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Vandal VS. new Jethro

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Well, now that the Jethro got some love, what is to be about the Vandal?

It's terribly underused for one reason : It's just not worth it. Since it doesn't have any special snowflake stuff like many of the other AA units, the simplest solution would be to reduce the price down to 80.

Basically making it more of a mass-AA that can more easily survive against slower units by spreading out.

Any opinions on how to improve it?
+0 / -0
Yeah it sux. Especially that shieldbots have Felon which massacres air once your shieldball is big enough.

+1 to reducing its cost.

Alternatively give it shield.
+0 / -0
Alternatively give it shield.

Yes. Give shieldcon shield. Give cloakcon cloak. Give cloak-aa cloak. Give shield-aa shield.

Give all shieldbots shields. Give all cloakbots cloak >.<
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yeah a little (not to strong shield) for the shieldbot AA would be interesting.
Also felon vs. air is to strong. Your naplam bomber have no chance if enemey
have 2 felons, one shield bot and three shield cons. Bomber is grilled if it
come in range of the felon . Pls let Felon don't attack air that strong.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There's no reason to buff it. It's already on the edge of being too powerful.

The Felon problem is not related to AA, it's just too powerful altogether. Don't mix up things.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
agreed to skasi, vandal is fine. discuss felon in other topic ;)
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12 years ago
to my knowledge, vandal has always been the worst mobile AA.
I wouldn't call it underused, but I would call it ineffective.

if I could change somthing about it, I would increase its alpha (keep DPS the same, increase reload time.) it does fire missiles, afterall.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Just 'cause something is the worst AA doesn't mean it needs a buff. Compared to sea, copperhead and archangel every AA unit is the worst. I think the "worst" are all balanced very well.
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12 years ago
vandal can get away with being half-useless because shield-bots are hyper resilient and also have the felon & outlaw (which owns many gunship types).

vandal is still a noobtrap though. When I play shieldbot I use the resilient cons to push with my units and throw up fixed AA as I move forward. relying on exclusively on vandals for AA is cruisin for a bruisin
+0 / -0
12 years ago
God damn it, people. The Jethro is awesome with it's cloak, now.
The Vandal is not. It's basically like the Jethro, but without the cloak.

Why should ANYTHING be a "noobtrap", anyway?
Now admit it. The Vandal is horrible in comparison to other AA. Apart from the Slasher (HAR HARR.), which AA doesn't outshine the Vandal?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
^ it still has its uses..
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Pretty sure the reason why vandal sucks is because of its tendancy to overkill.
I think this is fine.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
what? its projectiles only do 70 damage! its problem is that it has no alpha, meaning its efficiency against bombers is virtually nill.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Vandals never come alone. When you mass them, they start to overkill.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Make its weapon do a little slow-damage in addition to straight damage like the Outlaw does. Boom, you've got your special power that's distinct, thematic to the lab (like the Outlaw, it's a damage + slow weapon) without resorting to "all shieldbots must have shields!"
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Slow damage would actually be pretty cool. It would make it less of your usual take-down AA and more of a support against the gunships.
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12 years ago
Vandal is alright. IMO we should probably go through and do a general reappraisal of mobile AA DPS to make sure they're all in reasonable values, possibly tone them down a little, and strengthen flex-AA units.

I've considered slow on the felon, however...

1. This makes it way worse when wasting its shots vs razors, solars, etc- the slow component is totally wasted.
2. Slow is actually really good against air, and is likely to make them even better.
3. They sort of 'snipe' targets. The slow will help when retreating/low on shields, but there isn't much point slowing a target that you intend to kill with your massive alpha-strike.

It might tone down their 'all or nothing' nature where they're useful as support if drained and arent the major DPS in your shieldball anymore, but that's kind of what makes them interesting?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
AUrankAdminSaktoth, how to buff the flex-AA units vs. air without special damages? Blanket-nerf of air-armor and pure-AA weapons?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
We've done that a couple of times. We can't do it much more without rebalancing the defender. But I mean more like the Janus having a longer track distance and more acceleration, some units that can fire at air such as the banisher having a faster turret traverse rate, the scout boat getting a bit more DPS, the slasher getting a long-needed overhaul, jump fac relying more on the slow from moderator to synergize with the archangel.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm very happy with air vs AA balance personally, I just think that the high-weight AA units are much easier to use than the jethro/vandal. I think a tiny amount of slow damage on vandal missiles would be interesting - maybe enough that a napalm bomber taken to low health by pure vandal is 20% slowed.

re: felon, imo don't touch it. It's already interesting, unique and in the right situation, very powerful - maybe too powerful.
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