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remove distant bombing from landed planes

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Either this irreal BS shoud be:
a) totally disabled, at least for some kinds of bombs, or
b) range should be zero and bombing should be allowed only by manual fire by default (to exlcude self-bombing), but switchable.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I think you have to actually explain what are you talking about because it's not obvious
+0 / -0
What is not obvious?
Air units, sitting on land/pad, can "drop" bombs at horizontal direction, like they drop from the air, thus attacking units with some range (far from zero), while it should be impossible.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
In case the question "What is not obvious?" was not rhetoric: in your original post you do not mention horizontal. Also, would have helped mentioning if you have seen/checked this for all bomber units or only for some.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Some bombs seem to behave like missiles in practice, I have seen a likho bomb a nimbus in flight.
+1 / -0
I have seen a likho bomb a nimbus in flight

You mean the only way to shut down a massed gunshit ball comprised of nimbus and tritons? Edit: For Air Fac
+0 / -0
5 years ago
If you are talking about likho then that is intended, the 'bomb' is not a bomb its a missile.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
is this about swifts firirng when set to land when idle
+0 / -0

5 years ago
This thread probably needs some kind of video. Raven generally drops bombs straight downwards, but that's not always true. a high flying raven targeting a mex will drop when over the mex, but a high flying raven targeting the ground BENEATH the mex will drop earlier, giving the bomb missile a noticeable angle. What RUrankHuj might be saying is that it's possible for a raven to be landed and in range of an enemy, satisfying all the scripts to fire, and shooting at an incredibly close target directly next to it. but I don't remember ever seeing this happen, which is why I say this thread needs a video.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
The wiki says that Likho's weapon is a bomb though. And the unit itself is a "singularity bomber". Nothing about its presentation suggests it is capable of hitting other air targets.

I suppose its true that its airfac's only option, but to be fair the entire point of tritons is that they beat the airfac. The're not very good otherwise, as the're much slower than fighters.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
BRrankManored: the definition of bomb is a device fused to explode in some conditions. So by saying X is a a bomber (or the weapon is a bomb) does not imply what it targets (ground/ or air). By that definition a laser/gaus is not a bomb (does not explode), but all missiles are bombs (they are fused to explode).

Might help though clarifying the role as more people might thing a bomber hits only ground...
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Likho is one of the best gs ball cookers
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Isn't it a far worse offense to common sense that the anti-sub hovercraft can sometimes use its depth charges on land? Firing it is not the (main) problem, but how are you gonna suffer from hydraulic shock in air?!
+1 / -0
how are you gonna suffer from hydraulic shock in air

Like this.

Make no mistake, I consider Claymore the top contender for the place of the worst thing in ZK on quite many metrics, but the fact that its explosion is an explosion is not one of them.

+1 / -0
5 years ago
DEranksh4dowhun7er: depthcharges are still bombs, and air is also a fluid. Probably the range could be different on land than in a water, but then maybe the "air" in zerok is not like "our air". Think about a stunned bomber. In "our air" the bomber will just fall fast (planes are lifted by the air speed, no air speed plane falls fast). In "zk air" the thing falls veeeeery slowly (almost hard to notice). This means "zk air" is quite dense, which could mean depthcharge also works same as in water.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Yes, it should explode. But doing insane damage in a radius that seems even bigger than the bombs of Lichos (a 4x as expensive top-tier bomber that has to fly back after one shot) on land is just insane. Depth charges work so well because water is *incompressible*. A small grenade can kill humans for 20m+ (might be even significantly more - I wouldn't be too surprised if it could still rupture internal organs from 50m away) just by its shockwave when both grenade and human are both underwater. But air is compressible, and if you could pack a weapon that potent in some strange land torpedo that fired every 10s, you could also put it in Rouge missiles and make them the most OP unit in the game.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Depth-charge-K when.

When you have to reach for the dictionary definition of "bomb", something is wrong. I understand that 99% of people think bombs are the falling thingies and the missiles are the rocket thingies. Expecting people to know that missiles are technically bombs so that bomber miiiiiight actually shot missiles is silly.

I second claymore being the worst thing in Zero-K currently. They somehow manage to be amazingly overpowered and woefully incompetent at the same time. The're basically an "I win" button against amphibious bots, except you better be prepared to micro the shit out of that button.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
My honest opinions is that being able to weld Claymore into Charon to get AoE bomber with a widget is Claymore's only redeeming trait.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
BRrankManored: when I reach for the dictionary, I wonder if my knowledge of English is wrong, which seemed to be the case here.

Also about "99% of the people think..." I had exactly the same reaction as you, so in fact yesterday I have asked some colleagues at work (non-players), and they did not share my understanding (falling/rocket thingies). Not representative, but on my sample "25% of people think ...". So maybe it is an RTS gamer perspective and we are biased.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
yes I agree with this thread turning into a hate on claymore thread.

Claymore is a bit unwieldy too. moderate speed, slow turn rate, poor acceleration/deceleration. it takes about 1.2 seconds to reach max speed/stop, and has a turn radius the size of flea cloak AOE. I don't like microing it.
+1 / -0
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