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Zero-K v1.0.4.9

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12 years ago


GUI improvements:

  • new keyboard controlled main menu
  • new button under minimap to turn on simplified color scheme (all alies blue, all enemies red)
  • default interface skin is now carbon (you can change that in settings)
  • game treats placing start position as ready -> its enough if people place start position, no need to click ready. When all people place position, game starts.

Minor GUI changes:
  • removed "gesture menu" interference - added option to enable it for groups of units - default off
  • scrolling with smoothscroll off is "apple style"
  • there is now option to remember minimap mode (LOS/radar views etc)


  • all "teams" hosts now balance clan-mates together. Join same planetwars clan to play with your friend there.


  • Tremor has extra 100 range


  • default LOS/radar display has nicer colors
  • units no longer fire at targets they cannot see
+0 / -0
I smell fail with that autoready at least add ( if it doesnt already have) some cooldown ~5-10s because people first click-place then tune their start position.
+0 / -0
Is there merely an option in the menu to turn this on? We have way too many options in there, it should always remember your LoS mode, since it's trivial to toggle off again.

PW clans are for playing in the meta-game, not just groups of people who are friends. A clan like 0K for example has far too many high elo players to be balanced together all the time.

On start positions: You will often just click to change focus to spring or such. You will also need to adjust your start positions to make sure all fronts/mexes are covered, in response to other players.

Streamlining this process so 'ready' isn't necessary is a GREAT idea (New players are always confused by this) but only if people can still change their start positions after the countdown starts.
+0 / -0
Remember it waits for ALL to place startpos to ready - so it can only screw the last one .. but there can be extra added delay ...

Current delay is at least 15s from joining battle. It could be 5s from last pos click instead.

Saktoth > We have way too many options in there, it should always remember your LoS mode, since it's trivial to toggle off again.

Yeah that would be nice to have.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The new keyboard menu had two structures assigned to "V" key - Stinger and Annihilator. It tries to place Annihilator.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
What with the rampant quickmatching draggin people out of their rooms when they are just about to start game?

Rest reads good.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The clan stuff is gonna stink. It only ruined balance in PW.. now it ruins balance in all rooms.

Autoready will need some getting used to.

The Tremor change is wrong, but I already said that in the commit.

What is "apple style"? My view never changes when I eat an apple.. you must be eating them in a very very strange way.
+0 / -0
"The new keyboard menu had two structures assigned to "V" key - Stinger and Annihilator. It tries to place Annihilator. "
If you look closely the "V" for Stinger is actually a "Y".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>If you look closely the "V" for Stinger is actually a "Y"

Something's gotta change. They look freakishly similar.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I like that we're making progress on this front, especially so quickly. That said: the things I noticed today:

Didn't notice a change in dragscrolling, it's still backwards. The mouse should drag the terrain around.

LOS graphics changed. Particularly, the fogged areas changed a lot. Seemed to be different on various maps. First map I played on was unplayable with LOS on, the fogged areas of the map were so dark I couldn't make out any features. Very disorienting.

Auto-ready is very, very bad. The way it's described is very different from the implementation. From the description the game should treat all players with a placed and idle start marker as ready in the case that the combination of readied players and placed+idle players includes all players so that the game can start without explicit ready states. This is good. In fact, it's very good. The actual implementation is horrible. Anyone who has placed a start marker gets locked into it after a period of time. Instead of fixing the locking ready concept by getting rid of the marker lock, we've gone the opposite direction of forcing everyone into a locking ready state that they don't desire to be in.

Unit colors: my preferred method of display is now gone with the unification of minimap and main screen colors. I like having the minimap with simple colors to allow glances to solve the "who's who and what's the situation" question, with the main screen displaying player colors for easy identification. Individual player colors present a large amount of information that is lost with the simple colors. Having the option is great, but please separate them by mini/main.
+0 / -0
Fogged area changes between maps, it can be too dark if the map itself is dark and the wrong colour.

You don't have apple-scroll because you don't have zkl deployed configs. They can be found here http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/browse/trunk#trunk%2Fother%2FZeroKLobby%2FResources%2FConf

I think the lines I had to change were MiddleClickScrollSpeed

-0.005 and MouseDragScrollThreshold

0. But these are changes from the previous default settings so your settings may have other important differences as well.

I haven't tried the changed initial ready behaviour but your description of it sounds bad.

Minimap only unit colors was removed because it is a hardcoded engine feature which, as far as I know, does not have configurable colours. It's colours are inconsistent with our system so it would be a bit confusing. If you really want the behaviour back use "/minimap simplecolors 1".

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Shadark, you are confused. It works as described in changelog. It does not work as you describe.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
>MouseDragScrollThreshold = 0

This I've had. I need to get around to unbinding backspace from it as well.

>MiddleClickScrollSpeed = -0.005

This I played with before while attempting to fix the behavior but didn't see any results. However, I don't know how to make spring reload certain things on the fly (scrollwheelspeed in particular wouldn't respond to being changed via /set), so I'll play with it some more when I get time. Is there a list of settings-type commands somewhere? In particular anything to show the value of a variable, and to reinitialize settings from files would be handy.

>Minimap only unit colors was removed because it is a hardcoded engine feature which, as far as I know, does not have configurable colours. It's colours are inconsistent with our system so it would be a bit confusing. If you really want the behaviour back use "/minimap simplecolors 1".


>Shadark, you are confused. It works as described in changelog. It does not work as you describe.

I'm certain myself and the others playing yesterday are not confused about the game locking us into ready without our permission. Perhaps the intended behavior needs more explaining, because I definitely got forcefully locked.
+0 / -0
Auto-ready is now working as described. It treats you as ready if you place now. The ready button is now also gone.

I can confirm that it wasn't working like that yesterday.
+0 / -0
I assure you nothing changed in the underlying logic - just nicer gui was added displaying countdown and text (before gui would just go offline).
Today, same as yesterday, it readies you only when all other people placed startpos (or failed to load).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Bantha has dgun????
+0 / -0
Seriously, d-gun equipped units in general need a larger indicator that the option is available, since they're spread all over the game instead of being consolidated into a single lab like Jumpers are.

I've seen many newbies fail to realize how to use the Krow, for example. Maybe a little icon with the D-gun key-bind shown next to the pointer when you mouse-over an enemy-unit when you have a unit with a d-gun ready to fire.
+0 / -0
when bantha has get dgun
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Killer, I have an issue with the way you english.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Killer talks super understandable. I understand 'em even though English's not my mother's tongue. You Sir somekid Sir must fail, Sir.

@Fin: When Bantha's new model was replaced by an even newer model. As far as I know its quivers full of rockets were resized - they were too big, or too many or the wrong shape. Well yeah and that dgun stuff.
+0 / -0
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