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Widget ideas/wishlist

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mex build splitter
when more mexes are queued cons are split around

disable flea to avoid moving key scouts when select all
or something stronger than wait command that can only be removed by issuing the same command

scale icons when zoomed out

queue jump, hit J twice to jump when off cooldown in the direction of mouvement

screening keeps selected units infront of your army at a set distance

large build % progress spotter with eta prediction

maximum space between solar and winds for grid building, horizontal and diagonal, issued with a hotkey

idle builder or area repair ones, will catch retreating from the autoretreat widget units and repair , those units will stop
for repair

Lobster widget for fast travel,
issue move order to group of units comtaining lobster, while holding a modifier key
rescue mission lobster widget, travels to select unit and brings it back,
abdustion widget lobster same as above.

teleport djinn ai ?

Call transport when it decreases travel time, and when traversing inpassable terrain
option: only for builders
toggle for select transports or select units to be transported around

give high priority to build queue that is issued by pressing hotkey x seconds after issuing it
real high priority, turns off facs caretakers and build orders to ensure that the bp available for target construction is saturated with e and m.
option above current high priority

Set high priority for buildings near completion (when bp is not saturated) to free builders and not waste e, fluidifies queues

scouting command , units wont get in range of enemy stuff while given this move order, they go around if possible instead, return to original position when "stuck"", if a move order is queued after the scout order

Ai toggle
for selected units or all units, with a gui to know which units are currently toggled or when connecting mexes

gridding command
with terraforming option with hotkey
makes the most efficient use of pylons, solars and wind
issued like area mex

army managment
responds to what is infront,
raiders>move riot infront
air> move aa infront
arti> set light units to dodge shots in fornt
basically does formations in function of the oppoennets army and formation
turns on when units where not select for X amount of time and doesnt move away from the area where units are currently
some more evolved form would move units around and engage targets when its sure that its cant be dmged and the target is easily destroyed

stalling response
increase build power by building caretaker or assisting while making caretaker, turn on factories or build llt radar caretaker
if energy stalling aswell make small energy buildings on hi priiority, if unable to avoid stall build terraformed storage
automorph commander
should be intelligent in the response to the type of stall and amount
m excess no e stall
m excess and e stall
e stall no m excess

eco expander
Builds a grid with pylons when toggled if energy is sufficient to payback with overdrive,
otherwies expands economy )mexes and energy with small gens in radar range, auto build radar and stops when near enemy
tries to for-see metal income increases such as mexes in contruction or overdrive from eco in construction and compensate with energy build,
blances e and m
recaps mexes infriendly territory

+0 / -0
Group formations like AoE2, with some modification. One of more important features of it is selective placement based on unit class. Box or circle formation, half-circle, etc. Assaults in front, artillery behind.

What I want is, for example, preset for Felons inside, Thugs in a semi-sphere forward. Or modifier for LKM lines to made columns of 3 instead of lines, so that assaults go in first line, riots in second and artillery in third.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
One thing I've sometimes wanted is a speed matching key. Making units move at the same speed but NOT necessarily try and remain in formation.
Mostly useful when you have a bunch of scorchers and a few darts for vision.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Locate enemy weapons firing from the FoW (Bertha, Tremor, Artemis, DRP...) by tracing their projectiles. Make an appropriate label on the map. Enable the discovered location be set as a target for your weapons. Recognize when the enemy weapon is destroyed (by the explosion?) so that your weapon will stop fire there and proceed to the next command in stack.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
rollmops that sounds very similar to a widget already in use.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
An official widget for getting Skuttles to lead while jumping.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
that sounds very similar to a widget already in use

which one?

Another idea: for area reclaim command, discard inaccessible pieces. Currently, a builder would approach such piece (for example, a wreck in water for a vehicle builder) and just sitting nearby.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
improve caretaker-behaviour so it doesn`t reclaim by itself when you excess (ofc manual reclaim-order will still be accepted.)
+0 / -0
4 years ago
some auto caretaker/factory/strider placer, give a command on a panel or double click the building in the buildmenu and a builder will automatically place it in base, no zoom in and manually micro a builder to place the fac/nano/strider
+0 / -0