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Heavy shield

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12 years ago
I think there should be a more costly version of the shield we already have. This shield will have more hp, more regen and bigger range. Some advantages will be:
-Less lag (iam pretty sure 1 shield causes alot less lag than 5 different ones)
-Harder to get a tacnuke through. With the shields now you only have to damage them slightly to get a tacnuke through. I seen this happen with like 30 shields on a spot and tacnukes still went through. This tactic isnt possible with a 18000 hp shield.
-Other high dmg stuff that would normally penetrate the shield will be stopped.

Something like this:
Cost: 3500
Shieldhp: 18000
Regen: 300
Radius: 1,5x of aegis
Energy consumpion: 7,5x of aegis

So in terms of hp/cost and regen/cost its alot worse than aegis to compensate for the fact it blocks tacnukes and got a much bigger radius so it wont be op.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I wonder if a big enough shield would be effective mostly against artillery? With most short-range units firing under it. There is the problem of fortifying only its borders, though.
That said, wouldn't it promote porc too much?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"That said, wouldn't it promote porc too much?"
No, if them want to waste 3500 in shield, them can still do it with building 7 Aegis (shield unit name), so letting them just build a "heavy shield" is better, cause we will have less lag.

100% agree with anything that will reduce lag.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think there was big shield and small shield. They got merged for a good reason.
+0 / -0
The shield lag is much better without lua shaders, so maybe we should have a option to close the lua shaders of the shields.
+0 / -0
I don't like this idea. First it means yet another nub trap for the many many nubs there are. Second it means yet another building clutter the menu. There's a reason storages, wind/tidal, (water)mexes, etc. were merged. It's the same reason for why shields were merged.

The only advantage I see is the fps improvement. But if that was good enough of an argument then there would be "mega windgens", "mega dirtbags" and "mega puppies". :P

What needs to be fixed instead is the fps consumption of shields and various other units as well as gui!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I saw Heavy shields, but as a deflector rather than an absorber. Like, it will deflect almost any hit but requires a little time to rest after doing so. Would be like a 'siege shield' that can block a Bertha shell easily but any subsequent shots would go right through it afterwards. This would make light attacks obliterate it because it will block one bullet but not the rest.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I like this idea, though it should be specialised re: deflecting attacks from above and not give coverage vs attacks at ground level
+0 / -0
12 years ago
We could also remove all static shields from Zero-K, no?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't think we need the shield lups if they are having any effect on people.

I don't really see the point of an extremely large shield and it does sound like a noob trap. Sure it is a bit more effective against tacnuke but it is very vulnerable to draining.

As an aside that shield blocks nukes.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
bro, sheilds are cool. cool things are important
+0 / -0
12 years ago
lol no
Zero-K is cool, shields aren't :D
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The coolest things are the noob-trapyest.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Being noob-trappy isn't a problem. The entire game is a "noob trap" - new players have a lot to learn and can make very simple game-losing mistakes no matter where they are on the learning curve. Having to figure out what works and what doesn't is simply part of the game.

Yes, we should make it as easy as possible for new players to a) enjoy themselves and b) learn how to play the game well. But that comes about from having better documentation, better newbie guides, better tutorial videos and missions, and a more welcoming playerbase. That will come in time.

In the meantime, don't use "newbies will get it wrong" as a reason to avoid things that would otherwise make the game more interesting, more fun, and more strategically engaging for experienced players. Newbies will always get something wrong. But they'll get better, too.

[FWIW I have no idea if the heavy shield proposal is good or bad... I just think the noobtrap argument isn't relevant.]
+0 / -0
Perhaps we could add a noob trap unit class to prevent newbies building some of the units.
+0 / -0
Eddie, I think you misunderstand the argument. A "Nubtrap" argument means "it makes the game/gui more complicated without big enough of a benefit". There could be five different radars, shields, even more energy sources, defenses and what not, but that would massively clutter gui and be even more confusing for new as well as experienced players. "Nubtrap" also includes "experienced players take longer to find a building/unit or may accidentally queue the wrong one".

qwerty: That's exactly what unlocks are for.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Yea, noobtrap argument is invalid for the reasons CrazyEddie gave. Second that is what unlocks were meant for?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skasi - Well, okay, but I wouldn't call that a "noobtrap". I'd just call it clutter.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
hmm forgot about nuke 18000 hp shield would block it ofc xd. We could reduce the hp through and adjust the cost and regen for it.

Something like 2000 metal cost, 10000 shield hp (nuke did 11k?), 200 regen and 4-5 times more energy cost than aegis?

As its now aegis is easily penetrated by some high dmg stuff like tacnukes even when at 100% charge all you need is 1 hit from something else to bring it below 3500 then the tacnukes will go through. Same goes for bertha shells (through since thats only 2k dmg it happens less often). So i do think a high hp shield large radius shield has different advantages (blocks tacnukes, bertha shells, and keeps fire blobs from firewalker further away) and disadvantages (easy to drain, poor cost/hp, poor cost/regen).
That and ofc in for instance chicken games or porcy games (and porcy games do not always have to be bad i seen and played some good ones) where there like 100 shields on the map this would help out against lag as added bonus. I would have builded it because i kept losing aegis against tacnukes which just went through my 90% charged shields.

Maybe just ad it as a high level high cost unlock and see what happens?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Ok I will ignore lag reduction as well. If it is balanced against the other shield you wouldn't want to replace light shield spam in every situation.

So what is this for? Tacnuke immunity?
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