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Suggestion for a Political system for the Empire Reborn

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12 years ago
This all voting, electing thing is just wrong. Voting on emperor position? lol. We know only one country in which there was voting on monarch position - Poland.

Please get out from there with this democracy and go to Liberated Humanity or something. Even faction description says "Autocratic Dictatorship".

Autocratic Dictatorship with voting? lol

Of course we know history and we know that it wasnt so simple to became ruler - backing of powerful ppl meant very much and ruler who wasnt able to satisfy their desires soon was overthrown or limited to titular figure.

That's why we think Empire should have another system of emperor election - all people with functions should be able to vote to overthrow or elect new emperor (of course in time of such thing emperor shouldnt be able to recall them). Better than full democracy (which truly means which-clan-can-organise-their-members-to-press-button), and emperor must still fear of his position.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Then why would a power crazy emperor ever appoint positions? People would have no way to get rid of them. Just rename 'vote' to 'enter plot to overthrow'.
+0 / -0
The origional political systems had Empire with an Emperor position which is passed directly from one leader to the next.

Dynasty was going to be lead by the clan with the most IP, Cyber by the most active clan, LH and Machine through elections.

But we just went with basically everyone having the same system with slightly different positions because, well, the other developers are uncreative.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Or because Sak wouldn't do the coding required.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The original system which sak proposed and nobody else agreed with. Because sticking 1/5th of players with no way to get involved in planet wars sounds like a lot of fun for them!!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Then why would a power crazy emperor ever appoint positions? People would have no way to get rid of them. Just rename 'vote' to 'enter plot to overthrow'.

Oh, because if ruler is not a total dumb, he understands that he is clearly uncapable of doing all thigs just by himself. For example look what we've done when we became emperor-in-power again.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I have to agree with Saktoth about the ruling systems design. It might look somewhat lame, but at least it spices up PW.

Dynasty is already ruled by the clans with most planets anyway (GBC and NGO clans are practically the ruling elite). After our recent sales to Cyber now OSS clan is climbing into power positions also. So it would actually work quite nicely. Clan with most planets nominates grand duke (which runs affairs on all planets and elects government), all clan leaders become local dukes that run affairs on the planets belonging to that clan. Obviously, only central government can sign treaties, but the clan dukes have a share of faction bombers and other goodies. Also, their planets can not be directly traded without them giving consent.

Cybers have been ruled by M6 as long as it was active. Oversight should be >1 person though. I think each clan should have a representative in the oversight, which votes on which clan would run Cyber affairs. On the other hand, oversight should be invisible to the other factions, and even the members of Cyber should not know WHO represents which clan (anonymous forum thread for oversight? Would be ultimate lulz as oversight has no idea WHO ARE OVERSIGHT).

Machines should elect their government based on some metrics like ELO or whatever (no elections) with watchdog timer removing the useless ones if they end up in power. Democracy is not "machiny" enough imho.

Empire should have the enter plot thing 100%, and when emperor is overthrown his account should be closed (as in the dude is actually killed lolz). Lots of power - lots of risk. Although, the Emperor should have the capability to poke one player per day to figure out if he is plotting against him - if that player indeed entered the plot then his account is cancelled, and if he did not - the message is posted that %username%'s office was turned over looking for conspiracy, but nothing was found. That would discredit emperor to some extent. Also, all planets owned by empire lose 1 IP when that happens. For the plot to actually overthrow the emperor, the total number of conspirators should be >50% of the faction. Elected officials count as 10% each.

Liberty's system is OK imho.
+0 / -0
Didn't I just say that none of you agreed with my system? I'm just saying we considered the system Conrad mentioned and rejected it. You don't have to be such dicks. The idea that an ELECTED autocrat allows more player participation is garbage, Empire has a regular rotating cycle of Emperors because Empire members have no idea what is going on and just click yes on every porposal.

As for what Headhunter said, Machines being a Meritocracy is cute but your Empire proposal is stupid as hell.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
No it is not (you have a better idea?) Losing unlock can be really annoying. No need to kill the accout basically, just kill the xp gains.
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