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Thunderbird needs an hp buff

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5 years ago
Thunderbird is made of paper. It dies to almost anything
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Agree, but also believe it's effect to be situationally OP. Today I was reminded of why I dislike TB - it disabled 7-8 of my maces in a single payload (and return visits cost me the game).

Unusual unit who's success grows the stronger the clump of enemies it's able to hit. I wonder if it would be somehow possible to have it's effect dampened a little the more units it hits to impose some semblance of balance upon it.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
All bombers work that way, Thunderbird just seems to have way too much AoE to be balanced.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
AoE was nerfed before, now you need to be really precise with attack as it does not turn well during attack. And yes, it is made of paper.
+0 / -0
Thunderbird is fine. Fwhrn just somehow got too good at zapping it.
+0 / -1
5 years ago
a single thunderbird has lost me whole armies.. and that has lost me whole flanks.. and that has killed whole teams * '7 other people'

this unit can be so op that i consider all the lost thunderbirds to be part of its true cost

.. however.. it fails so much it feels meh until it pulls of some woah
+2 / -0
Thunderbird has been nerfed so much that sometimes, recently, when I used it I am a bit disappointed a the outcome. That seems to indicate that it might actually be balanced now. More HP is an option if it is a little too bad. The difficulty with Thunderbird is that it will be extremely good for those who are good at using it, while pretty bad for inexperienced players.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
Everything is bad for unexperinced players. (except Recluse spam, cuz OP)

Gold rule is "GIT GUD".
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Lots of units auto-fight decently, thunderbird is just an extreme micro-dependent specialist. Maybe too extreme.
+0 / -0
balance should go to planes factory for a warm family visit, but I dont think planes will have the energy to welcome balance, either way Vamp (raptor or whatever) is too old for this, barely anyone cares about him, when he was young his name was *superiority fighter*,but where is the superiority, time is swift and merciless, even raptor cant go against it.

Planes factory got a health deterioration, their health is not good nowadays, and the medical expenses are high, especially phoenix,it costs 360. Its quite hard for them to be *energetic*, in the meantime they are taxed for doing their job, some planes got so poor that they cannot even rearm themselves, licho and thunderbird are even afraid to use their load, lest they need to rearm.

Some planes are even scaring their young that if they teamkill, they will get sent to gulag ehm, I mean to the airpad.
+4 / -0
5 years ago
Thunderbird is exactly right imho.

It's a unit that rewards good micro and acts as a metal delivery system for bad micro.

If I'm keeping my eyes open I can retreat a shieldball the moment I see TB on radar and kill it. If I'm sleeping then it disarms a 6000 metal shieldball and werewolves eat my face.

Any frontline with decent AA makes it hard for thunderbird to operate. It's not OP. On the other hand if it can take a large amount of damage everything will devolve to "stun with TB and swarm it".

I don't use the unit, usually I am on the receiving end and I think its perfectly balanced ATM.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I think it's alright. When someone isn't paying attention you can sneak strike their ball, making it sorta a ninja thing. But if they are paying attention, they could spread out their units in time to avoid it.

I guess sneeki thingies don't need that much hp since if they take enough damage to die you're usually not using it right or the opponent is very attentive- that or they have a lot of aa.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I wonder how Thunderbird at 2x the price (around 1100 cost) with 30% more hp and nerf reverted would feel.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
You have to ask how thunderbird arrived at the low-low cost for what you get that it did in the first place. It's an AoE racketeer.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
A low cost Thunderbird has more nuance available. The aim of the recent nerf was to make more situations where you might need two for a run. Previously one Thunderbird would disarm everything provided it survived.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
TB should be general counter against big shield ball but felon eat TB too quickly so its mostly useless vs larger shield ball except it disarm felon faster then it kill it. Surviving is largest problem for tb against shield ball. And if you play more defensive game this 550 metal loss doesn't make any cost and even if enemy can follow up with units disarm time is less to make decisive cost made in most situations. If enemy have some aa then tb become almost useless. Disarming mech ball for attack also is mostly useless because they can now faster get out of problem especially if this enemy is bots. TB in my gameplay mostly played as defense. And useful only against small porc cluster where are no faraday.
TB is bad - needs hp or reduction cost but phoenix is even more bad. Followup TB + phoenix vs ball doesn't mostly work. Both needs to be buffed.
Raven reload time is also problem in some games. Especially on smaller maps. But seems it's not critical yet.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Vamp still usable vs krows and other gs in smaller maps especially. But as air sup fighter in larger maps it sucks cuz no speed.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
we can have flying dirtbags to drain shiledball?
+0 / -0

5 years ago
You mean Artemis?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
vamp needs burst to compete with swift because flying slow over ground aa to attack bombers is harsh.. if they could burst then run.. but they cant so they really need more damage so they dont get stuck for ages
+0 / -0
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