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Quick Survey:Do you enjoy being downvoted?

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4 years ago
Quick Survey:

Do you enjoy being downvoted?


+3 / -7
4 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
+0 / -6
yeah, downvote me plz (gave myself a -1 through a smurf to jumpstart the bandwagon)
+6 / -3
4 years ago
The amount of downvotes spammed is proof people are heartless.
No, I don't like being downvoted.

Let the downvotes flow:
+2 / -5
4 years ago
Having people express disdain for your words in numbers sucks, but I feel there is a certain inherent dishonesty to sites that only let you vote people up and not down. Negativity exists and people should know about it.

Also, not having the downvote option makes you not know if people disliked what you said or just didn't read.
+6 / -0
4 years ago
Oh man, getting down-voted gives me a massive fucking erection.
+4 / -0

4 years ago
Please downvote me a lot.

I am old and have no girlfriend. Very sad. and balding.
+1 / -2

4 years ago
I think the downvote is lazy.
You disagree with this guy but you are too lazy to communicate what your points are, may be you dont even have a point.
So you just downvote someone.

What the proper use of the up and down vote then? I don't know, may be someone have REALLY good point.

But, what is a bad idea? That is hard to have consensus.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
yes please!
+0 / -1

4 years ago
Neither point value has any significance at all. You get downvoted to hell. Okay, your post is hidden. You get upvoted to heaven.. nothing happens. The only consequence for low karma is the inability to participate in that system.

At best, it just saves the forum from "I agree" spam.
+0 / -1

4 years ago
I somewhat want to experience a relationship as I'm nearly 1/3 of 100. I learnt from experience that if you refuse a girl in front of her bed or her attempt to have you closer for even once before the relationship ever started. She will leave very soon.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
+1 / -0

4 years ago
The upvote/downvote system in place here perpetuates a popularity contest, feuds, bandwaggoning and just blatant trolling. It's anti-discussion and basically encourages the formation of long standing "shared opinion cliques".

I have a very real suspicion that we'd be just fine without it.

+1 / -0
It's anti-discussion and basically encourages the formation of long standing "shared opinion cliques".

Does it though? My experience is that lots of people express widely varying opinions. Many of them are not downvoted and those that are often don't seem to be dissuaded by it. Even, perhaps, in cases where they should be.
+4 / -0
4 years ago
no, downvoting sucks... if im doing a bad job i SHOULD be downvoted.
+2 / -2
4 years ago
It gives us a way to express approval/disapproval of something without having to make a pedestrian one sentence post about it.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
True manored, though conversely - If you don't have time to elaborate on your thoughts / reaction, why should people care that you're reacting in that way in the first place?

I appreciate you might not have the answer to that... I'm just putting it out there as more of a philosophical question.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Why should people care about your thoughts if you write an essay about them? Level of elaboration isn't what defines whenever someone will care about your input or not. What defines that is how important your input is to them.

In the context of Zero-K, the devs generally care about how the players feel about the game. They don't care only about those that write essays about their opinions, although those tend to attract more attention to their ideas for obvious reasons.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I put negative rarely. Almost only when something very bad is written and not just opinion about plane side arms or such things even if they are stupid. And sometimes when i got downvoted for nothing. :D
Another vote could be made about shitpost reading. Do you enjoy them? You have some such posts as well. Dats explain why you have so much negative votes because many players use downvotes as short negative opinion.
+0 / -0