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12 years ago
How exactly does communism work at the moment? I keep receiving conflicting explanations.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Based on what's been publicly posted (i.e. I haven't tested this and haven't checked the source code):

[Licho] mexes now start 50%private and go to 0% over 5 mins.

http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2260 13 days ago

I'm pretty sure that Licho here is referring to base mex production, not overdrive. As far as overdrive goes:

[KingRaptor] More overdrive metal is given to team members who contribute their energy. 50% of the overdrive distribution is weighted by how much energy a player contributes. The other 50% is distributed evenly between all players.

http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2170 25 days ago
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I can confirm what CrazyEddie posted.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
mexes now start 50%private and go to 0% over 5 mins.

^ why do this?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If the energy contributed is half of the metal received through overdrive, doesn't that punish front-line players and encourage porc, porc, porc?
+0 / -0
It does not encourage porc porc porc. It encourages "FRIKKIN NUBS SPAWN AT FOCKIN FRONT!!!!", which already a golden rule anyway. In truth, both special exceptions suck in any (un)imaginable way.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
skasi giving people who link more energy to the grid the greater portion of overdrive metal encourages the neebs who sit in the corner and spam fusion
i fail to see how it encourages the team members who start front and try to take more mexes

but i know the real reason why its been implemented so meh~
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You didn't read what I wrote carefully. Let me quote:
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Assuming 1.8 as a roughly average mex spot, 50% ramping to 0% private base income equates to 135 metal, in return for the 75 metal spent on the mex. So you get rewarded rather than punished for being the one capping mex spots.

I'd honestly rather the overdrive system ramped down to 0% extra income too, so players get fixed amount of compensation for the metal spent upping the team's overdrive, instead of a game long bonus for porc'ing in a corner.

I really can't fathom how you think the overdrive bonus encourages players economically, noob or otherwise, to build units and push out rather than sit back and spam energy structures Skasi. If they want to win they should, but economically they get more personal metal income if they put all their metal into overdriving mexes other players have fought over and capped.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>I'd honestly rather the overdrive system ramped down to 0% extra income too, so players get fixed amount of compensation for the metal spent upping the team's overdrive, instead of a game long bonus for porc'ing in a corner.

This really makes sense. It gives metal back to those who invest, but still benefits the whole team better in the long run vs individual players.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Droopy, Antelope: building energy structures benefits the team. Having one player in the back pushing out E is a perfectly fine strategy. It lets the other players keep their attention on building and deploying units without worrying about building up econ.

But that's not a workable strategy if the econ player only gets an equal share of base income (after a five-minute delay) and an equal share of overdrive. Since the econ player isn't going to be capping mid-field mexes or getting wreckage reclaim, he won't have enough metal to keep building E as fast as the team will need it.

Porcing is an entirely different matter. Building econ doesn't necessarily mean you're wasting metal on useless defenses, nor vice versa. The appropriate incentive to keep people from overbuilding defenses is to let them lose and then help them understand why it's a losing strategy. Even if it means you lose with them. Helping weak players and/or doing your best to overcome their limitations is part of playing on a team.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Eddie, building offensive units, capping mex or even defensive structures (heh, within reason) all benefit the team too.

Having one player in the back pushing out nothing but overdrive E is a terrible strategy, especially with the current overdrive model. Do that currently and the player getting the most metal is also the player contributing nothing to your team's offensive abilities, that extra eco in the future won't offset the massive losses you'll take for not being able to actually defend yourself in the present. Plus overdrive gets stupidly inefficient fast if you spend -all- your metal on it, and that's compounded with the fact your team will lose mid-map mex, making the fewer mex left to overdrive even less efficient. Overall the team's economy would nosedive doing that. It's far better done in moderation, with investments in combat capable units alongside to protect your economy/hurt theirs.

Even if the money was split evenly it would still be a nub strat since even with all of ZK's automation, player micro is a valuable comodity, and even the worst player in the world doesn't need all their attention to play farmvile with fusions and could afford to babysit some skirmishers/raiders or send out an occasional scout at least, might as well use that free fac you get.

>But that's not a workable strategy if the econ player only gets an equal share of base income (after a five-minute delay) and an equal share of overdrive.

Even though it's a terrible strat anyway, that's a moot point. Since you ignored the part where I endorsed a bonus that ramped down over time, which would actually pay back the metal spent on overdrive energy with a little interest. Provided they're not pumping metal into a idiot-trap-already-superoverdriven e-grid that is.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
^ agreed
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I think you're confusing me with someone else, DroopyTheDog.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Doing nothing but Energy is very powerful option in team games. This change allows the eco focused player to recover investment faster and ramp up economy to very high levels -> all team benefits from this.

In any case, its player's metal, he can invest it in any way he wants. Investing in energy undeniable massively helps team. Investing in porc or wasted units only assists enemy.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'd also like more details on how communism works, summarized in one place.

1: The rules for how mex income is split
2: The rules for how reclaim income is split
3: The rules for how overdrive income is split
4: The rules for how non-excess energy is split
4: The rules for how excess energy is split (tied with overdrive)

I know some of these already but I would like to see all the rules all at once.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I would like to know how OD energy is spent when there are mexes with different outputs.
Does it give more OD energy to the better mex, or same amount to every mex in the grid?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>1: The rules for how mex income is split

When first built, the base income of a mex goes 50% to to the owner and 50% evenly split among the team. Over the next five minutes, the split goes to 0% to the owner and 100% split evenly among the team.

>2: The rules for how reclaim income is split

Reclaim is given 100% to the owner of the reclaiming units.

>3: The rules for how overdrive income is split

50% of overdrive income is split evenly among the team. The other 50% is split among the team based on each person's energy contribution. I'm not certain whether it's based on (a) how much energy each person produces, (b) how much energy each person sends to overdrive, or (c) how much overdrive energy each person delivers to mexes, since those three things are not necessarily the same. For the sake of simplicity I would hope it's (b).

To clarify: (a) and (b) could be different if someone has a high energy production but their storage is mostly empty, since how much energy you send to overdrive is based on how full your storage is. Likewise, (b) and (c) could be different if their storage is mostly full but very little of their energy production is tied into the grids, since the amount of energy reaching a mex to overdrive it is limited by the capacity of the power plants that it is connected to.

Also, you didn't ask about this, but it's also important to know how excess metal is handled. If a player is excessing metal, his excess is split evenly among the team. If the entire team is excessing metal, the excess is wasted - or so I assume. There's a "waste" stat in the team metal breakdown when you hover over the resource bars, so I assume that's what that's for; I haven't seen this explicitly stated anywhere.

>4: The rules for how non-excess energy is split

According to GoogleFrog (see http://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=514306&sid=902a0752e054298e02f67d84c236851d#p514306 ):

"No one is quite sure how energy sharing works in ZK [..] Energy income is mostly shared"

>5: The rules for how excess energy is split (tied with overdrive)

This I'm not sure about. I assume it works like excess metal - if a player is excessing E it gets split among the rest of the team (this would be nice for someone to confirm). If everyone is excessing E, it will go to overdrive.

Overdrive works like this, in GoogleFrog's words: "the fill proportion of the ally team's total energy storage is the proportion of the ally team's energy income sent to overdrive." So even if nobody on the team is excessing energy, there will still be some energy going to overdrive. If your storage is 25% full, then 25% of your current energy production will be sent to overdrive.

This is just what I've learned by reading public postings. If someone could confirm or correct this (and expand on the open questions) that would be much appreciated.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>I would like to know how OD energy is spent when there are mexes with different outputs. Does it give more OD energy to the better mex, or same amount to every mex in the grid?

I would like to know this too. The Overdrive wiki page is unclear on this point.

http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Overdrive "The overdrive equation has been solved mathematically to always produce the maximum metal income when faced with non-uniform extractor income." That's reassuring, but inquiring minds still want to know the details.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I've done tests on overdrive after finding a bug some months ago.

Energy WILL be split perfectly among them when..
.. there are several metal extractors anywhere on the map with sufficient energy connected to them and they are not linked to a single grid.
.. there are several metal extractors anywhere on the map and some of them do not have sufficient energy.
... all metal extractors in a grid have the same metal output.

Energy WILL NO be split perfectly among them when there are two or more metal extractors with different base output connected to the same grid. This is a little bug (Issue 671) and only plays very SMALL role. It does not massively decrease income, numbers tend to be pretty small.

A general rule:
Make sure all your grid colors are similar. Grid color is based on efficiency which is defined as METAL PER UNIT OF ENERGY. When you see purple or blue grids, either connect them to green, yellow or red ones or build additional energy next to it. For further information on overdrive check out the "OD Efficiency" thread.
+0 / -0
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