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Detriment and Transport Plane

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12 years ago

I find weird that we can transport detriments with a simple transport plane. My friend did this a couple of times: he transport his detriment in my base and make it explode so my base is destroyed and the game is over for me.

It would be great if one of the develloppers could make detriments and other big units impossible to transport, dont you think?

(sorry for my bad english)

+0 / -0

12 years ago
there are simple solutions to prevent him from dropping detri in your base. Build anti-air, or attack him so he cant start building detriment.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I just wanna post this here cuz it was an awesome game

+0 / -0

12 years ago
The unit that transports Detriments is actually a special large-transport that is explicitly created for the purposes of moving large unit around on the map.

That's *what it's for*.

If your enemy is fielding enough resources to push out a Det and was invested in gunships (to build the transport) then this is a very high-resource game. With that kind of resources around, you should've had enough AA to keep at least a Vindicator out of your base. The Det would've still killed you, but it would've had to do it from the outside.
+0 / -0
I agree with Symeon94. Transporting a 24000 metal unit around on the map at 8 speed that also explodes like a nuke is too much.
Compare it to other Super weapons that cost 30000 metal or even 35000 metal. They take long time before they payoff and actually kill stuff whereas Detriment works well against swarms of units, big units and then explodes like a nuke once it is destroyed.
For that 11000 extra that the other team paid for the buzzaw they could have gotten 1 detri 1 Vindicator and then 10500 metal for whatever units they needed to screen so that the detriment could get to the enemy base. Thats 35 vamps!!!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There should be a experimental transport that can either transport a ton of small units or a single big experimental.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I suggested turning Krow into a transporter for (mega)heavy some time ago. Even if that's never gonna happen: The current expensive transporter should be able to transport heavy stuff, but should not be able to transport either of the three single most heavy units. That just makes them look less heavy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Often this is one of the only things that makes the detri practical, and it is quite easy to beat with screamers, which if the enemy is fielding BB's on a map like that, they really should have had. Seriously, one screamer, and he is sitting in the lava.

That being said, while there are counters, it may be a tad too much.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If det can be transported by such a fast transport, why is it so slow by it's own?

We can either make a system with multiple transports or make a transport lose speed dependent on the transported units.
I would really like it if Krow could transport either a Det (it has low speed) or a few pillagers or some Flaks, etc to be both - more versatile AND counterable.

We could make a experimental Strider hub and activate it by a special "experimental units" mod option, so that it won't make games imba.
We could override some blueprint-values of other units without making the game unplayable.
We could have multiple Krows, Transporters, Buoys, etc and players would like to test the experimental super-extreme-balanced units.

The mod popularity increases.
The trolls abuse the hell out of these units and show where the limits are.
Finally, the trolls become experts in unit balance.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Do any of the super heavies make cost btw? (starlight detriment etc.). Everytime i see one its like 'for half the metal cost this game would have ended 10 mins ago'.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Finally, the trolls become experts in unit balance.

i like!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can check stats. Detriments and nukes make cost easilly.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
99% of the games where i see a finished detriment that team has a big eco advantage and would have won anyway and probably would have won alot earlier if that 24000 metal was put in something else. The reason it probably made cost because the other team already was weak and just got steamrolled by the detriment.

What about other superheavies like starlight and discorave?
+0 / -0
I highly doubt that modstats takes into account the 3k each cost of the missiles (Though it also doesnt take into account the 3.5k cost of anti-nukes that never intercept anything, essentially allowing the silo to 'make cost' purely from threat alone- which is one of the very many reasons modstats is totally useless for so many applications).
+0 / -0

12 years ago
you might sneak a emp missle onto the anti, opening a timeslot for your nuke -.-
+0 / -0
12 years ago
never saw that happen through
+0 / -0

12 years ago
once upon a time, i did try it twice . one time failed as i missed to detect a second anti ;)

oh and for totally sneaky use: i sneake it in behind their lines with sneaky sneaked athena for the sneaky purposes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Once I played alone vs a medium team (my team left or had only something left in a corner).

Because I was 2v1 - and 3v1 if you take air into account - in the sea, there were many wreckages in front of my base.
Finally I won one sea in "Supreme Battlefield ???" and had 4 sniper subs, a few rezzed Hunters about 6k m in Anglers, 1 Enforcer, a few hovers, ducks and scallops.
I made one Reef - they nuked where the Reef NOT was but all my cons and 3 sniper subs + a few Anglers!
I made the Reef basically because it's drones can scout for zero cost.

I finished a tac sub after the nuke, claimed the starting-island (why did they not attack it and porc up? maybe because it looked destroyed?) a few mexes in the other sea and finished a det.

After that they tried to use Zenit vs det!
Unluckily I had to give them the time to finish it, because the coastline-Pitbulls, Penes and other stuff damaged my det to 33% 2 times.
On the third assault I killed the rest of their eco and the finished Zenit.

Det made cost, Zenit not.
Modstats are wrong, because I played vs porcy noob team and they though they could beat 1 player which is left with chilly play styles.

I think the Zenit (cost all the resources, let players wait for it) had made them lose the game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Actually transport for detriminent is a must, it is quite easy to stuck it with cloak + many roaches depends on map hardness and then when it is stuck you can kill it with whatever you want - too easy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Detriment is cheaper then a starlight (WTF)
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