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Can we have a trololo room?

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12 years ago
Instead of everybody sitting in big teams all day long and voting for trololo, duck, tinyskirmish and the rest of those crap maps which are fun once in a while, but not all bloody day long, can we have a game room and dito juggler option for trololo and all those other fast and furious maps?

Corrolary: if we have such a room, trololo and their ilk gets voted down automatically in the big, medium and small teams rooms.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Well atm anyone can host his own battle with trololo ..
Here are thinks that can be done:

1) block non-featured maps on quickmatched autohosts

2) provide special "special maps" host that cycles special maps (speedmetal, duck, trololo etc) - add as a new quickmatch category

+0 / -0
12 years ago
I'd prefer the 2nd, but only 'cause blocking non featured maps would suck. There's so many good maps not featured. And if someone makes a new map and wants to try them out with more than two players (so has to use quickmatch hosts), there would be no chance to.

Quickmatching menu needs to be redone, or we'll end up with 30 different modes one day.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
there is also

3) block "special" maps on default autohosts.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We should probably have a more consistent standard for what makes maps 'special' (there are 'special' featured maps, I think?) but I think that's the best option.
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12 years ago
There are "special" featured maps and I'd hate to see them booted from quickmatch. Hotstepper in particular.

"Special" doesn't just mean "crap".
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Trololo isnt crap, it just gets stale after playing 20 rounds of trololo ...
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12 years ago
troll-special, lava-special, special-special?
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12 years ago
thats great neonstorm, but there would be too much hosts.
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12 years ago

for 2) maps are not tagged..
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12 years ago

Seriously, you blocked unfeatured maps?
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12 years ago
It is too difficult to move between rooms which is why people often want a single room for everything.
+0 / -0
might be...

trololo, im gonna miss you soooooooooo much!

i named all my coms after it!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Licho dont block this funny maps, many peoples like it...
I can play trololo maps day by day :D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
People tend to join largest battles, so if trololo room will be largest then thats it all people will be playing trololo.

Anyway great change I was sick of all wtf maps and impossibility to vote down them, since most of people dont vote and they pass like with 3 votes in 20 player room.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's lie, wolas, they pass only if more peoples want it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You tend to vote whatever special map or !force before any normal vote can be made and usually two failed votes and !start can be executed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah voteforce... Its abuse. Stop doing that sfireman or you will get yourself banned again.
There is no reason to voteforce just after map change.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Trololo, duck, tinyskirmish etc are annoying. It also drives some people away from playing.

block non-featured maps on quickmatched autohosts.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Skasi featured trololo ... unfeature it..
its better if people host those on spawned springies instead of polluting quickmatch system.
I have seen puzzled newbies to quit zk for life because of these strange maps.
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