Seeing there are quite a large amount of games where some player or CAI hides fleas and other hard to find units all over the map i think a economic victory should be implemented. It would work as simple as this: Once a team got over 100x more metal in units than all other teams combined they automatically win. I cant think of any (realistic) situation where the game isnt decided already when this happens.
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Or other version of this could be that if you lose commander and all buildings that means loss.
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That totally different because thats a different game mode. Iam talking about a normal game be it ffa, 1v1 or team vs team.
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 ProzacRA cloaked comm can be equally nigh-impossible to find, so "comm ends" doesn't really solve the problem if a player really wants to be a dick about it.
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With cloaked com, you just spam fleas all over.
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Killer why do you disagree? Just 'no' is a bit short.
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So I suggest other even better version of this could be that if you lose commander and all buildings that means loss. And no invisible commander. For all game modes.
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disagree. not immediate win. games can be decided after that... alternative: no cons/com/buildings: decloak or even labels on map for cloaked units by springie,.
+0 / -0
Yes that would be even better.
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Having it so that if, say, you have no nanopower all you lose or all your units are revealed is great. But a single constructor or comm buried in a hole can delay the game as much as anything.
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That'd be silly. What the hell are you talking about. Lack of BP doesn't mean you've lost. Rick's suggestion is best.
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Aye, if the other team has gigantic economical edge, that is a great indicator of the power ratios. All the winning team needs to do is to spam more units and keep the other team down to a skeleton crew. Victory will come quickly. Great idea. The question is, is 100x too much. Loser gots a bunch of units hidden 200 metal. Winner needs 20 000 metal. Maybe too much, huh? Maybe economic victory earns an own achievement too?
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Skasi, I was pointing out what was wrong with those other proposals involving buildings or nanos or comms. Um, 20k is not that much. That is only 5 superfusions, or 20 regular fusions, 2 Banthas, 23 reapers. A nuke + an anti is half of that. One player alone is probably going to have that much in their base late game.
+0 / -0
Saktoth, I think you misread. He's saying "when one team has 100x the other", so if team 1 has 20k (all that stuff you just said) and the other team has nothing but 200 (three glaives) it's time to automatically call it quits.
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Why do you think he misread, Pxtl? It makes sense to me. Sotha was asking whether 100x is too much. A team has 200 metal in hidden fleas. Saktoth said other team has much more than 20k, since 20k is not much. => Auto resign 200m team. Tadaa!
+0 / -0
oh, right. Yeah. I thought he was complaining that 20k was too low, not realizing it's a sliding scale. But no, he's saying that 20k is low enough, that it's a reasonable goal.
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In most games i saw the other team easily had over 100k metal in units. You would need so many fleas (50) that there wont be enough places anymore to hide them let alone build them while in that last phase of the game where your eco is completely ruined and your factory under fire. I think my eco victory idea will fix most if not all of these games without making teams lose when they shouldnt lose.
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Yeah it sounds like a good idea, someone should implement it (Looking at you lot here...). Hitting the right value might take some fine-tuning, but a countdown can be added so that it's not just a weird inexplicable insta-lose.
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hmm countdown would make it alot clearer what happened good idea I dont know how to code stuff through so thats up to someone else.
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