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Where are the 1v1 games?

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12 years ago
It is pretty much impossible for me to get a 1v1 match. This is not due to the lack of players since there are always at least one team game going, even multiple at times.

So, I would like to know why people are avoiding 1v1 like it was the plague. Are they no fun to play? Are they not as fun team games? Is there a balance issue? Please share your thoughts on this.
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Most people play big team games because they don't have to micro and think so much there, since they are surrounded by allies and they only have to care about team's front... in 1v1 you have to care about your front, your back, air...
Also, when you play 1v1 you know before playing who's the winner by looking at players' elo, while when playing teams you don't know the winner
+0 / -0
when i asked for a game yesterday (with you in the room) no-one wanted to play :P
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12 years ago
1v1 makes me do boring micro. Small teams lets me do fun micro.
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12 years ago
At least I very much prefer teamplaying and coordination. Also teamgames feel more epic and warlike, while 1v1 feels more skirmishy.

Solution to to 1v1 being unpopular: Host a 1v1 double elimination tournament like the last one. 1v1 was much more popular when there was a bit of a tournament scheme going on. Also, to avoid afk/busy people killing off the tournament, like happened in the last round, you should give each matchup a week to play their matches. Then, for each unplayed game, you either a) declare one of the players the winner, if the other player clearly hasn't shown interest in arranging the match, or b) if both players are unable to play, compare their elo like !predict does, roll a hundred sided die, and declare the winner according to this. Then move on to the next tournament round.

I'd be immediately in if a new tourney started. But currently I don't feel like hosting a tourney myself, even if it wouldn't be that much work at all.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
1v1 was popular because of juggler. Really. 1v1's and small games rocketed through the roof.

I'll host a tourney though, that's a good idea.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Elo hit is 2 big :D
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1x1 was like the only good thing about buggler. Sure, it sucked people into all sorts of boring games, but then you could also insta-match to play 1x1.

I think i'd participate if another tourney came in. (just need to get 88 back)

Maybe the 1x1 people can form some kind of a clique sect so it's easier to find a willing opponent.

In my opinion, most people used to teamgames just can't take the stress of having to do everything, and do it faster and better than their singular opponent. Plus, there is so much to do, so you get a much higher demand for time-management skills.

"Elo hit" argument is for pussies who lose against weaker players. Go play Godde instead.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>Elo hit is 2 big :D

This too :P Unranked "practise" 1v1s might draw in some more ppl.

anyway, you can pm me anytime for a 1v1. :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
also, team games don't feel more epic to me. Quiet the opposite actually. They tend to stall, lag and become rather boring once all the mexes have been capped. For team games it is best to play games where you have more then 8 mexes per player and the map doesn't have too many porcable hills.

1v1s can get large too! It is awesome to try to coordinate your bombers tanks and cloackbots all at once. I can remember some nice games with Saktoth on Archers Valley where we both had 2-3 types of factories or the tournament games between Godde and GoogleFrog of the last 1v1 tournament.
As the skill level increases and the skill difference between the players diminishes the 1v1s get longer and better.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
I am up for 1on1's but i need to train first and get back into the game, after exams i will be able to play more active!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I was looking for 1v1 for 2 hours last night

people fear the massive elo loss (my elo has gone from 2100 to 1900 since starting to 1v1 regularly)
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12 years ago
But what is elo for?
+0 / -0
the thing you can have more than others and feel superiour about yourself.


"i am better than you, therefore i will reproduce and bring my species with my superiour genes ahead and you will not, but terrible fail. better you instant die."

-thing is a built-in function of every male (human or not).
i havent met any female player here (yet).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>my elo has gone from 2100 to 1900 since starting to 1v1 regularly

mmm, i have the opposite problem, my elo dropped from 2100 to 1850 when i started to play team games. (oh, gremlins in my connection and dominators took a good part too :P )
+0 / -0
12 years ago
imo lower number of small games is only 50% due to "players do not like it."
Other 50% is technical and has been discussed to death since the days of AA.

Use matchmaking system, but only when you are ready to play.
Fed up with getting matched with people who are afk or "too tired".

Check zk channel if somebody is spamming to find players and do the same.

Tournament will not bring more 1v1 because it is shortlived.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Except in the days of AA the biggest possible team sizes were 5v5.

Now 5v5 is considered the smallest possible size where people won't leave the game for it being too small.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Go host a 2v2 and 3v3 tournament then. I'd join once we get a modoption for communism.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thank you everyone, much appreciated :)
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12 years ago
Quickmatch feature should be more visible now.. use it.. if your elo difference is <250 it will pair you up!
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