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Reduce amount of resign votes

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5 years ago
Title. Honestly obnoxious getting a resign vote over and over when it fails
+2 / -0

5 years ago
We have democracy here. The majority of the team decides.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
The issue is not that the resign vote exists or democracy or whatever. It's the fact that it's spammed over and over whenever it fails.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
I suggest, instead of "resign" and "vote resign", each player has a new toggleable "resign state" button. That is, a player can be in two states: "willing to play" (the default state) and "willing to resign", and he can switch between those states by pressing the aforementioned button.

There is a counter displaying the amount of players willing to resign (similar to vote counter, but may be less prominent). If the counter pass half the team number, the team resigns.

Result: no votes at all, and no personally resigned players (they still can leave tho).
+5 / -0
5 years ago
Then some people (Firepluk, _Shaman, katastrophe) would have only "Willing to resign" option ;)
+0 / -0
Resign votes can also block the other team from making their own resign vote, so ye a toggle state system would be nice.

I think people should still be allowed to resign normally though.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
When you resign the first time your rank icon should be changed to the word COWARD and it should get 5% bigger each subsequent time you resign
+2 / -0

5 years ago
Don't tempt me with trying to cover the entire screen with the word COWARD.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
"Had enough of this BS" would be more accurate in most cases.
+0 / -0
Count every resigned player as a !y vote for every consequent !resign. Forbid resigned players from starting or otherwise participating in resign votes.

- Less resign votes because you can just resign yourself and know this will hasten your team's resign
- Less resign votes because spectators can't spam them
- Less resign votes because more resigns.
- Bonus: if half of the team resigns, any consequent resign vote by surviving players passes automatically.
- Bonus: the initiative to resign rests with players, not spectators who have resigned and are now spectating and not a part of the team but also privy to globallos information.
- Unfortunately doesn't stop people just calling resign votes over and over because they're being dick. Fortunately, you can just kick them instead (which will resign them, and thus cast their vote for resign)
+2 / -0
5 years ago
I was just thinking that, it never occurred to me before, but when you resign you gain specsight, yet are still able to vote.

Voting yes or no on a resign vote is a way of communicating information. An spectator knows more of the game's situation than any player. Maybe you can see they have a Zenith almost finished that nobody saw or somesuch. Likewise you could see that your team is on the verge of winning in spite of appearances and vote no.

So yes, resigned players should either no longer get specsight, or no longer be able to vote.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Make resigned players automatically count as voting yes for about a minute after they resign. Resigned players should not vote or count towards the number of votes required after the minute of resign leeway. The rest of the team gets to play on, if they wish, without what has essentially become a heckling spectator.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Something that hasn't been considered is that a resign vote isn't just a vote, it can also communicate a bit more.

While it's uncommon for me to initiate a vote, when I do it's also about clearly communicating intent. Rather than just resigning immediately, I'm warning the rest of the team that, regardless of the outcome, I'm tapping out (bearing in mind that ally chat is easily forgotten about and there are language barriers to consider) unless they can convince me otherwise. It just seems like good manners to me. Maybe that's unusual but perhaps it should be considered as part of this debate and as another argument against punitive or shaming options. This is not to say there shouldn't be steps to manage resign votes, just that there should be consideration of the different ways a resign vote might be used.

I like all the ideas about how someone who has already resigned should count towards a subsequent resign vote as a y vote though.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Something that hasn't been considered is that a resign vote isn't just a vote, it can also communicate a bit more.
And I think is a reasonable and required mean of communication. The problem is when people do one resign vote after another. Happened to me last night again, think there were 3-4 resigned votes one after another, and they might have been from the same person. To their credit they did not resign, but I think that some patience (in the range of couple of minutes) to re-think about the game would be good, if people convinced you in the first place not to resign.

We won the game in the end, but when the resign votes kept appearing, they seemed useless - I already told team via chat/markers why I thought we should keep fighting but I felt like they just clicked "resign" by reflex.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
The resign vote is mostly communication. Players can resign on an individual basis so the vote is asking people to agree to all resign together, or not at all. If more than half a team resigned simultaneously then the other half would lose almost all the time (at least if some of the top players resigned). The risk of resigning yourself is that everyone else might play on.

I dislike already resigned players getting to impact resign votes that are called long after they resigned. The communication moves from "let's resign together and try again" to "stop playing your game and start a new game with me". How is a resign vote started 10 minutes after a player resigned significantly distinct from a spectator joining the game and starting an exit vote because they wish to play?

There could be a social solution. If someone annoying spams resign votes then report them and there 'might' be a way to inflict a punishment that only blocks the initiation of polls.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
I don't like the idea of reporting for resign vote spams, because if people are blocked to issue votes might resign faster.

On the other hand if everybody will get a 3 minute cooldown for the vote resign button you still can express yourself, just you need to put more effort (wait or type a message). Hopefully when a resign vote fails, the initiator first reaction will not be "still think is lost, let's try again", but "let's play 3 minutes more, that is not that long".

Anyhow, votes cooldowns per players might be beneficial for most vote cases (kick, map, start), maybe with different times.

I like the idea of limit the speced player contribution for a resign vote, but wonder if interface will be simple enough for people to get what is happening...
+1 / -0
5 years ago
In league of legends at the end of every game it gives you the option to give one of a few medals to your teammates like 'Stayed cool' or 'Good leadership'. The purpose of these is probably to track who -dosent- get medals, and thereby identify people who arent so good to play with.

I think its neat and something to consider
+2 / -0