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4 years ago
These seriously need a nerf. Either reduce the health, or make decloak radius larger so you don't need to make wall across entire map.
+0 / -3
4 years ago
there are ways to combat them but its hard.. put pressure on enemy base! so they cant make more and make spread out lotus next to your own base.. faraday are great vs them but they tend to position to avoid them. Scythes only result from lack of pressure so spam raiders and have a builder build a line of very spaced out pickets towards enemy base.. opt for reclaim over mex and attack enemy positions.. it might not always work tho.. idk its tricky.. goodluck

treat it like sniper spam
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Nano spam time. Build a wall of "to build" buildings holding Q. Just enough to decloak.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
The problem is players that build ONLY scythes, every game in teams.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
Isn't making same strategy every game a weakness? If you know what they will do you can start with the counter to it (fleas for example). It is much harder if someone does 50% of the time scythes...
+0 / -0
I'm not sure if the're OP because the're expensive as hell, but the're very annoying to deal with.

Screening tends to be a fool's errand because you need to screen everywhere but they only need a small opening to sneak in, and the constant battling will constantly disrupt your screen. Fleas might work though, since the're not only very cheap but also invisible when stationary, meaning the scythes run right into them and get detected.

My way of dealing with them is to build faradays around the most important stuff in my base. You do need multiple faradays do cover multiple angles, so it might pay to start building your base with faraday positioning in mind. Putting them atop little spires can increase their ability to fire over your stuff. You will also want to leave a few riots hanging around base to deal with them.

Then it comes to protecting valuable but squishy units such as a tremor, make a circle of riots/raiders around them so that faradays can't sneak around your line and backstab.

One strategy I haven't tried much, but is worth a shot, is cloaking your own things, including your base. Scythes rely heavily on their ability to see your stuff without being seen to plan their attacks. If you take that away, they might have no choice but to make blind attacks which greatly increases their chances of screwing up.

Even if you take all reasonable precautions, you're still gonna lose some things to an insistent scythe player, but you can win the attrition war in the long run.
+1 / -0
Just kill their base. Normal units are more effective at killing base than cloaked assassins. So you can kill their base faster than Scythe user kills yours.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The problem is players that build ONLY scythes, every game in teams.

There is only two or three players who doing such thing. And not always. You even should know them by names and be prepared to deal if they are against you.
There is many ways hot to deal with them. Most players send lone com and then wonder why skytes killed it. Skyte is costly and good metal incoming. Some even cant build one lotus near fac and fac is killed by few glaives.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
if you have a shield player, just place roaches everywhere. create 'unguarded' areas with a sneaky bug. aaand skythes player has no more fun. plus, you win in each trade as he pays more metal AND you get the reclaim. lotus/emp turrets are there to kill the rest of them. problem solved.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
And don't forget imps if you are playing clokay vs cloaky. There is few players who use them correctly or even just use them. One of most underrated unit in game.
And not just snitch works form shields but also outlaw is great unit.
LV have also annoying badger which can mine everything.
You can dedicate yourself to make every scythe player cry. :)
+2 / -0
4 years ago
as someone whose sole strat in lobsterpots is "spam singus" i have a few ways to deal with scythes:

1. windgens. not really good for stopping scythes but good for detecting them. since windgens are also an effeicient source of overdrive this strat often makes cost even without stopping scythes.

2. terraform. when your conch is stuck in that island of it's then you know you stopped all scythes.

3. nanowall. make a wall of zeniths with some faradays and stardusts backing it up. stopps all cloaky bois as long as you rebiuld the wall.

4. lotuswall. brutal but effective.

5. build a wall arounf the singu

6. build the singu on top of a mountain. requires gs/plane/spider con.
+0 / -0
ADVENT's secret for dealing with scythes: rural checkpoints! Now deploying at a front near you! Combined with ADD technology, your fronts will be secured by ADVENT in no time!

May the Elders' light shine against these shades who terrorize our communities and strike out against our buildings.

+2 / -0