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Do you guys main a factory, if so, why?

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Just as the title says.

Personally, I love playing with the Rover Assembly, for a really shallow reason. I just like how it and the units look like, this of course means I suck at the game since I stubbornly refuse to use other factories, but hey, maybe I might get good with it one day... Maybe...
+2 / -0
5 years ago
This reminds of conversation Rufus has in a bar in Deponia game. Professional player of "Rock, paper, scissors" tells him "he is mastering his scissors right now"... ;)
+8 / -0
5 years ago
Air,everything can damage them, even a god damn jack, a melee unit. They are paper,die fast,buggy.Most of the time players blame the air player. Im a masochist.
+6 / -0
5 years ago
Ooh, kinky.
+5 / -0

5 years ago


+8 / -0
Tanks because when it comes to video games I normally try and master one thing before moving on and tanks seemed cool back then (before about a dozen nerfs :'( ).

I am now trying to branch out a bit more...
+1 / -0
5 years ago
My poison of choice is the shield bot factory.

I particularly like building up a giant shieldball of doom and rolling over everything. After a while a shieldball is so powerful that it can tank paladins and merlin volleys without flinching. A shieldball puts hair on your chest!

It's not easy getting a shieldball either, because most players realise the danger and start hammering it with every kind of weapon, so I enjoy the challenge.

The second reason I like shields is because of their versatility. With enough metal they can handle swarms and big units.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I dont exactly main a factory, i tries to play as much different ones as possible, but i do have some that im better at, and enjoys more. Such as the shield, rover and spider(seems so commonly mained).

And i'd say the best out of them are the rover. as i actually do more then spamming one or two kind of units, spamming 3 units. Fencer for holding front line, Ravager in group for assaulting and Badger as harassment/artillery. Or some times dominatrix + aegis as i dont really see any player/ai knows how to counter it.

I also have some facs that i just kind of... sucks. the amphbot (when in water), the hover and the jumpbot.
+2 / -0
In my early career i have played by unit rather than factory.
I would have a puppy week, impaler week, domi week, minotaur week, glaive week, badger week, jack week
during the puppy week for example i would sit in a lobsterpot and monospam puppy with rigorous exclusivity for the duration of the game. this had gotten so constant that i would end up being kicked from games after the first dozen of units monospammed (because monospamming is usualy a terrible idea[and i was a bit of a toxic lob too]).
Of those, my favorite were puppy week, domi week and lance week
Soon came the time that the monospaming couldnt continue, too many players had been agrod to the reality that my monospaming was ill selfish recreation.
There are hidden gems of replays were hoards of 200+ puppies walk down a lane and force the opponent to resign , i may dig them out someday for the pleasure of the eyes.

Nowadays if i want to win i make jumpbots
+3 / -0
5 years ago
My main factory was planes...and then it got nerfed. I have nothing to replace that :( since I am a team player and focus a lot on helping others.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
I usually let the terrain and my allies' choices decide. I feel picking different facs than your allies makes it inherently harder for the enemy to fight you.

Cloakbots and spiders are my current favorites. Cloakbots on somewhat hilly terrain, spiders on very hilly terrain.

I'm currently on the fence on whenever I prefer rovers or tanks for flatlands. Tanks feel stronger overall but feel like they can easily be swarmed and out-maneuvered early on. Whereas rovers are great at doing said swarming and out-maneuvering, but it feels like the window of opportunity where they shine closes quickly, at least on lobster pots where player density is high (which is pretty much all that I play).

I like to play gunships but am not actually good at it, so I usually reserve them for when no one else is going gunships out of a large team, and I have a nice backspot to start in.

I don't like the jumpbot's factory lack of reliable generalists so I rarely play it as a first fac, but sometimes do as a second.

On the sea, amphibots are my favorites, while ships are an essential secondary factory if the enemy isn't a pushover. Hovers sometime happen, mostly if the sea itself is not valuable (no mexes) and I'm only using it as a stepping stone for land raids, or if other people have started as the other facs.

I never strider rush because that is crazy and bad and you should feel bad about rushing striders. I sometimes build them as a second or third fac, but usually wait so long to do so that the game is basically already decided by the time I do. I have been trying to get into the habit of making them earlier, when things are starting to get really dense.

The two facs I never play are shieldbots and air. Shieldbots because I don't like relying on shield balls, air because it requires a ton of micro to be effective.

+0 / -0
5 years ago
Gunships. They're easy and comfortable to play, and I can perform at a decent level without putting in 100% effort. Perfect choice for games where I can't count on my team to perform at a certain level.

If it's a game where I actually do strive to win, I'll pick a fac depending on a variety of factors. Only two facs I avoid are jumps and ships; jumps because they're retardedly difficult to play at a high level (although cloaks come a very close second) and ships because I don't care that much about mastering naval warfare.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I main pork.
+3 / -0
I main lobbychat

Edit: also 1v1 is not rlly playable as a cloaky main
+9 / -0

5 years ago
Shieldbots I guess because they are so solid.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Skuttlefac is my fav, but i can play many. I almost never go gunshit, and only sometimes amph. But generally, the map and choice of allyfactories set my decision, as i am long waiting to plop. Complementary choice then :)
+1 / -0

5 years ago
NLrankWesley : Why do you play so little?
+1 / -0
5 years ago
GBrankdyth68 Too rusty for 1v1 and too overrated for clusterpots. FeelsBadMan
+0 / -0
5 years ago
My favorite is the Jumpbot fac, I like it because of the PYRO which is extremely good if microed well and in my opinion is the best raider in-game.

The sweet feeling of watching something burn also increases my liking for the PYRO.

However, I do not shy away from building other facs which I choose based on terrain and my confidence in playing/winning.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
dyth68 Too rusty for 1v1 and too overrated for clusterpots. FeelsBadMan

I often have the same problem. :(
I play a lot less than I'd like to because I don't want to have the pressure of an entire team depending on me (these days I'm the highest ranked player on my team most of the time) and also don't want to get pounded into the dirt for the 20th time by USrankUltraGodzilla or NOrankAdminKingstad or EErankAdminAnarchid or whoever.

Note that thanks to how ELO works, if you haven't played for a while you can tank your ELO and rank by losing a couple of casual 1v1s or half dozen lobsterpots, so it can autocorrect quickly if left to sit for a while.
+1 / -0
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