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Unit Survey

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2 Questions:
-What Unit has the best walk animation

-What unit is the most appealing while idle

+1 / -0
4 years ago
If I remember cloak constructor moves its head when idle
+0 / -0
4 years ago
constable is metal
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Favorite walk cycle is the Duck waddle

Favorite idle is Dante. Appeals to MechWarrior sensibilities, and occasionally strikes a pose.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
The moderator walk cycle is beautiful that it even exists. Moderator's legs are split into 3 diffent parts per leg, the upper leg, lower leg, and the foot, and every 100-103 ms(there are different values for the waiting time) 4 of the 6 pieces will be instaltly moved into a new position-+. And when it stops moving, only 4 of those pieces get reverted to default, excluding for leg1 and foot2. This is some legacy code that has not been looked at in a long time. Harrowing stuff.

Paladin idle animation is beautiful though, where it's head will look at it's claws and open/close them, super cool, super nice, someone put in good effort to detail that. Robot jaw-claws are cool.
+1 / -0