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Detriment model

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Continuing from http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/793

First of all, the pod things on its back are armoured reactor shells. No missile lauchers, or whatever. The actual missile launchers are undetailed boxes next to these pods, but I guess I can remove them as they are not needed.

Some different special weapons:

A big gun mounted on its back, but when it gets activated it slides along some sort of rail onto the shoulder to fire.

The often mentioned chestgun, hidden inside the torso when idling.

Personally I prefer the shouldergun, but I guess it would have some trouble when the target is close to the Detriment.

"benz i like the detriment, can't help asking, did you get some influence from ye olde http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Titans xD"

Not this time, but I suggest you compare with the Warhound Scout. Take a closer look at the legs ;)
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12 years ago
I love the shoulder gun! Conceptually, it should be a weapon with a reason to be sometimes idle and sometimes deployed... some reason other than mere reload time. Otherwise there would be little point in it retracting, and having it retract (or rather, having it *un*-retract) is what makes it cool.

Idea one: anti-swarm.

Idea two: anti-air.

Idea three: field disruptor. Within an area of effect: cloaks and jamming are disabled, shields don't recharge, and power grids don't transmit (so no overdriving mexes and no powering Annihilators). Maybe even no nanoing, so no building/repairing/reclaiming/rezzing?

Whatever the shoulder gun's effect, to use it the Det has to stop moving and firing its other guns. The idea is for the weapon a) to be useful only in certain situations, and b) to have a substantial disadvantage for using it. Otherwise it would never be retracted.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
To keep it balanced, it would have to only be useful with other units. First, you send a det to depower all the heavy defenses, then you send in your normal army to kill those, then you send your det. It would be useful for it to affect an area larger than the behemoth, but affect your own units as well.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Two more ideas:

It's a limited-function nanoturret that can suck up wreckage and heal the Det.

Or, the opposite: It's a big-ass gun that does absurd amounts of damage, but also damages the Detriment.
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12 years ago
Disrupting shields and economy thats only seconds from being completely annihilatred by detriment makes no sense imo :-)
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12 years ago
Actually, annis counter dets quite well. They can each fire a few times before det can hit them, and they have large HP anyway. Each does about 8k damage to det, more when you have more than one. With disruptor field, it would be unable to move, but open a spot for your army to attack.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Chest Gun should actually be a Chest Cannon. Iron Giant style. Not that teeny lil' puny barrel.
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12 years ago
I don't think that kind of counter relationship to Anni's and DDM's is helpful for the Det at all.

The shoulder gun is a perfect activable weapon of some kind, we'll make it do something cool and impressive.
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12 years ago
i do love the shoulder mount concept it just looks a little bit small to me, as its a shoulder mounted special weapon on the biggest nastiest Mech available could it be a little bigger, sort of Metal Gear Rex esque?
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12 years ago
Make shouldergun shot a Red Killer (from Disco Rave Party) but with a explosion diameter of a mohogeo explosion.
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"we'll make it do something cool and impressive"

Undoubtedly. But it should be more than just cool and impressive. The fact that the gun is being deployed should be *significant*, i.e. it should signify something.

At the very least, if the shoulder gun is "just a weapon" (i.e. it could be used any time) then it should have a reload time of at least a minute. But it would be better if the shoulder gun were something that only got deployed when circumstances warranted it, and it stayed out as long as those circumstances remained relevant, and then it got put away. And the relevant circumstances should inherently contain heightened risk, so that deploying the shoulder gun has an element of "Okay, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice... time to pull out the BIG guns."
+0 / -0
12 years ago
The det special weapon could be a mass EMP dgun, with 0 range and and AoE extending quite a ways (like EMPing almost everything to moho geo explosion range) and stunning the det for a long time (45-60 seconds?).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
no self stun
+0 / -0
Yeah we're aware of that Eddie. But disabling DDM/Anni does not add any good mechanics to the game, if anything, those units are one of the few things that can actually slow it down, there is no reason to remove that counter. Its main mechanics and counter relationships ATM are that Starlight, Ultimatum, large enough air swarms and BLOD-armed units (Bantha, Pene, Anni) can beat it before it gets into nuke radius, while anything else will generally die in its death blast (though you need to soften it up first if you expect to kill it with Anni's). This means you want to get it as deep into enemy territory as possible, and you don't want it sitting in your own defense line, the opposite of how you'd use a Bantha.

The fact that it can already kill almost anything that gets in range makes it tricky to design a special weapon for, because a long ranged one will mess up some of it's counter relationships with BLOD-armed units. We can probably change the counter mechanics somewhat so that the Gauss arm weapons are better against swarms, while the shoulder cannon freezes the Det in place (Meaning you have to stop your push/can't retreat) in place, and cuts a beam of death with a slow turret traverse (Starlight style) that can kill a few heavier units before having to reload. Due to the low traverse (And probably, a somewhat limited fire arc) you can probably potentially outrun it or split your units up so it has to re-aim when it kills one, making for interesting micro mechanics- the best way to avoid this weapon would be to to sorround the Det and attack from multiple angles
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Cost in many types of assault units is good vs Detriment. For example Reapers do particularly well.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
5 scorpions will kill one easily
15K in metal will do 100K emp damage when you unload the specials
beyond that i've killed a detri with skuttles
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sorry, reapers/gollies etc were mentioned in the draft, which is a part of the relevance of the whole 'But they'll die in the death explosion' bit.

I'm surprised you managed it with skuttles, that would take 11 direct hits, your enemy must have been exceptionally stupid. I didn't think of Scorp's (I don't think i've seen them in the same game...)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
For that matter it just takes several Stilettos.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sak: agreed re disabling DDM/Anni. I'm just throwing stuff out there to see what sticks.

Agreed re tricky to give it a special weapon, considering its role is so very simple. "Lots of health, lots of DPS, walk over that way and kill everything around you." Adding anything "special" is likely to be gilding the lily. When you first asked if we could make it cooler, I discarded a bunch of ideas because they just wouldn't fit. Not that anything else I've suggested is any better... but I'm trying, Ringo, I'm really trying.

If you want to make it better against swarms, use the chest gun for that (pew pew pew) instead of tweaking the arm gauss cannons.

Possible weapons list, then:

* Arm gauss cannons: hits major targets at medium range, bypasses shields, one-shot kills most targets, hits them one at a time, slow to reload - the slow but unstoppable destroyer of bases
* Chest gun: lightweight anti-swarm - pops out when there's something to hit, retracts when idle
* Head guns: lightweight anti-air (Benz' upper turret is so much better than the current "ear lasers")
* Shoulder cannon: heavyweight anti-"swarm", i.e. stop moving and deploy this when you're facing an oncoming wave of Reapers, Goliaths, and Scorpions. Burn through them all with a single continuous beam, but do it quickly before they flank you.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
That80sJanitor: Agreed re the chest gun being too wimpy. I too would love something like the Iron Giant, or even just Iron Man. If they keep the chest gun as is, I just above suggested using it for anti-swarm. But I'd rather see something like a barrage of rockets fired from the shoulder for anti-swarm, and have the chest be some kind of big-ass-mofo oh-shit weapon.

... AND keep the retractable shoulder cannon.

For a total of FIVE weapons systems, not counting anything on the back (okay, the sticky-outy-things are reactor shells, but what about that sticky-uppy thing? what's that?). Why arm gauss cannons AND head lasers AND shoulder rockets AND a shoulder gun AND a chest beam? Why? So that there's a veritable symphony of mayhem surrounding this unit as it gently waltzes its way through the enemy base.

Overkill should be this robot's middle name. :)
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