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"Fleet" Commander Chassis

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12 years ago
Kind of a crack-brained idea that I thought about while I was sitting in traffic this evening...

One of the main problems in team games (of any genre really) is a lack of team cohesion. I think this will always be a factor, but Zero-K might be in an interesting position to address the issue for several reasons. First, it is pretty much geared toward team games. Second, the Spring Engine is designed to handle battles of very large sizes including many players on very large maps, thus exacerbating the problem. Third, Zero-K is highly customizable for the player with a huge amount of unit options and tactical variances - One of those being the ability to chose a Commander Chassis. This could also be interpreted as selecting a player's "position" or role in the game. This would be similar to "Forward", "Pitcher", or "Defender" in various team sports.

I propose that one of those positions be created that plays a leadership role in Zero-K. My idea is to implement a commander chassis that is designed to provide base abilities to allow the player to act as such. The design of the commander would situate the player so that they would be, essentially, an active spectator who was able to communicate with their team, and not see beyond their fog of war. (They would also not be able to communicate with normal specs)

The purpose of this is to allow the player to take a strategic perspective by not being bogged down about micro, specific build orders, etc... Instead they would draw lines on the map, watch the enemy radar blips for incoming attacks and attempt to coordinate players into cooperative actions that benefit the team. Because this is simply a choice of chassis, there is no requirement that anybody even listen, but I think that good players can recognize good options and opinions when they see them.

My thought is to add a commander chassis that is heavily nerfed in build power (as like 2bp or less even), can act as a mobile radar, and can fly using the gunship mechanism. Weapons on this chassis would also be poor to prevent flying com rushes. The initial build price of this chassis would be 100% of initial metal (no initial upgrades, but morphs could lead to some interesting stuff?). Finally I would make this chassis extremely difficult to unlock, so that primarily only the most experienced players would have access in normal play. (People that often spec anyway since they're tired of stomping noobs all the time) I would suggest some mechanism that limits the number of these units in play at a time as well.

I realize there are obviously some big holes in this concept, so flame away! But I also think it merits at least some concept discussion as a relatively easy way to help Zero-K stand out as such the innovative game that it is.

How would you use this chassis? How would you value the added strategic insight when compared to losing an "active" player on your team? If a proven "Fleet" Commander were to hand out advice would you follow it? Is there enough strategic "meat" in the game to make this useful? Other thoughts? Do you know of any other game (doesn't need to be RTS) where this type of mechanic has been successfully employed? How would this affect clan play?

+0 / -0
I realize there are obviously some big holes in this concept, so flame away! But I also think it merits at least some concept discussion as a relatively easy way to help Zero-K stand out as such the innovative game that it is.

The biggest hole being that such a commander is unnecessary. You can easily achieve all tasks it would handle by just making some scouts -- all the whiile getting a decent commander to defend your fac (and boost income, if it's a support)

If you really feel playing strategic, you can just go airplanes, which a) have radar planes b) pretty much need to play at full zoom out, so as to maintain strategic perspective (where to bomb, etc), and have to coordinate with ground explicitly (such as, take out that haxzor so i can hit them with my sword)
+0 / -0
Yeah, I think that currently and ideally, this is the role played by a competent air player. They have the best intel, and are able to lend their weight strategically to anywhere on the map.

Team cooperation only comes with people who are willing to listen though. Sentiments like 'you play your game i'll play mine' and 'But I need this HLT to defend my base!' are depressingly common. Mostly what you do when trying to guide your team is just whipping the noobs who are not advancing beyond 3 mexes and who start gunships (sometimes half your team) then spam brawlers vs a plane player. It is more drill sergeant than general, but that all comes from having the game played at such a low skill level (IE, games are too large).

I don't really see the point of the chassis you proposed. It would probably only be used for rushing to inaccessible situations or the middle of the map for a fac-plop and cheesy junk. I don't know why anyone playing strategically would take it. It would also have all the old athena problems if it is a true gunship (Planes countering).

It might be worthwhile bringing back the old 'team spec' functionality though where a player who is not counted in elo etc has only team vision, can communicate with his team, lay marks, etc. There are lots of games where I'd be happy to give advice but the elo is too low to play.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
So what you suggest is that a player has a role of the 'general', instead of just another commander?
There are some FPS using the idea of a general giving orders to the other players (Natural Selection, Nuclear Dawn...), but I never heard of such a thing for RTS.

While I like the concept of such a general in RTS, I'm not sure how it would fit in ZK as a specific role.
There are already some tools for such things (markers, drawing on the map...) in addition to the chat, so one player can already give instructions to others. We can imagine additional tools, like pre-set instructions a player can give to another, like in the Arma games ('Attack here with a few raiders', 'Defend here against big shield-ball', 'Scout here', 'Nuke here', 'This player built an airplane plant'...), maybe. But would such additional tools be limited to only one player or given to everyone? (I don't know, as I prefer 1v1 and small team games.)
And if limited to only one player, how would such player be chosen? The biggest elo? The team choose between their volunteers? How big the teams would have to be for requiring generals, 2v2, 5v5, 10v10?

Anyway, as said above, you would probably not need a special commander for that, a general would probably play fine with a support commander.

So, would it be worth additional mechanisms and/or a formal role of general for ZK big games?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Something similar crossed my mind too once. But it is too hard to enforce such a role into this game. It would maybe start to work when the teams get really big.
I like the idea of some sort of command structure within an RTS game though. You'd have to make a completely new game around that.

In this game most high level teamplayers can micro make bases chat etc and are still able to follow what's happening on the rest of the field. They don't need a special commander for that.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Give the team commander a mex income distribution slider. They decide how their team receives resources, they could easily strengthen one front or use it as incentive.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
in an ideal world where everyone gets along that would be very nice, but i foresee a lot of noobbashing and whining if you give such power to the wrong player.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The idea of a class-driven team-RTS is good - StarCraft had a simple squad-based UMS map like this - but that's a project for its own game, not really suitable as something to hack into Zero-K.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I've been suggesting some very many many years ago (it was still CA back then) the idea that some players would be dedicated battlefield analyzers. They would look for weak spots while their team scouts, they would notice intruders, they would notice which enemy flank can be steamrolled by artillery and which by assault units or simple raider spam. Then they would place markers accordingly, provide their team with important information such as energy stalls of single players and maybe even be able to give (eg idle) units of players to another players, et cetera. All this with Mumble support and what not.

But in the end that's probably just a bad version of comm-sharing, so.. a request to all clans out there: Make use of comm-sharing! Get used to excessive teamplay with lots of communication and insanely epic player interaction. I wanna see some really high level comm-sharing teamplay action in the near future! :)
(of course that has to be supported by Springie first)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
getting teams and clans on skype/mumble/teamspeak would be a good first step.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you mean like teammates controlling units (when idle, owner's commands override everything) ?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You know, hands down, have this general-commander thing would be nice. Even if it's just an alternative game option.

Someone who can keep track of things, ping stuff and coordinate attacks without having to deal with base-micro.

But at the same time, there are some questions. Can players give units to the general-commander? If so, wouldn't builders work for him as well? Doesn't that destroy the concept of a base-manageless player?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
also, this concept depends heavily on communication, understanding and teamplay, which some players completely lack (only some because of language reasons). pragmatically said, this will epic fail because the one thing that is for sure is the evilness and/or dumbness of mankind.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skasi, that idea would be awesome! It would make me feel even MORE like a general.

It would be interesting to track "General Elo" separate from standard Elo, to see who is good at the game because of high APM/micro/etc and who is good due to better overall understanding of units and strategies. The Elo would help separate that.

It would definitely need to be a modoption with dedicated rooms and some sort of Elo limit? I'm not sure about the Elo limit, I could definitely see this being a useful teaching tool as well. I'd love to take a roomful of noobs and command them for a bit. I think we'd see playerskill increase if some of the better players were to serve as generals to the weaker players. I currently try to do this as a spec (I spec and help more games than I play these days) but there's only so much I can tell someone without spec cheating.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well, back in the CA days we had an option called "backup" in the faction-selection list. Backup was a team-member with no units. It was buggy, and making sure the autobalancer wouldn't count him as a player was tricky, but it was there.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Thanks all for the responses! I'll have more input myself after work today!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
i think this is a good idea, I almost never see a team making any kind of plan before the battle starts, having a plan and a commander would make things more intersting and more realistic.

About them using builders i see a simple solution: no metal, if the game gives them no metal, builders cannot build ( he could still have E for stealth and rezzing)

The way I see it: in a small game such a player could use "donated" units to help battle micro at any point on the frontline (since he does not have to worry about a base) while in larger games he could be a general looking at the bigger picture and directing the reserves (players could give him units to reposition and redistribute)

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Backup player was buggy because Spring still had the limitation that a player loses when they have no units. Now player loss and winning is completely gadget controlled so a backup player or teamspec would be as simple as not spawning a commander.

I think the hardest part of this (and any commander player idea) is working it into springie balance and educating people. Maybe it is impossible to do this in pub games so it could be an option in manually opened hosts.

I have another question though, can you share units to this player? If that is the case it may be advantageous to have them micro things as well.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was wondering the same thing, Google. And if you can share the units, wouldn't that mean the general-commander is able to build stuff, too?

Or maybe they're literally shared and not given.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

That80sJanitor ... You mean giving them 0% of the shared metal, no starting resources and no commander (or a commander that does not make metal) would still make it a viable option for them to build stuff??
+0 / -0
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