Its definitly worst weapon you can pick with no good use I can imagine, gauss rifle is quite bad, but at least you later can have sniper or penetrate shields, but this assault thing definitly sucks even with artilery conversion you become... a few hammers... seriously? Buf buf buf. I actually dont know why you nerfed old artilery com so bad. It was badly expensive and not so OP... And bring back old NANO coms! specialy with current rez scheme it will be interesting.
+0 / -0
Imo most if not all long ranged weapons should be plasma based (even sniper if needed).
+0 / -0
Wolas the assault cannon it seems bad and indeed can be crap a lot of the time but on a battle com with high cal and at least 1 range module is actually pretty good i do agree though, buf buf buf
+0 / -0
The only time the assault cannon shines is comm v comm slugfests. Otherwise, not so much.
+0 / -0
heavy tanks/assaults spam then it does moderately well
+0 / -0
With fire it literally rapes shields! Maybe a nerf? :P
+0 / -0
I build shields specially against fire so you must be dreaming.
+0 / -0
   Licho> Imo most if not all long ranged weapons should be plasma based (even sniper if needed). ... How about Merl? :) I would really like to see more long ranged plasma (bertha is fine!), but I would miss long ranged sniper units... So sad, that only some morphed coms can penetrate shields at distance.
+0 / -0
I think a minor increase of alpha would be good - lower RoF, higher damage.
+0 / -0
wolas, shileds dont protect against napalm warhead when level too low for plasma attack value
+0 / -0
2 plasma cannons, 2 arty conversions, high-cal mod, 2 range, 2 damage = a firewalker with double AOE, INSANE range, shoots when moving, and deals reasonable damage. + cloak and you are safe against bombers. total cost about 5K metal, or basically you can have a krow/catapult in the same cost lolz. So maybe make it cheaper instead of buff?
+0 / -0
There's an old saying: It's not the size of the AOE, but how you use it! I think the arty com should have it's place on the battlefield but the cost needs to equal the effectivity. Arty com should be able to batter down a sheild or two at it's current cost. Add-ons aside the assult cannon needs some work. It feels like it's nothing more than cloaky bot hammer, and those only work well in groups. Buff rate of fire and make stationary as a trial, see where that takes us.
+0 / -0
2 ranges = enough to outrange pene and snipers safely. Rest is useless, if you need to take down anni your weapon of choice is merl. Still, battle-wise, a single nano-rezz comm would usually make cost faster than any battle commander. Just because it makes units outta wrecks so damn fast + can repair them. It is adorable with sea and tanks, as killed units can be brought back without waiting for them to drive up.
+0 / -0
to power rez com you need 2 fusions not counting extra fusions for any normal usage. So its not that cheap +2k m. BRING BACK OLD NANO COMS! seriously taking fun away... BAN That build range nerf was so WTF it was completely CUT not decreasing like 50% (still would be omg what a nerf) but whole 100%... seriously?..
+0 / -0
What do you mean by nano comm? Rezz comm = nano comm, replace one nano with rezz. WRT assault cannon - i'd change it to something more like a reaper rather than ravager. As in more damage and more reload. Then the assault cannon comm would make a half-decent anti-heavy unit at least (should probably kill a banisher in 2 shots, unless banisher is micro'd of course)
+0 / -0
Old nano com = epic build range nanolathe com. And that epic range was nerfed to nil with 1 revision it wasnt a nerf it was complete removal which is very very bad idea.
+0 / -0
Neh, it was removed for a darn good reason in my opinion. I agree it probably could have been nerfed and still have it work, but as it was the super build range. amd invisi-plop porc that went with it was annoying.
+0 / -0
100% nerf is not nerf. Its WTF.
+0 / -0
It was WTFOP and needed WTFnerf.
+0 / -0