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QuickMatch and springie improvements

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12 years ago
We have rolled out a new version of autohost and lobby which change the way stuff works:

Starting the game
* starting the game now needs a vote if more than 1 players are present (!start causes a poll to start)
* auto starting was removed
* attempting to start very big game now results in automated "vote split players" - you can override this by forcestarting as always

Moving to other game
* !move [host] and !votemove [host] were implemented - they now move all people from the autohost to a new one (For example use !move PlanetWars to start a vote to move all people there)
* !splitplayers and !votesplitplayers were implemented properly and fixed. Splitting creates low and high elo hosts but keeps people from the same clan together.

Spectator state
* bugs regarding people unspeccing after move or split were fixed
* also if you are spectator and join other game manually you will be a spectator again

* quickmatch no longer self-activates, it must be manualyl clicked for it to start
* quickmatch instead self-deactivates if you join any room manually
* rules were tweaked and improved so that huge games are no longer preferred and it should suit well people at times of low activity or people who seek to play 1v1, ffa and other rarely played modes as well as people who just want to wait for any of their prefered games to end to play asap.
* qcuikmatch dactivates if user is idle, starts a game or spectates
* big games are no longer massively preferred over small games
* currently joined game no longer has a preference
* several bugs in quickmatch were fixed, including the one where you join 1v1 host without a partner or where players were sometimes moved while quickmatch was disabled
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Nice to see things keep getting better. I'll give qm another try with small teams and 1v1s.
+0 / -0
* starting the game now needs a vote if more than 1 players are present (!start causes a poll to start)

At first i was liek OMG and then i was liek WOW.

Noticed it this morning - it's a very welcome change. Woot.

I wonder if ZKL have some widget for those votes (like ingame)?

* quickmatch instead self-deactivates if you join any room manually

Will it deactivate if i use non-zkl lobby, and set prefs from site? (i fully expect that, but just checking in case i don't need to f5 each time :P )
+0 / -0

12 years ago
ZKL has a special panel for votes and also "notifies" people that the vote is going on if they are not tabbed to ZKL.

Due to problems detecting various states in other lobbies, quickmatch support for other lobbies was removed - no longer possible to activate on site.
+0 / -0
Due to problems detecting various states in other lobbies, quickmatch support for other lobbies was removed - no longer possible to activate on site.

That's sad.

(but at least there's the "я креведко" option instead)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yay, finally no more trollninjastarts!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Looks perfect. Almost exactly what I wanted... although I worry that the vote start could make starting a game really slow if it takes a long-assed time for the start vote to complete.

I'm wagering those split votes will almost never pass, but I'm happy they're there.
+0 / -0
I'm wagering those split votes will almost never pass, but I'm happy they're there.

They still are a vast improvement over the old way to split, where the algorithm would have been:
1) threaten to leave the room
2) rally supporters
3) leave room
4) supporters consider leaving against staying comfortable warm hive
5) while they consider and some actually defect into your new room juglar decides that it's not allowable and puts all you back.

I had a thought about QM in non-ZKL lobbies. Maybe allow it to be activated until first successful match with timeout via springie command? Something like
!getmeanoob 5min
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Brilliant. Well done.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah, I was hoping for a move-with-minimum or an opt-in-split or something - that is, everybody that votes "yes" and those votes are above a pre-defined minimum? They go.

Something like "!invitegame 6" where only the "yes" voters are moved and they only leave if at least 6 people vote yes.

But either way, Licho's new system is good enough for me.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sound great!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"qcuikmatch" - lol
+0 / -0
12 years ago
omg, i waited for those changes soooo looong! THANKS!
+0 / -0
Hmm. I'm getting this thing when people join, then leave, then join again, then leave again in short sequence.

I (honestly) wonder if it's their brains or juggler causing this :D

Does it log its actions anywhere?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The only thing that really bugs me with the quickmatch options is that it says "sily maps" instead of "silly maps".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
"sily maps" instead of "silly maps".

It's a feature. Since when does silliness associate with good grammar?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Default to "votesplit" when > 20 players fails badly when players do not want to split: if majority of players vote no... then it just need 1 player to press start button to cause the vote to be issued again. And people vote no, and again and again.

!forcestart has its own problems... described countless times. I requested a long time ago to have a !startoversize (and !vote...) that would balance properly.

when votesplit is induced by size > 20 AND majority vote no... when someone try to !start again, don't issue !votesplit again... issue a vote on forcestart, if you don't want to implement a !startoversize, which would be the proper way to handle it...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
quickmatch support for other lobbies was removed
when i idle in 1v1 waiting for players, (with non-zk lobby) will other players still be moved to there if they have selected 1v1?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
* attempting to start very big game now results in automated "vote split players" - you can override this by forcestarting as always
what is size is "very big"?
i am in 8v8 room atm..did not see such thing? neither in a 9v9.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
when i idle in 1v1 waiting for players, (with non-zk lobby) will other players still be moved to there if they have selected 1v1?


Regarding size- i changed it from 16 back to 20 due to people complainign they have to force every game.

Experienced host splits at 12 i think.
+0 / -0
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