Hi, my wifi card has been acting up recently and I have ordered a new one for my PC, but at the moment I am stuck with what I have. I have extremely bad ping in any application due to the wifi problem, but when I connect the phone to the PC(even on the same wifi) I get much better and stable ping.
Zero-k is the only application which has any problems, it works over the wifi card but I get bad desync problems every few seconds. However when I connect my phone I get no connection whatsoever on Zero-k, but I can browse youtube, listen to spotify, etc.
My PC stats are just in case zero-k doesn't like any of this:
RTX 2060
Ryzen 3700
32GB Ram
1TB 860 evo
Does anyone know why Zero-k doesn't work over my phone? It appears as a normal wired connection to the PC so I am quite confused.