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new modules

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12 years ago
some ideas for new modules for commanders:

Recon Com:
Self-destruction module. Commander blast like skuttle but with bigger explosion radius.

Battle&Strike com:
Anti-air flak cannon (like Copperhead's). This will balance the game at the start when the players send air spam attack.

Support Com
Hover drones. It would be nice to get this, because air drones “eat” com shield when enemy have antiair.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This all is boring and irrelevant.

What we need is a glaivepack transformation module, which morphs your comm into a number of glaives of equal cost (with ability of reversing that, and ability to assimilate new ones to replace losses - as long as at least one of the original ones survives).

No exception, i guarantee it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Skater Boi Commander:
can stand on top of every unit and use it to drive around and get mad air.
+0 / -0
use 8 captured/shared comms at lvl 5 to summon codabdzuuul

the ultimate unit that eats detriments for breakfest, and uses juggernaughts as ping pong balls.

Dgun: fist of zuuuuul: hit it like the fist of an angry god
tha animation for this is a gaiant gorilla fist from space hitting the target and destroying evrything within 5000 elmos(exept for codabdzuul imself, he has over 9,000,000 hp!)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>Recon Com:
>Self-destruction module. Commander blast like skuttle but with bigger explosion radius.

With that module Com rush will be new super tactic. Lose com and kill enemy com with factory.
And what about lvl 5 com with that module and 10 power booster? It wil be like nuke?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Selfd destruct modul - trololo game would become one big explosion.

And reasonable weapon would be capture weapon.
+0 / -0
Self-destruction module - it's not weapon, so damage booster don't do any effect. Possible interrelation "com hp" x "blast damage".
+ This module is available on the fourth or fifth com level.

As skuttle, after the explosion, you can't resurrect the commander.

Can be used against enemy porc, heavy units, mass concentrations of units (e.g. against the impenetrable forces of shield bots).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Now imagine a pack of fleas or glaives rushing behind enemy lines, then reassembling into a nuke-bearing suicide commander :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
beter yet a lvl5 com module could be "legion box" that splits the com into a mass of ravenous meele spiders, that eat units and multiply(1 kill 1 multiplication)

eventualy resulting in hundreds of thousands of spiders, that eat the enemy alive
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We can also add a singularity bomb module at level 5, so that when commander dies, the mass around him implodes into a black hole that slowly consumes the entire map and cannot be stopped.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
No. Dirtbox module.
After die commander make BIG hill like a dirtbox.
+0 / -0
In my opinion, "dirt weapon" to get the perfect realization of the game "Scorched Earth" (Digger, Sand Bomb etc.) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMVJ2SAEEhk - on 3:50 you can see "dirtbox module" ^_^ ).
It would be interesting to such a realization.
But in the Spring RTS, as I understand it, this can not be done because of restrictions engine.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No, Scorch3D dirt weapons are totally doable in Spring engine. Absolutely doable.

It's just that it would be hard to make it fun for players. Most large-scale terrain-deformation happens from the explosions of very expensive things. Terrain deformation is always costly. And weapons that cost resources to fire are only done in rare cases. Free-to-fire weapons only create small craters or terrain smoothing.

Terrain deformation slows down the game and makes pathfinding harder, especially something like a dirt ball that's creating barriers for units and weaponry.

But as a technical matter? Totally doable. Heck, giving the comm a Quake d-gun could be kinda fun.
+0 / -0
under implementation, I mean:
In Zero-K is virtually impossible to bury buildings / units.
The buildings have indestructible foundation and Quake (Seismic Missile) do not cause any significant damage.
When the unit leaves the land from under their feet, they just do not actually take damage.
demonstration (http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/116381)
In the "Scorched Earth", all of the above fatal. How playable rules like this in Zero-K is an discussion question.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Will be fun to allow com morph into Dante or Bantha or Detriment when its cost is enough in resources.

So we add morph module - the com can morph to the unit, then it is equal or less in m cost and back. Even some gunships - surprize flying vampire com !!!
Of course, we need several morph modules - BD morph, sumo morph dante morph, etc !!! Maybe even glaive morph !

+0 / -0

12 years ago
When the unit leaves the land from under their feet, they just do not actually take damage.

It's just that most weapons that remove so much land kill units faster than the fall.

How non-fatal is dropping unit from a height you can find out by loading units into a transport and then detonating said transport midair.

Or just punching them off a cliff with newton.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ah... right, yes - Spring's heightmap doesn't allow you to bury units. You probably could hack something by movectrling units underground when the land below them is terraformed upwards, but that would produce really bad gameplay since it would basically leave the unit immobilized until something digs the ground down again.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Quake damage depends on where you fire it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The buildings have indestructible foundation and Quake (Seismic Missile) do not cause any significant damage.

i excperienced a weired thing on the map hotstepper.

buldings "have" no altitude alternation, that is only partially correct. when you fire a quake, the building gets lower ground for a small time period. after that, the original hight is reestablished. this means the building is shortly at the lower altitude. on hotstepper, this means it i dead.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
thermonuclear com blast module, the best counter to comnapers

nyahahaha i stole your com
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