More like being a typical lag&&bug shit... with typical lag&&bug shit issues
For example it regularly signs me off my account and today I had to sign in yet AGAIN and it literally took more than a minute to load after I did :\
Everything lags - game itself, server(thx Canada!), website now too(after signing in it works mostly fast though, but user page refresh is still painfully slow - must be lots of uncached heavy sql)...
Honestly I stopped playing zk because it turned into a painful slideshow to me with a turning point being a very high ping(up to 600ms+ to see unit respond) that Canada server brought in, before I could tolerate unconditional FPS drop(to 2-3 in heavy games) but now coupled with high ping it just pure torture...
What is more infuriating is that I have decent(not TOP notch but still decent given how "fast" cpu progress is nowdays) hardware - i7 2600k stock, gtx 1060, 32gb ram, ssd
[Spoiler]For all those years they still haven't made a proper https:// support when loading root page(
Though it's been asked and reported many times - tells a lot about developers...(facepalm icon goes here)

having lots of fun with oxygen not included and don't starve ^_^
stable 60+ FPS feels like a breath of fresh air after zk slideshow torture.