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New Unit

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12 years ago
What if I still missing is an anti-air unit. Could be produced in the heavy vehicle factory. Or the Strider Hub.
The unit could be equipped, like the Long Range Missile Launcher. So the anti-air rocket saoll cost something.
Only it is just mobile.
Could you hope you understand it, wrote it with Google Translate.
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12 years ago
I would love to see a anti air unit that does mass AOE damage to stop rapier/banshee spam.
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12 years ago
Mobile Screamer version could be nice.
I like Xivernder's pic , tank with 3 stockpiled missles , fires 3 and then reloads, just like Hacksaw.
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12 years ago
The problem is that since each lab has exactly one dedicated AA unit, it means the mobile AA units are generally under-specialized.
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12 years ago
Well we could make a mobile something that shoots super missiles in strider hub for ultimate AA. Such as this dude: http://units.tauniverse.com/?p=u&v=5984

Also, just thinkin, would it make any sense to move krow into strider hub?
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12 years ago
AA strider would be lols
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12 years ago
Actually a strider AA unit could offer some interesting possibilities, it could be high armor, have a powerful medium ranged AA weapon, AND some light self defense ground weapons that could stop a few glaives from killing it. This would make a semi-mobile, high armor AA that could defend itself from a few light units.
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12 years ago
OMG I HAZ AN IDEA. Make an AA strider that shoots lazzors like razor kiss, but ALOT of them. Maybe like 10 turrets, and make them also able to target ground. Then it would be a very interesting AA units - with high enough DPS to take down a krow and capability to shoot off some glaives or maybe even a small bunch of ravagers. To make it really funny make it so that it can not shoot units directly in front of it - so that if a few glaives do get through they can just kill it. For ultimate lolz it can be made a hovercraft.
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12 years ago
strider AOE AA does not fix the banshee problem. Cause banshee are only a real problem early game. But AA strider sounds cool.
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12 years ago
multi-laser AA is too anti-all if it can take out a krow, and missiles are so overused not to mention all good aa is grounded sooo.... how about a gunship stile (built in strider hub of course) unit with rapid fire gauss guns (Gatling Gauss... the GG gun!) with a limited firing arc ( so if it is unsupported it can still be backstabbed by planes)

if it flies at the same height as krow it should be able to use the gauss effect to do additional damage against it without being TOO op against smaller stuff.

for lulz i say it may be interesting to have another (gauss) gun that can only fire directly below (1 degree arc) so we finally have a unit that does damage based on height instead of width

alternately it could just be given a 90 (or less) degree firing arc from the front upwards and to the sides so it can target ground units but only if they are on sufficiently high ground (or you terraform a sufficiently big hole under it i guess but given the cost and static nature of such an arrangement effectiveness would be limited)

come to think of it such a unit may be quite good at dealing with crabes on spires or particularly high (BB for example) and/or elevated things … but would this make it OP or just slightly more flexible compared to “traditional” AA units?
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12 years ago
I think krow is exactly this kind of unit - and it does not even need gauss - it just deals 10K damage... insta-killing EVERYTHING below it except for a few striders. And with respect to flying AA turret... that would be a nightmare for all air players.

PS: You never need a strider-class unit to kill banshee spam, any REAL AA can deal with those easily. Good examples are copperhead, hover and spider AA. Also, in numbers banishers and levelers can be very very good against banshees. Jethro spam is somewhat cost effective as well. Finally, if you are facing 2-3 K in banshees, it makes sense to get a screamer or two to deny all enemy air once and for all.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

15 hours ago:
I think krow is exactly this kind of unit - and it does not even need gauss - it just deals 10K damage... insta-killing EVERYTHING below it except for a few striders. And with respect to flying AA turret... that would be a nightmare for all air players.

i don`t really understand what you mean

Krow: all-round gun coverage, massive AoE underneath
Proposed Unit: Severe firing arch restrictions, NO and I repeat NO AoE damage underneath because the proposed 1-2 degree firing arch would make it impossible to hit more than 1 unit unless another one happened to be exactly on top of it at the exact moment the gun fired, so even assuming they had the same amount of armor (which would be absurd) i still do not see how they are the same type of unit

it might be a somewhat ineffective against good air players since it would be so vulnerable if attacked from behind
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12 years ago
AA Strider Hovercraft , with personal shield , very slooow.
Armed with 2 AA gauss autocannons (razor kiss style) on sides , able to stockpile up to , lets say , 3 guided long range AA missles.

As a special ability it mith be able to
- submerge buoy style (imba)
- land on ground , adding defence)

Well , actually just bored and making lol ideas
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12 years ago
I knida like the deployable hover AA strider concept. Especially if deployed version can be targeted by subs lol =)
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12 years ago
If we're going to create a support-strider, I'd go whole-hog and make the all-singing all-dancing support unit. Shieldball, cloakfield, antinuke, flak, anti-bomber missiles all stuck into a single unit. Get rid of the grab-bag of units you've got following around your strider and just bring one big squishy target that needs to be dislodged before you want to airstrike or nuke or artillery or whatever. 5000 metal. Boom.
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12 years ago
Also give it cap-gun and a nanoturret.
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12 years ago
How about an amphibious spider builder with a long build range, rez and 20 BP? The striders need a builder and it needs to be full of weird stuff just like the other striders.
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12 years ago
T3 builder? Would love to see one of those!
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12 years ago
T3 strider builder with ability to instantly deploy pre-stockpiled PYLONS.
And ressurection module.
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12 years ago
AA Strider Hovercraft , with personal shield , very slooow.
Armed with 2 AA gauss autocannons (razor kiss style) on sides , able to stockpile up to , lets say , 3 guided long range AA missles.

As a special ability it mith be able to
- submerge buoy style (imba)
- land on ground , adding defence)

Well , actually just bored and making lol ideas "

this is a really good idea, also add a torpedo launcher and sonar/radar mod

it really is needed when youre playing battleships
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