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Scout avoidance widget

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To use it, select some units and click the button to toggle between "avoid attacks," "avoid sight," and off. A hotkey is available at Settings/Unit Behavior/Scout Avoidance. The chosen units will then move out of attack/sight range of enemies whenever the chosen units are idle or whenever the chosen units are on an a-move (attack-move) order. They will not avoid enemies when on a normal move order or any other order. If you set retreat zones, then instead of moving straight away from an enemy, units will move in the direction of the nearest retreat zone that isn't blocked by the enemy. The intended use is to help keep your scouts alive when you aren't paying attention.

(added option to not always show window, only when a selected unit has avoidance set)
+8 / -0
+1 / -0
4 years ago
This isn't for widows or scythes. It's more designed for darts, daggers, that kind of scout, the kind you want to keep out of range of the enemy as opposed to the kind you sneak into the enemy.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Losing low-hp units when not looking at them is one of the most common issues encountered by players who don't play zoomed out most of the time or babysit their units constantly some other way. (Here's one such person.)

This is a nice solution-attempt to the problem.
+1 / -0
very nice
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Moar cheatz
+1 / -0
FIrankKapy don`t worry, all those widgets are abusable by the enemy as well. If your opponent is to weak to "babysit" their units, they won`t be able to react to your stuff either... (A scout retreating is completely pointless and your armies should move all the time anyway. if you play well this widget shouldn`t even activate. It is more a phantom-solution for deeper-rooted problems that wont go away by using it.)
TBH i was never really impressed with things like the pre-fire-widget because it was actually even worse than below-average micro. Actual cheats were things like the sniper-spot widget.

USrankBerder yes you designed it for darts, daggers etc. but does it only work on those? if not and it is usable with all units then it doesn`t matter what you wanted. the only thing that matters is what it is, not what you intended it to be.

FIranksprang so why don`t you zoom out?

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog could we get this in the next stable maybe? What i would find annoying is if this became a standart thing but you would need to know about it from this forum-post and then bother to implement it.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
You could use it on any unit, but I think the only value is in using it on scouts and raiders that are out on the map. (And it doesn't do decloak avoidance). Also it only searches for enemies in the sight range of the chosen unit, so it's not that useful for units with a short sight range.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
It would definitely be useful for high value raiders that you just look away from for a second while queuing some buildings up. If you don't lose a kodachi or a scorcher to a momentary lapse of attention that's a scary unit that gets to live to raid another day. Each time a unit doesn't die due to inattention that is a big cost savings so this widget definitely has the potential to win games through less attrition.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
DErankkatastrophe While playing nonstop icon-wars is an optimal way to play for map awareness and not needing this widget, I find it dull. I want to look at the units and the action more closely, since I find it simply fun to look at.

Starcraft-players have mastered jumping around the map without zooming out (since there is no zoom there) but I don't think I'll ever get to that level.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
click on minimap and use control groups, double clicking on a control group key will focus camera on that group
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It wouldn't be a huge leap to just have a toggle to make a Brutal Circuit AI micro your units.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This sort of thing is already integrated with unit AI, but it isn't particularly configurable. Perhaps this sort of thing wants a new variant of move command.
+2 / -0
This is the sort of thing that could replace the "maneuver" vs "roam" move states.

E.g. instead of "hold position, maneuver, roam" it could be "stand, chase, avoid"
+5 / -0
4 years ago
E.g. instead of "hold position, maneuver, roam" it could be "stand, chase, avoid"

This would be useful. I've found that if I try to enable avoidance for raiders like ducks, it has to be sight avoidance (longer range avoidance). Because if they are on maneuver and only trying to stay out of attack range, maneuver will often make them attack the enemy before the avoidance kicks in. A separate move state would solve this problem because then avoidance would be mutually exclusive with maneuver state.
+2 / -0
i wanted to suggest that as well, together with something else that i will just insert here even though it`s a bit off-topic:

4th fire-state:
temprary holdfire, meaning as soon as you issue an attack-command, the unit goes to hold-fire to preserve it`s load for the actual target, as soon as this target dies or you cancel the command, unit goes back to fire-at-will.
Maybe not even 4th firestate but something that can be added either to fire-at-will or return-fire.
+1 / -0