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feature request: spectator filter in replay searchbar

12 posts, 671 views
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As the title says. Is it possible to have a checkbox "spectator" on the replay search page. It would indicate if the entered playername was a spectator or not. (and maybe even a don't care option)?

I figure it shouldn't be that hard to read that data from your database.

(Maybe i should dust off my C# skilzz and implement it myself :P )
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The problem here is that spectator only lists initial start-game spectators and not people who joined mid-game.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I guess the interest is especially when searching for actual players... i often tried to find a specific game I played and found a big list of games where i "was spec" (or rather, computer was left unattended...).
At least, thats how I'd use it...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i am missing that.
wanted to watch some "good 1v1" but entering some high-elo players gets too many games where they spectated.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think this would be a great feature to have as well.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
you want players?

not find games where someone has speced?

Why is it so hard to use players if midgame joiners(specs) not get included in players and not in specs?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Licho's remark was that if you are looking for a game where a specific user was spec, it may miss those where user joined during game.
Answer is... because its easy to get list of players when game starts... and require more work to add support for those who join later. I don't think its useful as I'm sure the checkbox would mostly be used to specify "player only".
+0 / -0
12 years ago
sheep>I guess the interest is especially when searching for actual players... i often tried to find a specific game I played and found a big list of games where i "was spec" (or rather, computer was left unattended...).

You do NOT want specs.
You only want players.
You only want players who where players as the game started
Why does everybody think we need to know about late-game-spec-joiners?

And is it really so difficult to report the user who connects to a host with a specific battle running?
I mean it the host has to send you the data or notify others to send you what happened till now - there could be a report user for listing function.
Specs could also be peoples who downloaded the replay AND posted stuff in the battle-thread.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Being able to filter the games as they are stored now should cover most of the cases and be a good start. :-)

Ii is exactly as knorke says, you often want to look for games of a specific player (quiet often yourself) in which he actually playd.
+0 / -0
You can use the google.
Example: If you want some replays with me playing in it, you can just search "qwerty3w died in", you will find some replays where I dead.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
oh cmon qwerty, don't be so rude with yourself like that, i'm sure you have played some games where you didn't die :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
that might be com-ending battles then -.-
+0 / -0