
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12 years ago
I agrre with [GBC]1v0ry_k1ng
when you have a bit of elo..you have some responsibility to your team..if the team fails is because of you..the strongest of them.So it;s hard to take over 2-3 fronts alone..
I find myself mots of the times against 2-3 players and this AS PLANES and GUNSHIPS.Yeah..i don;t joke
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Mainly foreversense keeps kicking me from battles and blaming me whenever team loses. Can anyone help me?

Welcome to zk's community... why do you think it has so few players?
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12 years ago
We just need a server...called newbies join here ant NOT ANNY other server.And newbies fighting newbies..will be great.I don;t understand why experienced player's host is most of the time empty.I tried waiting for games there but they don;t show up
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12 years ago
so why is it when i go to "newbies welcome" where all the "pros" are "forced" to play, and ask for 1v1, nobody ever answers?
because they enjoy the 10v10 games themself: "oooh i napped 3 enemy coms, i am so pro."
well sometimes those 3 nubs you like to nap are on your team, big surprise.
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Knorke for president
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well i get the point of what you are saying knorke. but this is really more about "the right to be ignorant". lots of people have given crack advice in a pretty friendly way its just that he gets upset by that and answers by insulting people and doing the opposite thing just because he doesnt want to be told shit. now thats all well and good, if he likes to do that, his choice. but he is coming and seems to be actually wondering why he gets kicked from games. well, thats the reason. if he doesnt wanna get kicked from games, then he shouldnt react that way. just because its "newbies welcome" doesnt mean that newbies dont have to listen to shit and just ignore everyone else.

if people dont wanna play with their teams, they shouldnt play online. if they do, they must communicate with team, that involved listening to what people tell you.
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12 years ago
Uh yeah... big games are still most fun for me, but sometimes my patience runs out too... Just play for fun and ignore anybody who rages at you.

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