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Constantly Desyncing

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4 years ago
Hello all.

I am having some pretty rough de-sync issues, even when I am hosting. I have three friends who play ZK as well, and they do not have any de-sync issues at all, so it must be something on my end. However- I consistently play on different networks, and all of them are pretty decent. I find it hard to believe that all the networks I play on all have the same issue causing a de-sync, but none of my friends have any similar issues. Any ideas?
+0 / -0

4 years ago
is it a real de-sync where the games tells you are desynced? If yes try to clear the path cache or maybe even a real install. Do you have an example game where this happened?
Maybe it is just the ping, do you go over VPN?

+0 / -0
Assuming you installed through Steam try verifying file integrity.

If you can grab an infolog.txt (from the install folder, there is a link in the help menu) after a game where you desynced and share it that would help a lot.
+0 / -0
There's a recently added setting that lets you adjust some of the network properties for when you host a game. Look in the Game tab for Network Connection. I don't know which option is best for your situation (Fast or Reliable) but one of those might be an improvement over the Balanced option.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It sounds like broken game files. Redownloading should work.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Alright, thanks for the tips. I have re-validated in the past, to no avail, but I have done so again. I'll let you guys know if the issue continues.

For reference, here is one of my desync reports: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/CrashReports/issues/32909

I appreciate all the help, my friends and I greatly enjoy the game. :)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
[f=0010723] Warning: [BufferedArchive::GetFile(fid=4999)][!vfsCache] name=Z:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Zero-K\games\zk-stable.sdz ret=-1 size=0
[f=0010724] Error: could not load model "correap_dead.s3o" (reason: [S3OParser] corrupted header for model-file objects3d/correap_dead.s3o)
[f=0010729] [Game::ClientReadNet][LOGMSG] sender="grafvonzan" string="could not load model "correap_dead.s3o" (reason: [S3OParser] corrupted header for model-file objects3d/correap_dead.s3o)"
[f=0011415] Sync error for grafvonzan in frame 11410 (got 6d82c0ff, correct is 809b9aa1)

Looks like corrupt game data to me. Specifically, the Minotaur wreckage model. I suppose the thing to try would be to see if you regularly get desyncs after a Minotaur is destroyed.
+0 / -0
I think previous errors of that kind have been fixed by validating the game files so hopefully your issue is now resolved. If you get the same error with "correap_dead.s3o" after revalidating you might need to try a reinstall.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
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