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I made A cartoon Pug video test

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5 years ago
finally did it, got blender and know I know how to use. becoming A master at blender.
+4 / -0
keep up the good work!

it just needs:

the rest of the pug
animation not just earthquake
a new set of textures
more detail

+2 / -0
5 years ago
you dont' know how hard it is to make cartoons -_- it isn't easy. it took me a long time to make cartoons. Besides i'm able to make 2d animation and 3d animation and make it blend. I also made music lmms and make krita drawings. frankly the most offensive language no i know worst but i'm sure you know worst too.

but not saying f words or any such. don't worry very soon i'll use composite and effects which will be awesome and make something like studio ghibli animation.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Then you need to master MS Paint, not Blender XD

maybe this is helpful to you:
+1 / -0
becoming a certified designer takes u some years here (germany)... for reason
keep up the gd work, maybe ppl start to helping more
+1 / -0

5 years ago
well, it´s easy to make fun of someones first attempts. i am pretty sure none of us would like to show their very first products of whatever field they are into now.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
got it better now getting to know special effects.

+0 / -0
^ trolling is illegal

was slightly funny tho
+0 / -0
what the hell you talking about me putting pugs on youtube isn't illegal -_-. puttin videos about pugs voting for the wrong party is.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
heh im going to go out on a limb here and say that your presenting your absolute best work here for us to enjoy
+0 / -1
5 years ago
look pugmania hit me it's the wildest thing out there, i'll tell ya hop in on the pugtrain of happiness. and this is only the 10% of what i'm gonna do. just doing to write my legendary skills.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
i guess snokes right im being a bit of a dick now sorry
+0 / -0
5 years ago
+0 / -0
5 years ago
sorry moleculeman88 for doubting your motives. i actually thought you could do better tbh
+2 / -0

5 years ago
now THAT was actually mean.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
sigh' how could he not do better its a 2d pug .. i dont mind the piece of art the pug is nice.. but the "special effect's" are a camera going skitz..

i just cant believe this is his best or its an insult in of itself.. its not animation its a still image with a crazy cameraman.

if i shelter his idea of this being animation when its not then.. well maybe it is his best.. so maybe i am just a dick

i suppose i was 'mean' to expect more.. i guess there is no making this better now.. probably too late for another sorry after attempting to take a moral high-ground.. i guess i did do the wrong thing and tried to make excuses for my cruel behavior..

i care though so it sucks that i might have hurt his feelings ad next time ill avoid getting involved
+0 / -0
yes you are completely right SmokeDragon. Absolutely seen and very objective, it´s not garbage, it´s a full-on fkn landfill. BUT i have to admit i would have never got the guts to show something like this to even a single person.
But MXrankmoleculeman88 has enough mature self-esteem to show this to the whole world.
It is said in buddhism, that to get to enlightment, you need to get rid of earthly attachments, like for example shame and pride. I envy how far MXrankmoleculeman88 got on this his very own path to enlightment.

(cited free after gigguk)
+2 / -0

5 years ago
and this is why i think you shouldn´t make fun of him :)
+1 / -0
5 years ago
i am full of pride and all the worldly sins. i agree. now ill do some thinking
+0 / -0
5 years ago

almost finsih but i finally master blender now i can do it easy on blender hahaha
+1 / -0
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