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Matchmaker map bans

2 posts, 153 views
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As you may have seen in the topic of #zk, it is now possible to ban maps from the selection which you will see in your matchmaking games at http://zero-k.info/MapBans .

There should be a more direct way to access this soon through the lobby rather than just happening to know the URL (edit: or looking in the "Home" menu on website) but in the meantime test it out and post any feedback you have (bugs, how many maps, whatever).

Thanks a ton to USrankLegomenon for putting in the time and effort to make this happen :)
+3 / -0
Yay! The map ban page can also be accessed via `Home -> Map Bans`, so you don't technically need to know the URL to discover it.

(It's still not very discoverable mind, and yeah next release could refer to the website from the lobby matchmaking tab since that has plenty of empty space)
+1 / -0