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13 years ago
If you play other mods too you can see metal exploiders sometimes.

Isn't it a good idea to make zk-mexes upgradeable and add a LLT to them?

or let them build PerimeterDefenses after upgraded for free - like Reef builds the helis?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
imo good idea, but to prevent rushes to be possible I would like to suggest it as a morph option. (ex. 120 seconds, half the price of light laser turret)
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think it would be OK if it has 1 second - even for the half price or 2/3...
-> you have allready HPs

Or this LLT-Mex can have higher HPs because it has the HP of the mex and LLT both.

It is imbalanced if you can make LLTs for the half price, but if you can make LLT-Mexes only for the half price, it isn't imbalanced because you can't place 100000 of it next to another...
+0 / -0
13 years ago
But can't you put mexes anywhere, even if they do nothing? The morph would have to only be available if the mex was actively generating metal.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think it is nerfed enough if it takes a long time to morph AND take extra resources above the mex costs (retaining mex health after upgrade). That way no extra code is needed to check if the thing is on a metal spot.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Please less units and LESS MORPH. Not even more!
Mex-morph is one of the many reasons on why SupCom fails hard.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
In supcom you can build advanced mexes without morphing, but you have to morph your lab.

And we don't talk about higher income - we talk about self-defending against fleas.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It's not about what we talk/you suggested. It's about morphing in general. It screws with buildpower, availability of builders at locations, etc.
When allowing mexes to morph into LLT versions, then even the basic building would need its price increased, simply because it has the ability to build a light laser tower. This is kind of why I mentioned supcom. It skews everything, 'cause it affects the whole game and in a bad way.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Morphing shooty units increases the fun factor, since you get a reward from "exping" your soldiers.

However, morphing buildings without XP is bad because of what Skasi said. Also, I've never seen the point in the added complexity of armed extractors. How about just building llt's among your mexes?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We had both variants in the past - mex with laser and morphing mex with laser.

Problem is people morphed everything which shut off raiding completely. We didnt like that.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Sure exping is fun in chicken games - if you like them. Not everyone likes chicken games though.
Anyway, I didn't mean to say morphing buildings without XP is bad. I meant to say morphing anything is bad. Just to clarify. :)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Basically we had LLT-Mexes and it was bad. They shut down raiding far too easily as it is like an LLT that shares HP with a Mex.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
And I wanted to defend the fun feature that is morphing. :) I suppose the game would be fine without it... but the concept of giving a unit of yours a promotion is just fun.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Maybe we should add a 1 second, 50 energy only morph options that it let look better :)

I understand that this avoid raiding to easy, but if you have spread mexes and don't want to spread your builders out to build this llts you can't find another solution.

Maybe we can make radar-mexes - would it brake the balance too?

Or light Razors Kiss mexes ...
only add a very light AA to it - only effective against fighters or single bomb / stun drones.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
What about windgen mexes? Overdriving themselves? Or Nuke-mexes.

Just teasing; There is a widget that manages your builders so they spread up between all build-orders. This way you can queue a few LLTs and don't have to take care of all the builders.

I don't remember the name of the widget though.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It would be nice if it is integrated in ZK, because the area mex command is broken if you try to remove a single mex from queue with build mex command or want to surround on of the area-mex orders with select wind, CRTL+SHIFT+clickOnIt doesn't work now.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Mex morph to exploiter was talked about a lot a while back actually. The general consensus in the end was against, because it would allow you to expand naked and then quickly reinforce your territory with defenses later, without having to send constructors out. It would pretty much ruin 1v1 comet, or really any small team large map game, and wouldn't add much to normal games.

We don't want it to be a click-spammy game, but you don't want to take away the strategic bits that make it competitive, even if it is to reduce tedious micro. Constructor use is an important part of the strategic game.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
mouse clicks are a part of the game, otherwise we'd all just be watching simulations
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Ion, you can remove orders to build area-mex-structures by using areamex on single or just a few metal spots. Just draw a very small circle.

Improving mexxing with the easy-metal option has already been tried. The only problem are maps with metalmaps not supporting them. I don't know what's being done in that area. Would be cool if you'd take a look at the code, Ion! ;D
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I like this idea.

Although once there was LLT-on-mex I never saw it.

But this is not much problem as you also can build LLT beside the mex? How different? Make a mex to llt morph cost same as needing 12 build power on LLT does not stopp raiding. If you think people would like to not kill LLT just die behind the mex then morph the mex with LLT without increasing its HP.

Im feeling odds to place LLT around mex
+0 / -0
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