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Goliath does not have reload flood bar

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12 years ago
The reaper has a weapon reload flood bar but the Goliath does not. Is this intentional or has no one had the time to add on? It would be nice if the goli had one due to the 3.5s reload time.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
Currently the threshold for a reload bar is 4 seconds.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I hadn't noticed that the reaper has a slower rate of fire... I thought they were the same.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if you have weakened a shield bot bulk, you can one-shot a shield bot every 3.5 seconds - that doesn't seem right.

but also the goli got nerfed to 2200 metal cost.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Maybe the minimum reload time for a reload bar to appear should be reduced to 3 seconds. Three seconds can be really much in some situations. Mostly for ranged stuff - so you know whether a unit can still fire a shot before retreating/dodging behind an object.

I sometimes wonder when my reloadbar-less units will fire. I'm not sure, but from what lucky said these were probably Rockos or Hermits (Cudgel). And at least now I know why Scrubber and Skeeter micro is such a pain. They're both 3 seconds, just slightly below the minimum. (it's worse for Scrubbers, 'cause they have to be placed very careful, timing is important to get the most out of their piercing weapon when raiding)
+0 / -0
Good idea, done. Could it go lower?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Hmm, the more I think about this, the more I want it to be reduced to 2s.. Panther, Zeus, Leveler. Tarantula, Vandal. Gauss, Faraday, Hunter. They all made me wonder "What's their reload time!?". But then again, this would never stop. It's probably good where it's now. Or maybe this needs an option. *shrug*
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+1 One more option!!

If it grows even more and more, I won't see a single option-tree in my big menu-forest anymore :/
+0 / -0

12 years ago
is the reload bar hardcoded? maybe things like this (and other bars) might be customized via a setting?

+1 for 3secs relaod bar.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That's why I was shrugging at the suggestion of even more options, NeonStorm. It's something I can do without. :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
A custom option can be added in under a minute. The issue is what should be the default.
+0 / -0
We have massive option proliferation in the menu right now, we need to focus on defaults. I'm fine with 2s if nobody objects. I think mostly you can get a feel for the 3s reload times just by watching them, and it's really the long, 5s+ reloads that you NEEED that bar for, but it shouldn't hurt the visuals TOO much to have more teal bars.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Screw the visuals. I want reload bars on my glaives. XD
(it'll tell me which glaive out of a group is actually shooting)

The option proliferation is only a problem because the menus are not logically arranged and far too deep.
Anyone who has tried to set options before will recall the "hunt which menu that option was in" problem. It can take > 10 mins to find an obscure option.

If the options menus were grouped together in player logical ways (and not game logical ways), that would solve alot of the problems with the options. There are currently too many sub menus and the division between the "gamepad" and the "spanner" seems arbitrary to the player.
I understand that Icon distance is an engine thing and thus is under the red spanner. But both Icon distance and Range circles are about presenting informaton to the player.
Options should be grouped by player usage, not engine/mod usage.

Even if you still can't remember where that particular little thing you vaguely remember was, you can at least guess which group it is in and hunt it. With a more logical and unified grouping, you'll only have to look through at most 2 groups.

>Graphics & Sound
>>eg. Text to Speech control
>>eg. Shadow and Water quality
>>eg. Camera

>GUI & Presentation
>>eg. LOS view ground colour
>>eg. Menu skins

>Icons & Information
>>eg. Icon view distance
>>eg. Range circles / unit states

>Unit AI
>>eg. Initial States
>>eg. Idle Nanos

+0 / -0
AUrankjseah, I don't actually find the place you put "camera" terribly intuitive, and putting the LOS view and the range circles in separate categories is kind of ridiculous from a player persepective, isn't it? Which isn't to say I could do better. Really, your post just illustrated the problem nicely - categorizing these options in an intuitive manner is *hard*.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Learn from the Pros: find a game with an options menu that is easy to navigate, and copy their structure. No need to reinvent the wheel on this one guys!
+0 / -0
Yeah, my list is just a suggestion. I don't expect to make it well, but I think even I can do better than the current layout.

Which is that Range Circles toggle (in gamepad) and Icon Distance slider (in spanner) are totally separate.

Altering a list from another game sounds great. Perhaps someone fire up SupCom and see how they did it?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
If you wanna work on epicmenu jseah please go ahead.

We need something more like the SC2 menu:

Options sorted into tabs, large menus with more options per page, proper use of check boxes (right now we have different buttons for 'x on/x off'), drop down lists (Say, for the Cameras), and scroll bars, rather than long vertical lists of buttons with words on.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've got SupCom2 on my PC right now. I'll take a look when I get home.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It's okay for the options menu organization to be horrible. In fact, it's probably inevitable.

Just make sure the defaults work well for new players, so that the only people who ever need to use the menu are people who don't care how horrible it is.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Just make sure the defaults work well for new players, so that the only people who ever need to use the menu are people who don't care how horrible it is.

Uh, I change settings frequently and it pisses me off to no end how poorly organized the menu is.

First time Zero-K gets a professional (or semi-pro) reviewer to look at the game, they're gonna rip the menu to shreds.
+0 / -0
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